Bearer of Hope, the ship meanwhile, got lost in a fog bank so thick that the crew believed they had reached the end of the earth. At time where Cormac breathed his last, the veil of mist was torn and the boat landed on a beach of white sand. These ribs were enchanting and bore no resemblance to what the warriors knew. Beyond the dunes stretched out of sight lush forests and rolling plains to the unique vegetation. Radon and his men went to explore these territories so wonderful. They knew that their return home would depend on how quickly they find the livestock.
extraordinary moves inland, the warriors discovered that this place was a fabulous source of benefits and that would be very nice to settle there. The exploration lasted a week before they meet the first cattle. The animals had nothing to compare with those formerly living on the island, before the flood. They were short-legged and covered with a thick woolly fleece. Very long, their horns were spread widely on either side of imposing flat skull. Docile, the animals let themselves easily captured. So, my friend, Radon and his men five hundred transports brought easily to their ship.
This land was full of unexpected treasures, including the archipelago would have needed. Radon is also found trees with gray trunks and tortuous, their branches bending under the weight of red fruits. He decided to take because their taste was so nice and tangy. He also recovered from seedlings that were similar to birch and huge eggs that did not know what all the creature could be laid. Providence this fabulous place ...
Radon also discovered a cave which he visited alone. When it came out, he told his men that Dana, the mother of all gods had spoken. Dagda's wife had told him for their courage and daring they would be rewarded by a long rest. She also gave him a horn and it can make use forever protect his people. However, my son, the Tuatha De Danann had also added that all were sentenced to just turning on the green islands twice. Then they should return to those sacred places to protect them forever. But you can understand one day what it is land and what are the gravity and the honor of such a mission. Yes, my friend, you still have many secrets to learn, but one thing at a time ...
After two weeks, when all goods were on board the boat took the route of the archipelago. Radon in the lead but had to return because he knew there were a thousand wonderful things to make.