The Beatitudes beautiful page of the Liturgy 4th Sunday of Lent offers us, for we trace the path of meditation of the week which must lead us to happiness in Christ. Blaise Pascal said in his thoughts: "All men seek to be happy (...) This is the reason for all actions of all men. And yet, since so many years, ever person without faith, did not arrive at that point where all are continually ".
The saints that we celebrate this week have made this a thought reality thanks to the faith effectively. We include among others John Bosco, father, friend and teacher of youth; Blaise, hero of interior prayer, and Agatha, witnesses of divine power that transforms human frailty and poverty in force. They did not disdain to devote their life to God like all consecrated persons to whom the Church prays February 2, the day of the Lord's presentation at the temple. Devote himself to God he is not first and foremost a path to happiness for the man and the world?
Abbot Alexander DENOUE
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