Islamos antisemitic
Monday, November 16, 2009
Why Is My Hair Only Thinning In The Front
By Libertarian . What's that? Answer Here
For gauchus and other gauchiottes Nidor of, nicks to allah cunt as the crude legume "PhD" Chou Rave trolesse Nanou75 the member drafting, and other Marie icing on the cake red rose C Caca that stinks: For Marxists Anarchos of ultra left as Grandfred alias Edward Ahsram, Mouloud, Ali, François, Paul and others etc.. If Paco An Apple chard, Behemotte supports an Islamist terrorist, they all appear in the twisted anti-Semitic factions:
Assets and kazoos
cheesy farts for the pale Estin
He, once so beautiful, how comical and ugly! As Beau said the air. This small gauchiottes stinking ideas islamomarxistes we post an article and sickening antisemitic under pest:
The extreme right in the post? The Ras Zonzon
"I really the tidal Zonzon!! If like me you have made quite a email to Benoit This post was a response to the group truth (who does censor all my posts) accusing the MRAP ...
MRAP MRAP MRAP and the 2000 members!
TRUTH (...)
to justify your fights, you need small groups of extreme right and better distilled your hatred of Arabs, this speaks volumes about your Intant, MRAP might eventually react to attacks made on the post. ... Difficult to be on post with people draining their ideologies that the law punishes .... There are many articles denouncing the racist Zionist blog .... one of many
Although, having said that, with the spelling uncertain typical of those little brainwashed leftists IQ of mussels, although "moderate" twice that "posteuse" still lags once the Zionist group "TRUTH" of being right-wing Zionist ideologies to drain the "law" punishes and censor (sic) these items!
In lez posters unleashed we like the truth group and would I give Emile article decried by the vast red bird, so that the public can get an idea:
This " post "here, again, was the answer to this one: Click here
MRAP MRAP MRAP and the 2000 members!
But who represents the National MRAP t it?
MRAP celebrated his 60th birthday Saturday at the Hotel de Ville in Paris. Nice recognition for a lobby ex-communist (* 1) Islamophile, (* 2) which has lost half its members over the past decade.
Now the AGRIF (* 3) in two times more than him ...
(* 1) I mean, the MRAP has long been ruled by communists, not that it would have been a transmission belt of the PCF, which technically it was not, what enabled him to win the trial that he was instituting against those who called him so.)
(* 1) I mean, the MRAP has long been ruled by communists, not that it would have been a transmission belt of the PCF, which technically it was not, what enabled him to win the trial that he was instituting against those who called him so.)
(* 3)
General Alliance against Racism
Post on Saturday, 14/11/2009. Posted by Lucia. For The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors whose texts are sources of data. Comments on the form and not the substance of the subject will be systematically "moderate."
I call the trial of public opinion this article is racist? On extreme right? Offensive? Contrary to the Charter of
But continue with the article and the thesis of this obnoxious lady Semitic ultra-Zionist left, which says this:
(...) Response secular defends immigration, the fight against racism, human rights, ideas similar to those of the French extreme right, and other identities. Articles published on his website are listed on sites of extreme right, with the consent of their authors.
They are also listed on the sites of Jewish communal organizations of the extreme Israeli right. Thus, an article of a certain Maurice Vidal "Mosques endlessly in France and Europe" was included on the sites UPJF (Union of Jewish professionals and employers in France "
Our dislodge fascists tells us that in the sphere of fascist Net as it exists in the mafia repented!
(..) I was told more strange (hence some caution), a poster by that name Xavier-Yves Pedro, manipulator was also a forger brief in the interests of clarity and for fear of being abused by one of these handlers, I withdraw this paper the time to inquire more carefully, .... I will not go my life and my time hunting down the fascists of all stripes ... the serious articles and sources abound. After searching on the net, it seems clear that this character is sulfur a reformed (or not I brace the rest) back from his activism in the sphere of faschos ... He does not miss the humanist who did not need to go check their weapon by fascists .. . whose act does not fool the traps and never far closer than we think when we approach these issues must be disgusting to admit ... (...)
Conclusion: The Blog of Lucy. On was censored in its entirety Monday, November 16, 2009 in the morning I will have the opportunity to revisit it later.
Zionist and Libertarian.
(*) Note bene, the simpletons or fritters:
General Alliance against Racism
I call the trial of public opinion this article is racist? On extreme right? Offensive? Contrary to the Charter of
(...) Response secular defends immigration, the fight against racism, human rights, ideas similar to those of the French extreme right, and other identities. Articles published on his website are listed on sites of extreme right, with the consent of their authors.
, ,
and .(...)
(Note: spelling of Origin)
This text is clearly not anti-Semitic it is the copy and paste a press release of agitprop MRAP National last May. See Here
Our dislodge fascists tells us that in the sphere of fascist Net as it exists in the mafia repented!
(..) I was told more strange (hence some caution), a poster by that name Xavier-Yves Pedro, manipulator was also a forger brief in the interests of clarity and for fear of being abused by one of these handlers, I withdraw this paper the time to inquire more carefully, .... I will not go my life and my time hunting down the fascists of all stripes ... the serious articles and sources abound. After searching on the net, it seems clear that this character is sulfur a reformed (or not I brace the rest) back from his activism in the sphere of faschos ... He does not miss the humanist who did not need to go check their weapon by fascists .. . whose act does not fool the traps and never far closer than we think when we approach these issues must be disgusting to admit ... (...)
The comments following this post are instructive and revealing to the atmosphere "democratic" and respect the opinions and freedom of expression by these small groups islamomarxistes ultra left
(...) It is indeed difficult to tolerate on the post that the law punishes .... it must be denounced with force and tenacity. (...) J e'm in neither camp, (...) I see a dangerous situation (..) I regret that post racist are not moderated and it has become commonplace in the find up to 10 days post by insulting and stigmatizing Arabs and religion of Islam (...) this terrible silence of this post and tolerance concerns me (...) Why do we become beings forced to work with these groups who have no place on normal journalistic sites (not find the right word) or Republican (...) You're right Albatross, it's not a question of camp, and you 're right too when you say there is still no response to requests and when it warns about the ignoble. Tell me if I'm wrong but I concluded that we must alert each time we will see where coms posts racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, etc.. . . . but to answer, because if the issuers of such vile post alert the terms, we jump. (..)
(*) Note bene, the simpletons or fritters:
A pseudo pseudonym said in November wankers gauchus language is not an item recognized for identification person. Then it can not be defamation, that is to say, disparage, attempt to dishonor or lose reputation by word or by his writings an alias. My articles are intended only to "persons unknown" "brave" hiding behind a pseudonym so personally.
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