Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Waters Path Through The Body

Critics of privatization and the ultra-liberal policies: Marine Le Pen proves that U.S. conservatives have nothing to do with the thesis of FN

Criticizing a rival (Dominique Strauss-Kahn) to be for "free trade generalized "Marine Le Pen talks to Jean-François Achilli , Jean-Jerome and Francoise Bertolus Fressoz showing - again (if necessary) - falsely imply the full involvement of U.S. Republicans, American conservatives, and Tea Partiers with alleged members of the (extreme-) right, with the supposed (neo-) fascist, and with the supposed Nazi extremists almost, and in any event to see these Americans as close to the theses of the National Front.

Again, ask yourself so that, in the following critical DSK, would rather be able to agree with Marine Le Pen ?

Is it more of a conservative, a Republican, a Tea Partier, or any other person (in the U.S. or elsewhere) which requires a reduction of the state?

Or Would this rather one of those - both in the U.S. and abroad - who criticize Bush, Republicans, Tea Partiers, bankers, and capitalists?
Wherever he went, [DSK] applied an ultra-liberal policies, with its procession of offshoring, unemployment and social decline. When he was minister he privatized more than any other minister. He is a man of 35 hours, which can admit that they have resulted in massive disruption.


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