Pederasty is a psychiatric illness!
Article democratically censored by the editor Marxist and Islamic moderation of homophilic
Georges Brassens - the trumpets of fame
Do not confuse oculist and proctologist.
Homosexuality means the reports, or just sexual attraction that can have one for the other people of the same sex. Pedophilia is the use by an adult prepubertal child as a sexual object, whatever the sex of the child concerned. Pederast is the correct term to describe an individual who likes sex with young and unfortunately often very young boys! We strive to maintain a clear distinction between homosexual, homosexual and pedophile. Although homosexual experiences a homosexual attraction for boys, generally be reserved for gay men who like adult men. And while some homosexuals may have an attraction to pre-teens, pedophiles be called only men and women who prefer prepubertal children of either sex.
Actually it is the word pederast who must apply to all these men sexual deviants, a notorious pederast explains himself: "I call homosexual who, as the word implies, s 'boys falls in love. "(Andre Gide, Corydon, 1911) is fairly well explained here:
Mr. Mitterrand does not hide his homosexuality, he argues that just being ' Used a homosexual (which makes the thief) He lamely us admit that his homosexuality would be purely anecdotal, casual, compulsive, "I can 't stop" he says. It also tells us, if I understand his approach, he suffers and I want to believe, a fault confessed is half forgiven, again, if he had been to confession before the month of February 2009 to good parish priest of Saint-Maurice Pellevoisin, Lille (Nord). (Since in prison for crimes pederastic) he had been absolved, totally!
As the homosexual alcoholic is a sick mind! But guess what:
Homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness that under certain conditions.
In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association had already "voted" (sic) to remove homosexuality from the official diagnostic categories mental illness. (See "An Instant Cure" Instant Healing ", Time Magazine, April 1, 1974, p. 45) under pressure from lobby gay American.
Mental illness is really an illness in the same sense that physical illnesses are, the idea to remove homosexuality or any other disease from the list of diseases by a single vote was as absurd as if a group of doctors voted to delete cancer or measles these classes. But then, even "deleted" from a list, it is known that homosexuality or pedophilia in its pédérastisque, is not content to be a crime in connection with pedophilia, it is an achievement psychiatry.
From a scientific perspective, the function of male and female meets the requirement of the perpetuation of the species. From there, any use outside physiology may be considered perverse in the first sense of the word deviant ie: there is deviance function. On or psychological damage. QED.
Homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness? Either, but then what about reparative therapy and its ex-gay, sexual orientation "ego-dystonic" in psychiatry or the "perversion" in psychoanalysis?
In terms of "psychosexual disorders" only what is called homosexuality "ego-dystonic," that is to say, in conflict with the subject's ego. The office of the American Psychological Association decided not to accept this disruption of sexual orientation than on the nosognosie (disability or ability to recognize physical and mental limitations.) Of the individual, ie say when it concerns someone who is not satisfied and feels himself "sick" or disturbed to find themselves facing well.
In the case of Minister of Culture of France, Mr. Mitterrand, it admits that its deviance pederastic it is problematic ie it feels to be troubled and directed, so he undoubtedly sulfur, an ego-dystonic mental illness.
rectum Post:
(Always that sense of timing)
-ell's would sound louder these divine trumpets
If, like 'everybody, I was a little queer,
If I like a girl swaying
And suddenly took on the appearance of a gazelle's?
But I do not know those funny qu'ça benefits
To play the game of love by reversing the roles,
qu'ça gives my glory an 'onc' of surplus value ',
on crime' pederastic today no countrey more.
This post was a clarification to the article by Pascal Cuxac:
This "post" has earned its author to be "erased" or more justly censured in moderation but I took care to identify and even to note the reactions and comments in this "post"
A pseudo
"Like Rimbaud" whose blog has been totally censored (This means if there are subjects that upset the Writing-and moderate Muslim Marxist) Here at the posters rampaging we object against this absurd decision.
Although "Like Rimbaud" committing these little crap here: this was not a reason to censor it. At 12:28 he posted the following comment:
"The Austrian writer Robert Musil wrote this:
(Note: Robert Musil appears in the bibliography of pederasty: User: Diablido / Bibliographie_de_la_p% C3% A9d% C3% A9rastie
His novel published in 1906 under the title The disarray of student Torlesse or Die Verwirrungen Zöglings of Torlesse and was translated from German in 1960 by Philippe Jaccottet. Musil wrote, "I do not want to make pederasty understandable. There is perhaps no anomaly which I feel more distant. At least in its current form. (...) The beautiful studies of psychiatrists French, for example, would be enough to understand me, relive, and I think he recreate any
anomaly as well as relatively common, I have chosen. ")
" It n is not a single important thought that stupidity knows immediately use and can move in all directions and take all the costumes from the truth. The truth, she has only one garment, one way: it is always disabled. The stupidity that this is not a mental illness that is nonetheless the most dangerous disease of the mind, because that's life even to threaten. "
me, I tell you this Mr. Doctor:
(though I clearly stated not to be doctor!)
your text should be denounced homophobia.
(If that pederasty is a psychiatric illness ego dystonic is homophobic, it must acknowledge all the psychiatrists in the world to be homophobic)
That moderation of the site has missed could not be more doubtful. And it excites (in your opinion sir or lady lady sir) obviously the homophobes who are legion in this country. Enforce the law!! Let there amalgam! Thanksgiving! ... indecent and confusion of the senses ...
End "Post"
About the choice of nickname (Arthur Rimbaud) the pederast he is remarkably revealing
See here: History / milieu.html
Also my "friend" Sartre said: "A lot [of the work of Rimbaud] escaped him and he was shocked because that Rimbaud was a homosexual (Sartre, Wall, 1939, p.172). Sartre also wrote: The reluctance scared of an honest man exposed to the advances of a homosexual (Sartre, Words, 1964, p.62). Did he say that homosexuals are not honest but dishonest people?
Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine: A Season in Hell
In the France of the 1870s, the love between men is not punishable, but it remains subject to ridicule and social stigma. And witness the tumultuous relationship between the poets Paul Verlaine (28 years) and Arthur Rimbaud (18 years). (...) Calls Rimbaud Verlaine in Paris. He immediately falls in love with the young and abandons his wife and children. 5 ...) In 1872 Rimbaud gives vent to his passion for his eldest (homosexual): "I am of him every time / If Gallic cock crows." Note that the overwhelming majority of the editions have deliberately removed the erotic nature of this verse, by printing: "Hi to him, every time / That sings the cockerel." (Already the "no amalgam" and homophobia?)
Pederast in our shameful nickname of Arthur R. did not consider himself has "post" comments vicious and dishonest intellectually, he justified his pederasty believer in the occult as well as Mitterrand did not speak (lies of omission will be that we DO perceive anything !) Go wish I deliver in full the deep thoughts of a homosexual:
"Frédéric Mitterand. 1) pedophilia: by friend Robert (Le Petit), it is "sexual attraction to children." To Wikipedia (hmm, hmm ...)," pedophilia means a sexual preference an adult to prepubescent children or early puberty. A pedophile is a person experiencing this type of preference. "
But it seems to me that Mr. Mitterrand was very clear on this subject in his book. He refused all proposals made to him as" banging "a child. The boy has never been synonymous with the word "child." Whether he fell for Thai young adults, that's his business ... not mine! That he paid for it is old as the hills.
2) homosexual Go, Robert, what is a homosexual? "Person who feels sexual desire (Nicely said!) More or less exclusive to individuals of the same sex ... "
Wikipedia tells us that" homosexuality means love, attraction and, where appropriate, the practice of sexual relations between same-sex, according to a behaviorist or empirical perspective, and, according to a psychological or sociological perspective, a sexual orientation. The term applies equally to men or women. " Well then there Frederick, he does what he wants, he is protected by law, there is still more to the Middle Ages, right?
3) sex tourism: Robert, itself, would not know!
Wikipedia is more talkative: Sex tourism means for a person to travel in order to have sex with locals, mostly cons financial remuneration. These relationships can be with prostitute (s) or premises seeking their own sex to obtain a monetary benefit, since otherwise destitute. (...) Some sex tourists are seeking relationships with children, which constitutes a crime or a crime.
Good. Are things clearer now? Whoever does not affect a child does not commit a crime or misdemeanor. And there ben
, it was quite simple really. Why did he come near the hands, feet, vulgar posts and informers. It was enough to take his dictionary. But you were told in school, right?
Please, Fred, tell us again that you will remain Minister of Culture! "
Our friend Arthur R just forgets one important thing in his reasoning, is the age of consent is the age at which a minor may maintain a civil sexual relationship with an adult without the adult commits a criminal offense punishable. For example in France, the majority sex is 15 years (16 years in Switzerland, 13 years in Spain) except in cases of particular vulnerability of minors. Consensual sexual relationship with a child under 15 years is provided by the penal code under the name of sexual assault and punishable by five years imprisonment (not aggravated) while the non-consensual relationship between the scope of the sexual assault and is punishable by seven years imprisonment (unless aggravating circumstances) for a minor victim 15 years. In practice, however, below 12 or 13 years, consent - even when it is apparent - is not recognized by French courts that invoke the concept of "no informed consent "and use the argument of" surprise "contained in the Criminal Code (Sexual assault is forced sexual intercourse by force, threat or surprise) in order to describe the assault. Age is however not a sufficient criterion of free choice when there is a relationship of subordination, so a teacher who had sex with one of his students over the age of 15 years (in France) may be sentenced . Darkly Arthur also forget that some countries including dictatorships and Islamic Marxists totally prohibit homosexual acts regardless of age partners. In some of these countries, homosexual acts are punishable by death penalty. It also forgets to tell us what pederasty which also appears in the dictionary: the dictionary So we said, homosexual male name (Greek paiderastês, who likes young boys), for pederasty is the man choosing a boy or young person as a sexual partner. As
documentation are: invert, pedal, queer, sodomite.
But the best and most comprehensive definitions is that the Treasury of the French language:
pederast: man who feels love and sexual attraction to boys, children and adolescents (...) - Synon. of homosexual, invert, pedophile, sodomite, urning; Knight cuff * (pop., vx), sissy (pop.; ds Sparrow 1901, Rob., Buss. 1973), jesus (arg.), fag (arg. , v. A word), lopaille (arg.; rem. sv lope), queer (arg.; der. sv lope), cute (see II A word esp.) pédale2 (arg.), Aunt (arg.) fags (arg.), queer (arg.), tata (arg.). Rem. The corresp. fem. (Lesbianism) are lesbian, dyke (pop), tribade (vx).
Pede subst. masc. a) Abbr. Pop. Queers of Saint-Germain-des-Pres such as mackerel Montmartre (Vailland, Funny Game, 1945, p.39). b) [term expletive] Pej. Poor guy. They have the bit between their teeth these fags tonight! (J. Cordelier The Cower, 1976, p.32 Cellard ds-Rey 1980).
Pédoque, SUBST. masc., SYNON. Who were the accomplices to the rape? (...) And where they are usually found, these pédoques? (Simonin, Touch not grisbi, 1953, p.151).
Mr. Frédéric Mitterrand was a homosexual point bar!
Littré described pederasty vice against nature.
Dictionary of the French Academy in its first described in the 18th version of the Passion, shameful love between men then in the 19th vice against nature. Today, although we frequent the brothels of homosexuals and Homos and Banckok Pucket or Hammamet, that one confesses his homosexuality, it is the minister of the French state, it shame!
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