The French Jewish Union for Peace:
incredible sham ultra-Marxist left.
very democratically Article censored by the editor of the Marxist Muslim moderation behalf of freedom of expression.
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UJFP The movement is original (1) Jew born in Canada and founded by Richard Wagman, relayed France in particular by the "Platform of French NGOs for Palestine" with references to Judaism in order to defend anti-Semitism constantly invoke the book "Judaism against Zionism." This pamphlet was written by Emmanuel Levyne, Kabbalistic Rabbi has acquired during his career belied the reputation of non-illuminated, including the extremist anti-Zionism has caused his ostracism from the Jewish community in France.
Given the considerable media audience granted to this association stinking Marxist point of view regarding the Jewish-Arab Israeli conflict and informed about the meaning of his initials, the reader, the user or viewer unwary then s' wait to hear the opinion of an association of Jewish left, or a Jewish movement peaceful, quite respectable and representative of one of the many streams that cross the Jewish community in France as the Hashomer Hatzair or Archav Shalom (Peace Now).
Yet it interesting in a closer, a person close to the reality of Jewish life in France - in all its aspects: religious, cultural, identity and so on. - Surprising to say the least ideological of the terrible lag carried by this tiny group of ultra-Marxist left, which by its own terms is to make "another Jewish voice." (But finally, What are these people, because the people are Jewish or Israeli Does it really? A common religion, Judaism is a people it alone? Example: A Bangladeshi Muslim is he gone the same people that a Berber Muslim, obviously no! So people talk about Israel in my opinion is a mistake, (In the case of The UJFP this is not an error that is voluntary, the amalgam and falsification as one of the first of socialist communism) the state of Israel is a mosaic of peoples (Sephardim from North Africa, Ethiopia Falasha black, Ashkenazim of Central Europe, Jews Indigenous gathered around a common idea, Judaism) over there in Israel Israeli Arabs make up about 15% of the population, non-Bedouin Muslim Arabs comprise about 70% of the Arab Israeli Christian Arabs citizens of Israel are about 9% of the Israeli Arab population and live mostly in the north, Nazareth is the largest Christian Arab town in Israel. Christians are active in the Israeli political and civil life. A judge of the Supreme Court of Israel is a Christian. I often say is not qu'oculiste proctologist is a Marxist idea that to believe in a Jewish people, the eternal scapegoat, the Jews are men, human like the others, like Christians, Muslims, no worse than others, but not better either, with ugly, beautiful, intelligent and wholesale of idiots, the Gentiles and villains and even as the Marxists, very wicked lined liars. recall for "remember" that most murderers criminals against humanity founder of the Communist USSR were Jews who decreed that "Jew" was a nationality: HERE First Jewish state: http://fr.wikipedia. org / wiki / Oblast_autonome_juif creating the first truly viscerally racist state in the world!
Ceremony for the 70th anniversary of Birobidzhan (official photo).
Communism is the worst sham and monstrosity, who made 120 Million dead on the planet that was created by Jewish utopians. "Karl Marx, founder of communism, was entirely Jewish: he belonged to a line of rabbis. A very large part - about 80% - managers of Commissioners Leninist Russia were of Jewish origin. more here:
In an official White Paper on British origins of the Bolshevik Revolution, is quoted the Dutch ambassador in Petrograd, who had said September 6, 1918: "Bolshevism is organized and run by Jews whose only goal is the collapse of the established order. '")
Any form of state later that the peoples of the region can establish depend on the evolution of relations between these peoples, especially between Israelis and Palestinians. We hope they will evolve in the direction of peace, mutual cooperation and social justice. (Social Justice in Nov language Marxist cultural collectivism means and foul dictatorship of the proletariat criminal) We will promote to encourage such developments.
Signed UJFP
The Jewish Union for Peace International (UJIP), which exists since 1982 internationally, would have us believe that it would be a secular progressive. (November Secular progressive language or jargon mean collectivist cultural Marxist Communist). Its French affiliate, the UJFP, members accept Jews and non Jews who want to work together to achieve these goals. Here is a nonsense, how a Jewish association said its members could accept non-Jews? We take what is best in Jewish tradition by inspiring us to the moral conduct expected of our people, Encore once, I repeat there is no "people" Jew is a sham as the Marxist to believe. 'm Saying it would be expressed in the injunction already two thousand years: "It is incumbent upon us to take steps to" create a better world. " The last "better world" was 120 million innocent victims and continue to make China democratic and communist North Korea and Cuba etc.. etc..
fact Jewish, Polish and Romanian parents, Richard Wagman spent his early years in Canada, Kingston and Toronto. Having practiced Yiddish is very young, he learned Hebrew in succession, the Talmud Torah, then the French in Quebec. He holds several professions, first metalworker and typographer, while active involvement in trade unionism (another name for Communism Unionism). He went to Cuba in the 1970s and Nicaragua in the 1980s to participate in terrorist movements and criminal Red revolutionaries taking place. Shortly before 1990, the outbreak the first intifada, Richard Wagman returned to Canada and then emigrates to France in 1990, before marrying and starting a family. In Paris, he joined the Centre for Jewish secular and the Revolutionary Communist League, then creates the UJFP in April 1994, then Paris section of the French Jewish Union for Peace International, with the aim of supporting the Arab occupiers Eretz Israel.
picture of the work of Marxists, Lenin, Trotsky (Lev Davidovich Bronstein), Zinoviev (Radomyslsky), Kamenev (Rosenfeld), Radek (Sobelshon) Litvinov (Wallakh) Sverdlov (Solomon), Martov ( Zederbaum) and Maxim Gorky (Peshkov) among others ... funded by billionaires "American" ... like Jacob Schiff and other Warburg.
The purpose of this association is Muslim Marxist: "To work for a just and lasting political solution based on equal rights in the Israeli-Palestinian work for secularism, equality and Respect for all in French society, promoting dialogue between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East and France, founded on the principles outlined below: heard a voice and secular Jewish universalist (decoding: Marxist) opposite Logically communitarian. "A
headquarters is located in the plethora of small splinter groups collectivist madmen the famous" associations "Ultra Marxist left as usual:
Act Together Against Unemployment! AITEC
International Association of Technicians, Experts and Researchers ANAFE National Association Border Assistance for foreign CEDETIM Studies Center and initiatives of international solidarity LARIS
National Collective for Women's Rights As the usual links to the Exiles, MRAP, etc.. and other crime syndicates Nidor Marxists who act under the mask of a coarse grinning buffoon boasting of "peace" and "friendship." The Revolutionary Communist
Wagman is also a member of International Committee for the Defense of Azmi Bishara, Do not be silent!, For the rights of Palestinian political prisoners, Another Voice Jewish, etc.. etc..
amnesia, denial, falsification, concealment, diversion, everything is good to hide the reality of socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human suffering!
If the horror caused by the construction of socialism have existed so long and occur in so many countries, it is because of the curtain of lies constantly organized by organizations (pc, associations of "friendship" pseudo Union Jewish groups and active " activists "Nidor, collectives for" peace ", etc. support to illegal immigrants.) paid agents or volunteers, and useful idiots intellocrates abrutiles or IQ of an oyster as nicks libertarians), which are made and the accomplices are still complicit in these horrors. And it also applies to assets and activists and other "support" to the "people" of Arab occupiers Eretz Israel. It will be noted as already said the UJFP clearly does not aspire to the "destruction of the State of Israel," but asserts its willingness to work for an Israel whose people would not be the Jewish people accordance with the basic Zionist aspiration of the Jewish state, but one she calls the "Israeli people."
Thus stripped of its Jewish character (2), the State of Israel reduced to the 1967 borders would, moreover, established alongside a sovereign Palestinian state booked him, only to Arabs, the latter benefiting addition of a "right of return" in this new chimeric déjudaïsée she still continued to call the State of Israel. Maybe
to seduce an opinion favorable to European solutions of the Israeli left, involving the return of Israel to the 1967 borders, the Marxist splinter group relayed by the media cultural Marxists, the claim alleges UJFP the same thing. But that statement proves to be a true closer hypocrisy. Indeed, when UJFP wants to see "live in peace on the Israeli and Palestinian people within the borders of 1967 ", he does not," the Israeli people, "the current Israeli society, which it regards as colonialist, racist and based on myths.
Marxists English at work. The horror of socialism. The hatred of Christians
Thus contrary to its claims, State of Israel is a state of law, a solid Democratic Republic, which the company blends its democratically different communities (Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Arab Christians, Maronite Christians in South Lebanon, Druze, etc..). These are the values of Equality between Men and equal protection for all, respect for the human beyond identity affiliations that allow Israel to count among civilized nations, recognized by all other democracies.
The specificity of the Jewish State of Israel bears no relation to fundamentalism and theocratic states of the many draconian the Muslim world.
The Jewish character of the State of Israel according to the Zionist ideology which it is derived, is the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination for the Jewish people, its creation following the fall of French and British colonial empires in the Middle East. The revival of the ancient Jewish homeland in the Land of Israel as a Jewish state carries the founding values of the West turns to his nation by the Law of Return, offering immediate citizenship to any Jew in the Diaspora, without excluding its other citizens.
If Israel is a Jewish state, this is not only the Jewish State. All its citizens, whatever their origins, beliefs - or lack of belief - are protected by the same law and obey the same duties (with some specifics, especially concerning military service, compulsory for non-Arabs or religious), ensuring everyone's freedom.
Instead of providing support to the amazing realization of Zionism, UJFP dream of a society inspired by the Marxist utopian model and dangerous "living together" towards which the French company lobotomized by the ambient cultural Marxism. Our
French model is then distorted by inappropriate situation, which is itself derived from the own particular history of France (3). Ideally the UJFP, this model of society confuses all its citizens as one people, Israel (which does not exist), and which neither the Palestinian national claims nor Jewish not be satisfied.
Thus under the guise of pacifism and reasonable ideas shared by the left in Israel or Europe for a return to 1967 borders, while using a first semantic development leading to misrepresent the name of "the Israeli people," snatching its Jewish character (2), the UJFP called the dismantling of Israel as a Jewish state, while reiterating the idea of humanistic and crazy already repeatedly criticized in Oslo to a binational state (4), at least concerning Jerusalem, as utopian as catastrophic for both peoples, Jewish and Arab occupying Eretz Israel.
To disseminate his views, the UJFP carries almost always the same as hypocritical and typical Marxist, by playing on semantics, claiming a pacifist and humanist approach, while not hesitating to interpret History at its discretion and to obscure the fundamental elements of any approach from a honest search for Truth. They can adapt well to any new event to their Marxist ideology and pre-built unshakable, that Zionism is an aberration of Judaism (5). His untruths
- obscuring a reverse legal conditions of access of Jews to self-government from the beginning of the twentieth century, the data of history on the relationship of the Jewish people to the land of Israel and especially international politics marked by the refusal Arab political errors Arab rejection of any idea of sharing and extermination policy conducted since 1929 - his support (6) barely veiled terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, in short, his hatred of Jews when are Zionists - that is, when demand and defend, like all other peoples of the Earth, their right to national self-determination, political autonomy in their own state and on their own land several millennia - is particularly dangerous because it hides not only as usual "anti-Zionism" but especially "Jewish ethics" (7).
Indeed, this this small group who proclaims Jewish unmet vomit its moral atrocities, blaspheming (8) literally the memory of our soldiers died for the Jewish nation, that of our brothers killed 6 million in Europe, the courage of our 6 million brothers build beautifully, with courage, day after day in the hardships of the hostile environment physically and humanly making us the only state security, freedom and dignity, does not refer only to anti-Zionism "pro-terrorist," in detriment of both Jews and Palestinians, but also and above all, real Judaism, authentic Judaism (7).
is whether this association Marxist ment as usual by his readings, instead of universalism and peace, she argues, for example the Islamic Republic of Iran in its financing of terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, for example at the expense of a recognition and support for the democratic resistance of the Iranian diaspora, the latter being hostile to the regime of the Mullahs and their geostrategic allies of Hezbollah (10).
Unlike values Universalists that UJFP of ultra left shows, it is part of its positions in a bipolar order. If she complains of a neo-conservative dialectic struggle of good against evil, she did not criticize for its raison d'être is to say, its distribution reductive moral values in the world - which may challenge the relevance (being the first Americans to examine their key geopolitical reading, in the exercise of their admirable Democracy) - but for the distribution of these values, claiming not an alternative to a reading frame that could be considered questionable and simplistic, but claiming the side of Good (11).
"good" that only "values" Islamists and terrorists have freedom of the city, which is more in unilateralism and ideological extremism impervious to any challenge, any discussion hermetic constructive own this reasoning fundamentally Manichean, which any other form of thought, especially when some Jewish and Zionist power from any source becomes communal, right-wing or fundamentalist (12).
In total agreement with these values of destruction, submission, conformism and pseudo fascist pacifism, the Marxist UJFP purport to be a universalist and pacifist voices from the Jewish community, they present as being "governed" and "manipulated" by the "Zionist establishment" of the CRIF (12). Thus despite their small numbers, this association of activists trying very actively to distort the data by agreeing, in particular on the free Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia, a prominent place, which is far from hers.
Without being any threat to us other Jews - Zionists - this association is no less holy water for the total lack of intellectual honesty shown by some of our national media, where s' acts of the Israeli-Arab.
So instead they give to this association allows him to set himself up as almost "alternative to the CRIF," then having a Jewish community divided over the fundamental question Zionism, therefore, lower in its protection and defense (12).
This sly by this operation to weaken the legitimacy of Zionism, not by attacking it frontally by arguments definitely obsolete, but trying to ruin him for his reason to be a priori, by giving opponents an image of Israel divided from those who designed this is ideology, namely our community: the Jews themselves, potential residents of the Jewish state.
It is clear that Judaism can not be disconnected from the Jews, yet this handful individuals activists to UJFP serves as an alibi for some media, associations "pro" Palestinian-and seeks to deceive the eye naive of us, Jews, and any other person seeking an informed and reliable information and representative. They proceed again by a distortion of semantics, implying to "universalism" and "pacifism" the "communitarianism" and "supporting terrorism".
This "other Jewish voice" which raged in the forums alternative world, is carried by the votes of racist conformism (13), plagued by the new anti-Semitism formalized in 2001 in Durban and camouflaged in struggle against Zionism, which itself became the ultimate evil. It calls to reverse patterns in melodramatic, simplistic and comfortable - which satisfied the contemporary intellectual propriety - the victims of yesterday's tormentors today. To the detriment of a more complex reading of events, less optimistic, more tragic, but more in line with the European soul pre-Nazi, built by our philosophers Hegel Sophocles. This complexity has cleared the UJFP us yet learned to keep some form of humility in reality, in accordance with our aspirations to see the Jewish state - our second home - continue to draw its legitimacy from the interlacing of its cultural roots, religious and humanist Jewish, democratic Europe.
It is then our responsibility as a Zionist, as well as our friends, to become aware of the lure of apparent importance, particularly the media, this "other Jewish voice", which - in conformity with any logic Current - thrive in the good conscience of our ideological opponents. If it is almost nothing common among Jews, it nevertheless serves as an alibi and Support anti-Zionism anti-semitism to defend themselves, usurping the "J" of "Jewish" in this initial association of this ultra-minority.
It is then our responsibility as a Zionist, as well as our friends, to become aware of the lure of apparent importance, particularly the media, this "other Jewish voice", which - in conformity with any logic Current - thrive in the good conscience of our ideological opponents. If it is almost nothing common among Jews, it nevertheless serves as an alibi and Support anti-Zionism anti-semitism to defend themselves, usurping the "J" of "Jewish" in this initial association of this ultra-minority.
Although supporters UJFP are more to be pitied than blamed, use some of our media by unscrupulous media distorts the political representation of the Jewish community in France. Whether to focus both on the part of our media in this "other Jewish voice", not for what she has to say, but aversion and condemnation that cause in almost all of the Jewish community, which we must, as a student Jews of France, to echo.
1: The International Jewish Union for Peace (UJIP), which exists since 1982 internationally, is a secular progressive. Its French affiliate, the UJFP, Jews accept members and non-Jews who want to work together to achieve these goals.
3: If secularism is good for France, it is good for the Middle East too. / IMG / doc / ujfp.doc
4: This situation explains why the idea (which was long one of the PLO) to a single state in Palestine, secular and democracy in which all citizens, whatever their origin would have the same rights, takes effect. Let there be two states in the future or one, it will end the notion of Jewish state and replace it with the same citizenship for tou (te) s.
5: Zionism and the State of Israel are built on lies founders.
The Zionist project has long hidden behind the idea of "safe haven" for Jews. It is totally clear today that it is a colonialist project, which aims to acquire a maximum of land.
A project that comes from the idea insane to bring all the Jews in Israel, thus endangering the centuries of struggle for secularism and citizenship.
6: With the assassination of Sheikh Yassin, in the context of the occupation, and countless human rights violations humans that characterize the Israeli government has taken a catastrophic risk of precipitating Israelis and Palestinians into a religious conflict, that is to say total. We expect the French government:
- it refuses to accept the terrorist murderer who now heads Israel. - it denounces Immediately Israel Association Agreement with Europe, within the Executive Committee. Do not terminate this agreement for Europe today would sign all his complicity in human rights violations perpetrated in the disaster and announced.
Yasser Arafat with his life the tragic fate of its people and its resistance with a faith in the independence and courage never denied, he has organized during the exile the Palestinian National Council in a unique example of democracy and envied
7: Sharon, you have managed the feat of forcing even the CRIF, which claims to represent all Jews from France and its political follower contributes to confusion among Israelis, Zionists, Jews to the escalation of tension to stand out from your inflammatory language. Thank you for it at least.
It is important to say Jew, but by focusing the model citizen and not belonging to a group of Jews, and denounce the use too often the definite article "the" Jews.
Distinguish between Jew and Israeli, but to be, as a Jew, in every battle against racism. 0.1-0 @ 2-734511,36-802880,0.
html 8: Nicolas Shahshahani has added that many members of his family not die in exile during the Second World War that their memory is diverted to the Israeli colonial policy. The
UJFP supports the recognition of the Nakba, the right of return for Palestinian refugees
9: The spectrum of Genocide has not been dispelled by the mere creation of a State, all derived from a genocide as it was. The fact that this state is conducting a war and colonial practices a form of apartheid while enjoying impunity guaranteed by the U.S. protection is a bitter pill to swallow for the proponents of the "Zionist." / IMG / doc / ujfp.doc
We must constantly challenge those who support Israeli policies or "to leave" as it once did for South Africa.
We see about us that Israeli society presents a model of an unequal society and discriminating on ethnic and religious, the Apartheid Wall that is being built, besides being a model of shame and a disgrace to humanity, is also the symbol of the refusal of coexistence based around the equality rights.
10: print.php? id = 24460
11: Sharon enjoys the unconditional support of American imperialism and unlimited funding from various lobbies (especially the Christian Zionists, religious fundamentalists for whom the Arabs incarnation of evil) .
12: 0.1-0 @ 2 -734511.36-802880.0.
html 13: is important to say Jew, but by focusing the model citizen and not belonging to a group of Jews, and denouncing the frequent use of the definite article "the" Jews.
Distinguish between Jew and Israeli, to be But, as a Jew, in every battle against racism.
Thanks to Benjamin and UEJF Coyac for this article largely based on his of 23 August 2006:
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