Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Does 3d Movie Trigger Migraine?

THE POST.FR Ridiculed again! The

Poum, poom, poom, poom,! The French speak the French!

article and the entire blog of "Chou Grave" very democratically censored by the editor Marxist and Islamic moderation spokesman of MRAP Natzional, on behalf of freedom of expression. Anyway, not content with being a columnist allah page, I am also a soothsayer. In fact here:
I announced the "death" scheduled: The article in question had been posted here: And here:
or has been an interesting and detailed reply which I will share everything on time.

And of course here:
and I said, "with an article like that, the better it is shelved, at worst the blog explodes any sum that may be confirmed once again that the Islamic is Marxist! And he finds himself in: as clear evidence of their depravity gauchiottes. " Okay, as promised it comes, and forward music. That this item!

Any anti-Semitic attack is an attack against all humanity.

anti-Semitic attacks

Desecration of Jewish graves in south Lille: MRAP absent at trial.

Desecration of Jewish graves in Lille south Federation Nord-Pas-de-Calais MRAP strangely silent for a movement called "fight" against racism and incidentally cons Anti-Semitism! Especially since his excellent local president, Mr. (Jesus Christ), forgiveness, Jean-Claude, Dulieu, activist and advocate in the French Communist Party, (a magnificent secular party Democratic Progressive), elected Communist (Far left minority ) of Valencia, is also a member of the Quadripartite right direction MRAP National (Deputy Secretary General of MRAP).

MRAP, the very bad language called secular response (Movement for the Respect and Loyalty to the Prophet) is a founding member of the Progressive Association ATTAC, other salacious gossip of vipers called imperialists (Association Tyrannical Totalitarian and Authoritarian and Communist), is high on his beautiful site this thought that we all have to adhere to 100%:
"MRAP involved in legal terms as a reminder that racism (in deeds and in words) is not a mere expression of opinion but a crime punishable by law one hand, by filing complaints and by bringing a calendar, it enforces the laws against racism consists of the 1972 Act-that the MRAP has helped to vote by Parliament-reinforced by the 1990 Act. "

I noted in a statement that the MRAP of 2 May 2009 it said:" Any anti-Semitic attack is an attack against all humanity. (By Renee)
Yes Mr Dulieu, MRAP and "Renee" have reason to remember that any anti-Semitic attack is an attack against all humanity and that racism is a crime punishable in 1990 by the good Law of the Socialist impeccable Laurent Fabius and fellow Democrat and Communist Jesus Christ forgiveness Jean Claude (JC still a decidedly "They're everywhere!) Gayssot. Unfortunately, we can legitimately ask why so many people are against this law be fair and beautiful, "Click HERE" Bah, they are certainly as vipers lewd or capitalist fascists who do not understand the forces of progress? But

me remove any doubt? Why this trial highlighting the most heinous anti-Semitic racism that is the desecration of graves by an individual North African Jews (Rabah Laouar) fled to Algeria, does not one of your delicious movement? (* 2) Or at least a news avenger?
Ah yes, if it was called Robert and Rabah Laboire Laouar instead of the face of this trial would have been changed, but hey, we take note, we take note! And if Robert had been near and far relations with the FN (For example, a cousin back side of his grand aunt (Frederick M.?) That would be a day of madness, voted for the party of hate, while there, we were entitled to the full, as the scam of Carpentras! In worst!)
Maybe you make your assertions of comrade socialist Attalla (*) who in an interview with Israeli daily / weekly magazine of 10/16/2009, answered the question "It is there a problem of anti-Semitism in France? "Zero! Absolutely none. It's a lie "and accused the Israeli government propaganda dangerous. I do not think so, Attali not "friend" of the PCF since le25 October 2007 Olivier Tartignolles forgiveness Dartigolles, Spokesman of the Communist Party said at the time wrote: "The commission Attali inexorably becomes a single charge of lobbying the interests of employers. Sad end to the Sherpa of Francois Mitterrand that end up as door-gun MEDEF. " So? Why you do you are not focused plaintiff? This was not far from home? I think
glimpse an explanation once, the MRAP was really a movement fighting against anti-Semitism. But today, between a protest with the natives of the Republic, a conference with Tariq Ramadan and the trial chain for Islamophobia, the movement no longer has much time to fight effectively against anti-Semitism. last three four years, your movement there is no need to continue to believe that he would not be Marxist has simply diverted from the field of anti-Semitism to embrace the Islamic cause. (See : Click click click)
is a choice, all things respectable, after all, defending "religion" why not Islamic, there are many abrutiles advocates "religion" Scientologist, both created by horns disrupted hungry for money and power. But please ladies and gentlemen of the MRAP National, stop taking the French are stupid and proclaim that you "struggle" against the anti-Semitism, they are despicable and shameful lies begin to alert public opinion and make your founders (Lewy Albert, Albert Yudin CPF member, Senator Charles Lederman Communist) that must return to their graves.
But again, there is a founder can be both a forgotten (I can not believe that it is voluntary knowing the integrity and intellectual honesty of this great progressive movement).

's Andrew Blum said Andre Blumel (1893-1973), lawyer, journalist and socialist activist, who was at the time of the Popular Front, a member of the firm of Blum, President of the Council. It is true that Andre was a Zionist (horror of horrors) yes Zionist founders like most Jews of MRAP! Ah! That this poor memory that I will not believe voluntary of good and ardent advocates of this wonderful organization that makes them forget that their first president was a committed Zionist, founder of the state of Israel. There are still some among you who have realistic understanding of the situation: (It is here:
Friends Zionist MRAP has 60 years is enough, done something useful!

(* 1)
Note: Mr Jacques Attali, the comic writer of the famous phrase: "Anti-Semitism in France? It's like the loneliness that no! . Is in no way involved in this matter.
(* 2) Here
Read Article Way North By Lakdar Belaïd that hides the name of the racist anti-Semite to wonder why is this? Read Here clause of Nord Eclair By Didier Specq which gives the name of racist and anti-Semitic, said: "Greater Lille Roubaix Tourcoing is the laboratory Municipal Policies communitarians (swimming timetables for women (Muslim), single-sex activities in community centers, financing of Islamic Associations of relatives (the Islamist fundamentalist) Tariq Ramadan City Hall (Socialist) Roubaix, collusion ' Socialist) Martine Aubry with (Salafi) Amar Lasfar (Cheikh Amar Lasfar fundamentalist is the rector of the mosque south of Lille, president of the Regional Council of Muslim Faith (CRCM). (* 3)) member UOIF in Lille , etc..).
(* 3)
Read Here
and Ic i

pet love.

Ya a hair on the head Mathieu

As I said in the introduction this article posted here: http : / /
Has been (It is beautiful my zobjet) a comment argued and "intelligent." There is evidence that new Obs. the gauchus are a bit smarter than the "active and kazoos" of Or rats for pets pale Estin. I give you Emile, just a tad moderate (two words now ethnodiférentialistes (a gauchu is NEVER racist) are replaced by Biiiip), annotated, just a tad, but finally we see that, as usual, at the leftists Marxists that is much more the form that is contested that the bottom!
A must read the following link ...

By me also my review Blog (as j.michel) I fell off on that of "libertarian" and article I propose to you is worth its weight in peanuts. I tell you now, is BONARIEN Zionist. I say this in case the subject does not interest you you can attend.
He will not mind that neither you nor I call "BONARIEN" he who throughout his cloth does not care about the other's surname.
(Note to fool: I would have preferred that you name AHRIEN BON) Here is what it is:
Comments (grrr I have trouble with the links).

So this is a Zionist who draws our attention to a despicable "miscellaneous", the Israelites violation of graves in a cemetery in northern France.
From there our "Proprarien" (I put tiny tiny as it is) is moved correctly BUT it's hard to hide her extreme pleasure to see that the author of these facts is a "biiiip" that 'he called sober and friendly Maghreb. The anti-Semitic act is consumed by him and irrefutable. It probably is. What wanted to show our "Saurian" in telling us this information? There are anti-Semitic acts in France. Well ... It will So in the future, whenever we have to regret an incident (odious) like this one or another kind, taking care beforehand to ask immediately possible to extract "baptism" of the victims (living or dead) to see if they are or were Catholics and / or other evidence of the same type (act of circumcision for male Muslim, for example, ditto for Jews) as the girls let me share it will seek to catalog. The challenge will be to classify atheists in one or other of these categories.
From there we will have a strict accounting and see if we really as feared by the Zionists, anti-Semitism is rising relative to other attacks made to other communities. OK?
"Napeurderien" and especially not the ridiculous wanted to show something else, is not only that it was an anti-Semitic act but also it had been committed by a "biiiip. Morality, it was good to bomb Gaza. Again will take reprisals against any country from which originate the culprits including going to bomb Israel if unfortunately a Jew committing abuses. But this thing is not likely (see Madoff which resulted without your knowledge and still less that brags, bankruptcy and death of hundreds of people)! Returning to France and trying those responsible for this tragedy and the "rise" of anti-Semitism: The MRAP ... and more specifically the Communists of MRAP. I pause to say that I have NO, but then no affinity with this organization for me not fathom that the wind but I could be wrong.
This is not the case for "Moinsquerien" which would return him to the dream team of the MRAP, at the time and its creators were Jewish leaders and was only concerned with antisemitism. Should believe that at that time that made sense ... and I believe. If the MRAP could be of any help to preserve the integrity and interests of the Jews at that time, I am VERY happy. If today the priority actions of the MRAP will to others, including Jews may be "Sèrarien" part should be welcomed because it means that today they are no longer persecuted as many would do believe ... hence the position of Attali (who is Jewish too). What
Jewish today turns to the MRAP to assert his rights violated? NO. Other political organizations have stepped in, wealthy and powerful organizations (like say Elie Kakou) as the CRIF we talked yesterday with j.michel. So we
Libertarian "féchierpourrien!
(Note to the raspberry donut ... ... It is not red raspberry?): Your party comrades and MRAP were created:
The French Jewish Union for Peace:

incredible sham
Marxist ultra left.

Check here :
It is true that your

Marxist ignorance voluntarily established perceived knowledge of a reality as a hysterical attack against you. While conversely, a lie you would be nice.)

him do an article to show the ignominy of the act OK, he makes cheese for the umpteenth time compel us to lament on the magnitude of anti-Semitism that exists only in the minds of a few "rogues" in search of permanent division of "national unity", BASTA YA!

That's why I do not agree at all with this motto:
"Any anti-Semitic attack is an attack against all humanity whole. "Is that all!
Why" Antisemitic "????? And aggression against others? What? Normal?
aggression against Palestine, normal? aggression against Viet Nam normal? Against the Iraq? Serbia? Chechnya? The whole of Africa etc.. etc.. Normals? is not mentioned?
It reflects what I read "somewhere": the Goy is negligible! PS : I hope everyone will understand that if I do not deny the existence of anti-Semitism, I would bring him (and still too much) it deserves and which is neither more nor less important than discrimination experienced by all communities. If we really want to try to stop it, then stop to stir up this hatred conveyed mainly by the Zionists who are the first racist.
And it is not finished Nini! The "comrade" Mathieu trousers that persists and signs.

I come back on a Intant "Nesseràrien" because I took the garbage strike here in Marseille to browse through the garbage heaps that litter the site of Nobs and are discharged by the Zionist puppet (tautology).

I do not see why I wear gloves to describe the ideology that is his because it would give their heart to discredit another ideology that is based on equality among all human beings even if they are men (like him and sometimes the same origin) who were the first to divert it from its objectives.
Given the impact? Although
So we see here ... ... "Liebermanrien" complain that the MRAP would have called (when he lays his stinking article) to boycott Israel, and the same time he took the opportunity to spit on course ALL the Communists ... including myself. Well ... After all, why not? Communism Is it free from blame? Certainly not and it is not me (him) would say otherwise. I am even ready with him to condemn the atrocities that were committed in its name and helped to sully the integrity activists, dedicated, unselfish and have worked for the good of humanity (yes it can be say about humanity) ... It's like the traitors of the CGT mess today the investment of comrades who spend lavishly to fight against the friends of our "mites". short. This anti communist primate, he utters cries to condemn a "call" boycott. The boycott does not exist yet and will not exist - although it would have been legitimate and that he was - because of the allegiance of Western countries to the Zionist state and murderer is Israel (cf UN condemnation remained without effect). I'm talking about the state of Israel today, I does not include ALL the people ALL of its citizens or citizens of Israel. It's different. So no boycott but a lot of noise, lots of "Lamentations" is normal we are dealing with a pro who follows to the letter the instructions given by the propagandists of his ideology, stand ALWAYS eternal victim. But so that should say CUBAN headed by a "bloodthirsty communist" (Castro) and that for more than 30 years undergo a blockade (boycott) without fault on the part of U.S. (and some of the world) orders that the Zionists election after election finance the campaigns of presidential candidates of whatever kind, provided among other things, they maintain the embargo and they act as a barrier to any progressive idea especially scrupulous in ensuring maternal any temptation in the Country AM / South? Hein the con (I missed it ...)? They should tell the Cubans what you think? They should gather where to denounce what your friends do to them for decades? I hope that some time has passed you have dried your tears of crocodiles and that you have found another way to pull ours. If all Zionists were also fools than you, it would be a breeze to catch. Returns play your keyboard. Thank "comrade" Mathieu 's what I'm doing ..... Alain Michel Bornay


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