Tuesday, February 15, 2011

High Temperature Sore Legs

After a semester full of intense activities, seminarians and their instructors revisited their living together on February 11, to know their latest successful semester.
Having looked at the questionnaire that was submitted, several courts have noted this:
• The first half was positive
• The warm and fruitful community life despite some shortcomings. This also resulted in an exhortation to maintain the course.
• The liturgical good animations though have been some flaws (slow, irregular unjustified)
• The rigorous intellectual work with teacher availability and engagement of students in animation courses and research. The insufficient number of teachers and lack of certain basic documents are the major problems encountered
• Fun congratulations to the entire community for his dedication to the well being of all through the committees and services that shape all areas of seminary life.
In his closing remarks, the Rector urged everyone to continue the good works and work in the care and improvement of deficiencies at all levels.

Francis Sidibe, 2nd Year Philosophate


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