article The AFP and Le Figaro, democratically censored by the Islamic Democratic Marxist! Source: Reuters Link: Le Figaro: . php Article " mailed "by the XXXXX XXXXX Group on 08/10/2009 at 22:23, having 895 times under the following three tags harmless, Gaza, Motorcycle, People The Islamist movement Hamas in power Gaza, today decided to ban women from riding motorcycles or scooters, and that for security reasons and to preserve "the traditions".
"We decided to forbid women riding on motorbikes to maintain stability and traditions of our society, "said a statement from the interior ministry of Hamas.
The motorcycles NO! Donkeys YES!
Women should not ride motorcycles in Gaza, a territory con servative, but sometimes they travel as passengers on two-wheelers. Hamas took power in June 2007 forcibly ousting supporters of the secular Palestinian Fatah movement.
Other link a bit less "politically correct":
You see dear reader sacroiliac joint that does not give rise to whip her and yet this fatma Article has been "removed, erased, most justly censured by the editor of Islamic Marxist Emanation of the world, the only French newspaper sentenced for incitement to racial hatred antisemitic articles in the Post or the Post. En are "moderates" by a company (Netino services company specializing in the net censorship) whose censors are moderators all labor Muslim, if not more Islamist Salafist underpaid in Morocco (Islamic Monarchy) ultra leftist tendency of the world and its corollary what are the propagandists of a radical Salafist Islam that now known as the Islamic Marxism.
The Salafi and Marxist even presumptuous to post for some time "message" as follows:
"Why did my post was deleted? Moderators Post erase all the posts and comments contrary to the charter of the Post and the law, which includes verbal abuse, pornography, racism, etc.. "We will
now that the AFP and the figaro write articles contrary to the charter of the Post (but that we do not care) and the law, which includes verbal abuse, pornography, racism, etc.. And there is serious because it is there, much of the slander and accusations typically worthy of a band obsessed paranoid islamos salafos Marxist degenerate!
This Post was brought back online By: Jean Vercors TRUTH Group on 10/10/2009 at 14:47, and seen 825 times t hold it much longer?
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