"You can not serve both God and Money. "Matthew 6: 24. EVALUATION OF FIRST SEMESTER
In reading this verse, at once, we can worry and we ask: Would Jesus have condemned the money? If so, why? That means money?
Jesus makes his arrest in an environment where no one seeks his happiness in material possessions, especially money.
In its condemnation, Jesus speaks of "Mammon" (in Aramaic), which effectively means "money", but also the gain, profit or all of the material wealth.
by the term "money" (mammon) Jesus index the personification of the power of money, become a kind of idol, a kind of claiming divinity the role and authority are those of God. Serving Mammon is therefore almost as worrying oneself, to her little happiness on earth, what makes man a slave to money. Jesus does not condemn the money itself, in its normal, but when he became master of man.
Slavery money is the real cancer of our society. Our civilization is in the process of destroying itself in the hectic pace imposed by the race for money. Profitability is paramount concern for many people. Today everything is done to make money. That's it,''enslavement the money'', that Christ condemns.
God and money, here are two masters between whom we must choose.
Or serve God: Serve love, be free, to give God first place in our lives.
Or serve Mammon: cultivating hatred, profit, evil ... which is inconsistent with the dignity of every person.
May the Lord help us to free ourselves from slavery to money and see him as the only Master of our lives. Amen.
Abbot Honore DENOUE
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