Friday, October 30, 2009

How Did Og Mudbone Get So Big he is Muslim Marxist? The answer is YES!

Article very "democratically" censored on (offshoot of the World already sentenced for incitement to racial hatred Semitic) The An Islamic website Marxist!
On, if you write to say nothing about a subject that you do not know, this does not pose a problem.

policy, you can say what you want. The power lies elsewhere. (The policy is a red herring.)

However, if you witness a reality, you will be disruptive and inevitably censored:

"Ignorance Marxist voluntarily established knowledge of a perceived reality as an hysterical attack against him. So that conversely, a lie is acceptable to him. "

Under the nickname of "The Road to Damascus" I devoted myself to finding some tests to see if the site was well Muslim Marxist. The proof is yes the emanation of the World is a site of ultra-left Marxist-inspired Muslim.

The 25 October 2009 I put online the following article:
Bad shot boomerang for Dutch Moroccans.

Warning: This article posted on is an exact copy verbatim and without any changes to the site of the newspaper Liberation (Who did not have the reputation of being a newspaper of extreme right !). here Source:
24/10/2009 00:00.

A video designed to highlight the role of Moroccan immigrants was brought online. But online voting has been accompanying stormed by xenophobes. By SABINE
Cessou corresponding AMSTERDAM,

What would happen if all left the Moroccans in the Netherlands? This is the question via a video posted Tuesday on YouTube by a group that defends a different view from that of the populist right on the contribution of Moroccans in Dutch society.
The film smashed houses, cars stalled, the queues at taxi ranks, a Dutch bike before moving himself to fetch his morning newspaper, officials from social services that are turning the thumbs and big empty spaces in the newspapers, who do not know what to talk about. Kop of Munt
Title ("head or tail), the film was shown on the site The problem is that it is accompanied by a survey which proved highly productive cons. Indeed, if no less than 13,500 users responded in one day to the question "What do you think the departure of Moroccans?" An overwhelming majority, 71% checked the box "Well, that 'they go away! "officials, young Dutch-Moroccans who want to remain anonymous, are delighted to still have revived the debate a new perspective, while drawing on the methods of the right populist.
Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), author of a video Anti-Islam has vowed to expel all foreigners who refuse to integrate. So, faced with its inexorable rise in the polls and unanswered major political parties, civil society mobilizes Dutch-Moroccan. A group of 38 organizations on Wednesday issued a manifesto entitled "Stop the crime among young Moroccans' so that the Moroccans in the Netherlands continue to be stigmatized because of some offenders.
A total of 320,000 Moroccans live in the Netherlands, representing the second immigrant community after the Turks. For its part, now poses the question: "Who will be next to go?" An initial response with national statistics 36% of Turkish and Moroccan men aged 15 to 65, from the first and second generation, would be ready to leave the territory. Signed

the road to Damascus posted on The comments of one poster angry! Nothing to stone an adulterous fatma. The full article is only a copy of the article of liberal and he is censured by the!

But there is worse in the second test, to properly drive the nail, I had "Posted" two comments both censured by the three times!

Test No. 1 Second Taken: and these moderators are there Islamos they Marxists? Comment already posted once on the (currently "moderate" no longer visible). The site Islamic Marxist censorship commentators release! Democratic Liberation newspaper lets speak "freely" these drives, these commentators censorship! 2nd post a comment; Hi, my name is Till Eulenspiegel: Tolerance has limits. The Dutch people are known for its high tolerance which often becomes the natural goodness laxisme.Sa is now facing a Muslim extremist fundamentalism that threatens and undermines the fundamental structures of society.
If more prisons are filled to 80% by population "extra-national" in the exact image of the French situation, you begin to understand the cause of the failure of the attempt at integration is perhaps not only to look at a possible fault of the host country and that is where the observation becomes more disturbing. The best is yet to ..................... come and is called the syndrome Lebanese, at least that's what emerges from the analysis of our dear American neighbors. this subject, see the articles enlightening the Washington Post and Dutch newspapers on food "forced" in prisons in the Netherlands. Till Eulenspiegel.

Test No. 2 The and these moderators are there Islamos they Marxists? Hello, I'm liberal commentator Luxid: integrate Chinese and Vietnamese, do studies, despite the poverty, and do not transform society into a medieval religious nonsense as stupid. they are respectable citizens, like Jews, Italians, Spaniards, Poles, all became excellent French, which is far from the case of a France increasingly important Muslims who dream of transforming each country into a Muslim paradise, ie an absolute fascist totalitarianism of the stone age. By refusing to see the problem, you only delay the deadline: yes there is an unprecedented offensive against all freedoms and all the progress we have made to the freedom, knowledge, women, rights, and this offensive comes only from one source: Islam regardless of his obedience, and if you turn your eyes blind wherever Islam reigns, you will see the same absolute fascism, whether in the suburbs of 93 or VĂ©nissieux in Holland, England or Algiers, gaza, Rihad or Tehran. Islam behaves the same way everywhere, ie a total religious oppression, Nazism side, it's a joke, and it is not tolerable, if another "sect" required and behaved the same way, its leaders would be in jail, but not Muslims religious fools these criminals capable of killing for mere criticism ... In seeing that xenophobia, you forget that these are indeed the communities that are doing everything to get hate (not the Buddhists who kill, call to hatred, lock women, may explode ... c ' is always the same: Muslims believe) But I leave you, you are sores, the "good thinking" blind and deaf, for whom anything goes, stupidity and intelligence, culture and ignorant religious science and the worst superstition .... Maybe when your daughter will be raped or vitriol because just being a girl ... you will understand. Luxid

Alain Michel Bornay for posters angry.


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