Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Very Very Thick Discharge

40. The Gaels, blessed children of Dana (part three)

Bearer of Hope, the ship meanwhile, got lost in a fog bank so thick that the crew believed they had reached the end of the earth. At time where Cormac breathed his last, the veil of mist was torn and the boat landed on a beach of white sand. These ribs were enchanting and bore no resemblance to what the warriors knew. Beyond the dunes stretched out of sight lush forests and rolling plains to the unique vegetation. Radon and his men went to explore these territories so wonderful. They knew that their return home would depend on how quickly they find the livestock.

extraordinary moves inland, the warriors discovered that this place was a fabulous source of benefits and that would be very nice to settle there. The exploration lasted a week before they meet the first cattle. The animals had nothing to compare with those formerly living on the island, before the flood. They were short-legged and covered with a thick woolly fleece. Very long, their horns were spread widely on either side of imposing flat skull. Docile, the animals let themselves easily captured. So, my friend, Radon and his men five hundred transports brought easily to their ship.

This land was full of unexpected treasures, including the archipelago would have needed. Radon is also found trees with gray trunks and tortuous, their branches bending under the weight of red fruits. He decided to take because their taste was so nice and tangy. He also recovered from seedlings that were similar to birch and huge eggs that did not know what all the creature could be laid. Providence this fabulous place ...

Radon also discovered a cave which he visited alone. When it came out, he told his men that Dana, the mother of all gods had spoken. Dagda's wife had told him for their courage and daring they would be rewarded by a long rest. She also gave him a horn and it can make use forever protect his people. However, my son, the Tuatha De Danann had also added that all were sentenced to just turning on the green islands twice. Then they should return to those sacred places to protect them forever. But you can understand one day what it is land and what are the gravity and the honor of such a mission. Yes, my friend, you still have many secrets to learn, but one thing at a time ...

After two weeks, when all goods were on board the boat took the route of the archipelago. Radon in the lead but had to return because he knew there were a thousand wonderful things to make.

Back home, the men discovered their brothers overpowered and they recounted to them the plunder they had been victims. However no evidence was no indication in which direction the parties were no less strange to marauders strange ships. Radon nor the other could not do anything for those missing. But the journey he had undertaken with his men had been long and painful, even after having landed the treasures that all greeted with joy, he went to rest. The herds were divided over the four islands, seedlings planted and the fruits were spoiled numbers were thrown into the verdant meadow near the shore where the ship floated. The eggs were left in charge of women to make them hatch. The story says that Radon and his men slept five years without ever waking up or even need to eat.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sayno Enloop At Walmart

39. The Gaels, blessed children of Dana (Part two)

Exit the archipelago was not an easy task, my friend. Navigation was challenging and risky, because the currents, constantly ran the boat on the reefs surrounding the islands. But the proud ship was driven by the desire to Cormac and after a week of struggle, Radon managed to remove his vessel, overcoming all the breakers. Yes, the brave navigator was defeated, finally could be put under full sail and head towards the east as he had planned. Life resumed its course on the island and everyone hoped the chief would be able to find the animals that were so lacking in the population. From then on, not a day that rose without Cormac is screwed to post on the cliffs, Manannan praying for the ocean is favorable to its own.

Alas, my child, once again fate was to mark humans. Three months after Radon has left the earth, wrapped in a thick mist, strange ships with black sails whose shells do not touch the waves appeared off the island green. Yes son, floating in the air, threatening, they advanced at a brisk pace without being hindered by the breakers that Radon had taken seven days to get around. Then they landed a few hours. They poured their crews screaming that besieged the four islands in one morning ...

The roaring tide

captured all those who have not had the chance to take shelter. Complexion, dark skin marked with tattoos scary and many of the brightest red that is, the invaders were scary though fairly small bestiality. Their ferocity was matched only by their liveliness and one day, they seized half the population. When the raiders had their account of prisoners, they returned as they came, no one knows which direction they had taken.

Cormac was found on the beach. His body had suffered so many injuries that his people had difficulty in recognizing. Nemed's son had endured a thousand torments and it was only cuts and nicks. His sword was broken but he had harvested more than ten times seven opponents before their brothers come to the end of his fury. Yes my child, Cormac had stood up to his enemies to defend their own. So that everyone knows that one does not attack with impunity the land that is home to the proud descendants of Nemed. Cormac was recognized as the Fir Bolg once fought on the plain of Moy Tura, and because it was better to die with honor than to be dominated dogs Balor ...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ice Cream Hair Dye How

38. The Gaels, blessed children of Dana (part one)

You know the fate of three people that guided the son of my friend Nemed. Here is the story of the industry Cormac the Traveler. Of all children Nemed, remember that it vowed a friendship without limits to the son of Dagda, Manannan, the master of the oceans? The Tuatha De Danann loved the man like a brother. He even offered the opportunity to settle with his people on a rocky islet to better admire the sweeping plains.

This happiness disintegrated with the arrival of the great cataclysms which shook Nemedian. The wrath of Almighty spared Bran not the land granted to Cormac. The island broke up into a myriad of plots, dress pales in comparison to what had been the marine realm to which all were ecstatic. Yes my child, the sea returned to what was his by right and even after this tragedy, storms tirelessly fought hard on the people of Cormac. The fierce gusts and the waves lashing the island flooded. Monster waves devastated the shores and tore trees and plants, fragmenting the land, dislocating relentlessly, but they never could reach his heart of stone. Thus, the rock withstood the flood and the sun returned. Its rays then lit up a rocky land, desolate, barren wasteland where virtually no life remained.

While the ancestors of those we call Gaels came out of the shelters, where they fled to escape the deluge. Gathering their courage, they began to recover anything that could be used to rebuild the villages, because life must continue anyway. With the ebb tide, the sea bed, bathing the island proved a particularly shallow. The waters were teeming with fish and the men realized they would never die hunger. With the succeeding months, the grass began to grow rapidly and the archipelago became green. However there were more cattle. Then Radon, a leader of the clan, decided he had to sail back to the distant land that fell to the Ponant.

The idea seemed dangerous, but that Cormac was a wise ruler knew that Radon was right. Then my son, clans met and it was decided that one hundred warriors accompany Radon in his expedition. The son of Nemed even wanted to join the brave, because instead of a king with his men face danger, but Radon convinced him not to do so. It was the bravest of all watch over his family agreed to cons ... Cormac heart, but the reason should prevail over the love of adventure.

For several months, people in the industry picked up the driftwood Cormac brought by sea Yes my child, the islands were devastated and there was no tree. Yet such an enterprise required to build a ship large enough to carry the crew, the fish to feed the cattle and he would bring. A whole year was necessary to assemble such a vessel. Cormac, which Manannan had revealed many notions about the sea and its secrets, directed the construction. O, my friend, you would have seen how passionately the son of Nemed brought all his knowledge and love that ship ... Because if he could accompany Radon, his soul would live forever skiff guide him in his quest. When the day of departure arrived, Radon vowed to return before one year and one day. Knelt before his sovereign, he promised that all would be warriors accompanying unharmed.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Registration Numbers Of Burton Snowboards

37. Of Northlanders, the son of the people of Doom (part four)

All women danced naked in a infernal sarabande totally skewed. Imagine this scene only increased the madness of the situation. As the litany increased, the ground shook more and harder. The ground vibrations were so powerful that ice and rock burst! Yes the earth exploded and in total confusion, it reveals a monstrous worm to prodigious size. The wild women cheered this filthy and disgusting creature glorifying his name loudly: Crom Cruach.

So men are horrified realized it was actually the scion of eved. This larva had managed to escape into a crevice, when all his fellows had been destroyed by their vengeful fury. Their anger exacerbated by both of ignominy, the warriors attacked the monster. However, the infamous worm ate their life force and soon all were paralyzed before he could carry a single shot. Only three of the Braves survived the ravages caused in their ranks that the women named Crom Cruach.

Alerted of the scourge that women had relied on by the three survivors Slaine understood that the arrival of eved had been the greatest curse that is. The valiant son Nemed of women realized that his people were lost forever. But he also knew that there was no future to keep the land if it is cursed to suffer the fate of his unfortunate companions and followers.

So my young friend, in a forced exodus, people in the industry Slaine the stubborn left they the countries he had so loved. Thus the people of Slaine rushed In My long wandering, to put as much distance with those who had once been their companions. Here's why from that moment the fatal fury those lives that we call Northlanders. Because in them burning forever rabies. Because none of their descendants will never forget these women qu'Eved infamy was converted by witches Crom Cruach worshipers, the one of her offspring who had survived.

So child warriors descended into warmer territory. They took with them their beautiful ships, Drakmers, they wanted to keep as a souvenir of happy days. To also never forget that their countries had become the site of a cult appalling their wives were now the priestesses. They carried in these vessels the strength of their arms would henceforth be the motivation that would support them to find a land worthy of their own. An area able to receive to rebuild a society worthy of that which had been torn off. They would not stop until their skiffs do not rock back on the waves as much as they cherished their freedom.

However, having more women, they began to capture all those who were on the land crossings, as a warrior should have a companion, it is in the order of things. Facing many tribes, Slaine Stubborn to the head of his Northlanders imposed his will. He showed all the fire and steel than ever Northlanders not shrink from any enemy. After crossing the path of Crom Cruach, those few would be able to roll back, or even to impress.

Finally, having enslaved many of their enemies to become the holders of their Drakmers, each clan stood. Yes my friend, they decided to split over their victories, the sites that fighters had won Slaine with bravery. For them it was the end of the trip. Thus, the many tribes Northlanders settled mountain ranges in the far north to the shores of the ocean to the boundary of the country Cornic.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hollister Gift Card 12 Digit

The Eighth death Tibhirine or the death of a journalist ignored

Written by Mary Baudlot
Categorynet , 25-09-2007
The Eighth death Tibhirine , published Tatamis, talks about the unexplained death of Didier Contant journalist who was investigating the kidnapping and murder of seven monks in Algeria 1996. His wife, Rina Sherman, recalled day after day the events that led to Didier Contant his death. Between incomprehension and indignation The Eighth death Tibhirine remind everyone how Freedom of expression is fragile.
The eighth death Tibhirine
Tatamis Editions, Paris, 2007 Editions
Lazhari Labter & The evening Algeria, Algiers, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Af Is Due Today Test Was Neg

36. Northlanders son of the people of Doom (Part Three)

Slaine knew he was trapped and a heavy heart he repeated his people to the proposed market eved. Including qu'Eved was not human nature and could not be defeated like any other opponent, the men accepted the pact. The witch sat among those she had cheated and started to mate, but his designs were much darker ...

Yes my son, the daughter of Balor, born Grail could only be a strange breed. Of course she had hatched plans were at the height of his dark nature. In fact, fertilization with men could not be done if placed in them EVEDA larvae it produced. The development of the latter took only a few days to highlight the tragedy of fate tied to hatching. The unfortunates who underwent the coupling cons nature saw devoured by their unwanted guests with the martyr. Then my friend took pity Slaine, officiated to end the shame. Screaming his sentence, he killed those he had his hand delivered to the whims of the witch monstrous ice. But alas, already a hundred offspring were born to eved by feeding on the entrails of men.

Horrified and conscious of having been duped, people fought hard on the children of the creature from the cold and threw them into the flames. A son of the witch yet managed to escape by slipping into a crevasse ... The heat disengaged offspring was ignited as the ice melted over several kilometers. Frightened by the anger of men blinded by hatred, eved preferred disappear for fear of being destroyed in turn by the avenging fire.

Fate is strange my friend. While no child of the branch Slaine did not believe the return of their wives and daughters, a few days after the insult suffered by the creature of ice, it sent them back to their families. The men exploded with joy because they thought they had frightened EVEDA point that it no longer persecute. But their joy was short lived ... because Slaine and his family realized that the creatures returned from the mysterious place where the warriors had carried Ice had nothing in common with those they had so loved.

Yes, my child, women had become as cold as ice. They were distant as strangers. Refusing to join their husbands, they moved away from villages, where ice persisted since leaving eved. Thinking they had been shocked by this experience, the Warriors agreed at a special meeting involving all clans that would be done as they wished. They would be given the necessary time to recover from their emotions. Because that experience to anyone is traumatic beyond what you can think of.

However, the weeks succeeding the days without any change occurs. With the cold that now reside permanently in these countries, the thaw was still waiting. Strangely vibrations of deaf began to resonate from the depths of the earth. After a month, on the order of the Slaine Stubborn, several men went to inquire of women in the decision they had finally taken. The envoys clashed with fierce opposition and were deported as soon as they tried to approach their concubines.

Astonished such behavior, the envoys explained the facts to Slaine. The son of the witch Nemed sensing that ice was responsible for this upheaval decided to express its concerns to the chieftains of the industry. Driven by curiosity, the most determined decided to go to camp for women to force their wives to return to their respective tribes. The same evening a hundred warriors arranged to pick up women.

The earth vibrated gradually as they approached. Yes my son, and the vibrations were punctuated by a bizarre litany chanted by women. A haunting melody that resonated in the ears of those who heard as a dirge. Gradually, as they approached, the warriors were seized with an unspeakable malaise nothing could dissipate. The sight that met the unfortunate then froze the horror ...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sample Of Poultry Farm

The other investigation into the assassination of Tibhirine

Golias Magazine no. 115 July-August has just released a record wide angle:
The other investigation into the murder of monks Tibhirine.

Through reading the book "The eighth death Tibhirine "
Rina Sherman
well as elements of the investigation into the death Didier Contant Monks Tibhirine, never before published, this issue offers an in depth analysis of media treatment of The bloody decade in Algeria by the French press, including the death of the reporter, Didier Contant, who died before he could publish its third survey on the monks.

- "The strange suicide of a journalist
- Islamists or" services "that abducted monks?

- The cons-investigation into the murder of monks

- The Church in Algeria at the heart of the drama

- The scandalous press campaign of the Trappist Armand Veilleux

To get Golais Magazine, click here .

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Unopened Mussels Okay To Eat

35. Of Northlanders, son of the cursed people (part two)

The witch of winter uttered words that Slaine nor those of its branch heard nothing. So my child, a powerful spell froze all men, making them impossible any attempt to intervene, as strong as their determination. Helpless, they witnessed the capture of their wives and daughters. Imagine for a moment what the people of annihilation invades Slaine ... The servants of inhuman EVEDA leave with their captives, carrying them beyond the fog magic woven by their mistress.

Undaunted, they pass, eved had set his seal each woman. Then, when the last unfortunate had disappeared following their slave, eved remained alone. The spell was dissipated and the men were released from the numbness has previously paralyzed. At their head, Slaine rushed to try to catch the ice warriors and release those they had captured with treachery. However, young friend, there remained no trace of their passage, only a few cloud layers. The rage in his heart, turned against Slaine eved. True to its persistent nature that earned him his name, the son of Nemed was determined to regain the proud daughters of his race. While humans séquestrèrent eved after captured. And my young friend, as threatening wolves, they cautioned the witch she would recover its freedom only on condition that their wives are made.

The daughter of Balor threats amused people Branch of Slaine. To make fun of them and show them how they were weak, she unleashed the biggest snowstorm that was. Number of frozen human died and the survivors realized they would suffer the same fate. On their behalf, Slaine swallowed his pride and begged forgiveness of the witch. Eved acceded to the request of the suzerain and calmed the breath of magical blizzard the force was split rocks.

When calm returned, the men begged the witch to save. Yes my son, the creature of the cold was so appalling that stoop to the last proud to beg. Slaine's Stubborn pleaded the cause of women in her class for that they deserve. Daring, head of human put his life at stake, because he never gave up as girls and his people were innocent of any wrongdoing has been qu'Eved blame them. For three times seven nights without sleep and never give up, tried to convince Slaine eved that his anger was not justified.

The witch laughed and laughed at the naivety of the son of Nemed. She explained that women would return after one year if those of his revered branch without fail during this period. But listen to my child because the daughter of Balor had inherited his father's cunning and the market contained a similar consideration. Every male should also give a son to the queen of the damned ice for this year. If this condition is not met, the death would be the only possible outcome.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Air Brake Controlls In Ms Flight Simulator

34. Northlanders son of the people of Doom (part one)

Now you know a little human history my friend, the story that will enlighten you on just a people whose harshness is no more legend. Perhaps by hearing their tragic epic you'll know why they say they are inhabited by no fear.

People branch of the Slaine Stubborn once lived in the northern territories far beyond the mountain ranges beyond the territories Tuatha De Danann. The son of Nemed chose this land because they were fertile and abounding in game. The many clans living there were able to leverage all the benefits they provided. Living from hunting and fishing, these humans cherished more than any ocean. Skilled craftsmen and intrepid navigators, they constructed magnificent ships to defend the waters and the estuaries of lead in estuaries, to live in total harmony with this environment as they liked.

Then came the upheavals that anger unleashed Bran my child. The wonderful countries suffered the vagaries of middle earth. Ocean became ice and ribs were erected in a forest of icy peaks battered by howling winds. No human was prepared in such conditions. Undermining the balance of these regions, the ice age also brought with it evils arising from the madness of the Creator. One of these disasters took the form of a powerful entity with many demonic powers. No one will ever explain the reason for his coming into these places, because all of his brood had been banned by Morrigan at the end of the battle of Moy Tura ...

Yes my friend, the daughter of Balor born Grail hyperboreal had left the land to tread the earth of men. Preceded by a cold fog, the witch of winter springs escorted splendid warriors of ice. O, eved, beautiful and fantastic creature of incomparable beauty. The majesty and power that emanated from this strange procession inspired to Slaine and his family an inexplicable respect. This sentiment was transformed into a horror unspeakable soon, when all the recognized daughter of the Dark Lord.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Older Masterbation Ladies

33. Of Otrybes, sylves masters (part four)

The suffering of people in the industry did not escape Badra Morrigan. The Tuatha De then appealed to the purest spirits of the forest, because she did not want to face her own child she had abandoned. And also because the guilt was eating ; Passed without his fault, Cernunnos would not have become the ruler of the beasts. Thus for the first time since the Creation of the people Daoine Sidhe intervened. Sylvan beings, which they say they are the soul of trees and rivers of blood, even those whose pitch is lighter than the breath of a spring breeze is unveiled.

Yes my child, the Daoine Sidhe left the tranquility of their groves thrilled to help the industry Badra. The madness must not dwell longer the domain they cherished more than anything. Rallying heads refractory who resisted, the Daoine Sidhe led them to reject the offer enslaving Troll to fight against the Horned God. Combined with fabulous race, the people who had Otrybes nostalgia of old times was able to overcome the Trolls and the men hunt animals. Badra Secret and his family had not the heart to kill those whose blood flowed from their ancestors in their veins. But the punishment for traitors was banning my friend. Then those who were a shadow of people were plunged deeper into the forest under the supervision of the Daoine Sidhe, a place so far away until they could never to return. It was still a lot very sweet compared to the cruelty of their actions. Over time men beasts gradually forgot their allegiance to the Horned God ... And the last bit of humanity they had in them.

Aware that with the help of the Daoine Sidhe, the Otrybes became too threatening, the Horned God decided to retire. He knew that a direct confrontation with the pure spirits of the forest would be fatal. The choice of Cernunnos was very badly received by the monstrous fauna which had remained faithful. He was accused of trying to deliver the creatures from darkness to humans and away from the path of domination that he had always advocated.

's pride was severely bruised Cernunnos and went into a rage, condemning the audacity and vanity of his subjects. He reminded them that the Daoine Sidhe were the essence of the primordial jungle. Even blood from the earth median purity was unalterable. Yes my son, the power of Daoine Sidhe remain forever though incomparable to what the creatures of darkness could never oppose and Cernunnos knew. No one dared to stand up openly against the God Cornu, but relations deteriorated more and more. Cernunnos himself left the forests in which he allowed only the trolls. Without the Lord, the pitiful creatures returned to the primitive state of consciousness devoid of animals.

The Otrybes realized they had won, they were at last masters of the foliage. Daoine Sidhe then left, never to reappear. They realized their action to Morrigan and erased their memory image of humans. Yes my young friend, because they knew that their intervention would not have been.

The Otrybes finally free to live as they wished strove to meet the new field that had cost so much to win. The years passed and the people of Badra adapted their habitats to the lush foliage of Estaurus not to be distinguishable from those who set foot on their territory. To defend him while remaining invisible. The strength of Otrybes now reside in their ability to blend into the vegetation, the legacy of Horned God.

Badra came to disappear, but his son preserved the laws it was introduced. So my friend, they attacked those of the industry Conan Cautious what he had to defend hard-won, but you know, I've told you, do not bother to return it ...

Installing their various communities in the treetops, the Otrybes however, were faced with the risks associated with the presence of Kraocks because the giant insects reigned supreme over the domes of green jungle. The ingenuity combined with patience allowed the forest to approach and then with time to tame the flying creatures. Thus, Otrybes finally became the undisputed lords of the forests they respect and defend whatever the price because they were now inseparable.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wife Breastfeeding To Husband

32. Of Otrybes, sylves masters (part three)

The divine origin of Cernunnos conferred very wide powers. To prove his generosity and his power to Badra and its people, the God of the Beasts of the privileges which were bestowed right animals. Yes my child, he gave the Otrybes the ability to see in darkness as in daylight, because the jungle is also essential that dark night without stars. Humans also acquired the benefit to move with feline to never get noticed in their new home.

Foresters took advantage of the gifts of the Horned God. Quickly adapting to this country made them independent and able to cope with all situations. Those who were only filled with fear oppressed became fearsome predators, my young friend. Otrybes and rapidly gained strength. Secret Badra, who gave Cernunnos limited confidence, was still hope that one day his people from the yoke of the hated lord. And that moment arrived. Yes, child, ceased Otrybes to bow down to the Trolls and they gradually pushed aside the territory they were assigned.

This period was terrifying and there were battles between the two peoples. This was even the beginning of a war, because humans wanted to avenge the Trolls who tortured and devoured their brothers. Creatures of Cernunnos realized that humans had become too dangerous. The fight proved very dangerous, because Badra had managed to imbue his tenacity and fury warriors. So the Trolls proposed a truce to Otrybes. And to seal the pact, One of the females was married to one of human heads.

Then came the great split that tore the industry Badra hitherto always been united. Yes my son, Cernunnos was not fooled by tricks of the son of Nemed. Malicious, he managed to sow doubt in the minds of the weakest, promising them full of game territories and power. Thus, friends and relatives of the chief who had united with the female Troll formed themselves into an aristocracy quickly dissenting. The wild forest laws were justified in the authority of Badra.

This a herd of dogs, adopted heretical Cernunnos for pack leader. Soon other unions against nature is knotted, the inclination of the most primitive animal was finally revealed. The man was vile instincts of my son, he does not take much for them to dominate. However Badra Secret and other heads of clans Otrybes refused such a price to keep their freedom. For the pride of a freeman is to walk tall and not to crawl among the beasts. Because the blood coming from Nemed Grail flowed in their veins and recalled the memory of the era when they walked alongside the gods.

The deviant who had allied themselves with creatures of Cernunnos became cruel and bloodthirsty. Over the years they regressed and degenerated to the stage of male animals. Woodland was the scene of bloody horrors which saw many brave men perished loyal to Badr. Yes my son, faced with this power, no isolated clan could not resist. But the children of Aurora did not have all deserted the middle ground ...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dog Leg Twitch When Standing

31. Of Otrybes, sylves masters (part two)

Nightmares of the Creator had given birth to many abominations and supernatural creatures who had taken up residence in the dark forests Nemedian. People in the industry had no aggressive intentions Badra, their only mistake was to try to escape the turmoil and violence. Alas, the jungle primary was the most enchanting place in ancient times. And my child, then Otrybes fought a constant battle. Because the very nature of the beasts had changed and humans, they only saw fierce predators or prey that would calm their appetite. But the animals were not the only ones that haunt the forests. There were other strange creatures. One of them was the son Cernunnos Morrigan's misshapen and Balor. Yes my friend, the one that Otrybes called the Horned God, for it was scary and reigned over the numbers of trolls and monstrous entities whose very name has now disappeared.

Badra, whose stealth earned him the name "Secret", taught people to its branch in shirk with finesse. Guile, adapting to this new territory in which each element could be conducive to blend into nature, Otrybes quickly realized that their only hope for survival is to stay united. However, the inferiority in number of the people of Badra would very quickly kill if they failed to reach an arrangement with the sovereign Wildlife monstrous. Yes my son, the Horned God was ruthless against intruders and every day, he heaped a little more human.

After long consultations with clan leaders in its field, appeared to Badra Horned God. The son of Cernunnos Nemed implored to grant him a territory where his people could live in peace. A place where they do not cause any inconvenience. The Horned God disapproved of the presence of other creatures as his own in what he had decreed to be his kingdom, remained adamant in supplication. Turning back was impossible ... The humans settled, they should suffer the consequences of their audacity. Badra was overwhelmed, he realized he had led his men into a trap a lot worse than what they would have reserved the cataclysms.

Otrybes leaders have decided to follow their guide, heard the mournful words of Horned God. They were well advised my child. Understanding that Badra would bear the brunt of this interview presumptuous, they rushed on Cernunnos. You would have seen, tiny creatures who are trying in a burst of bravery to capture the god of beasts. So Cernunnos amused by such a daring beings pushed stunted, almost by ignoring them, because in his eyes they were nothing.

But people in the industry Badra had the admiration of the Horned God. The savagery that love's son had courageously Nemed their dictation had sealed the fate of humans. Yes my son, because in the distress they had launched headlong into a fierce struggle, Cernunnos decided they were worthy of a place in the forests. Thus he offered them the opportunity to reside in his kingdom.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Facebook Chat What Does The White Dot Mean

30. Masters of Otrybes sylves (Part one)

Listen to the story that follows my son. Learn how some of the descendants of Nemed had understood that there would be no salvation for them except the one to adapt to this land Nemedian what was uncertain. Let me tell the story of the only, perhaps, who found the median balance with the earth.

With the woes caused by the Great Desolation, the men were weak. The decline of the fraternity saw the advent of the fittest. The poor were oppressed and hopeless. They were the prey of all evils and for the most close to regress to a state of wild animals. Few were those who asserted themselves and were able not only to defend themselves but also to strike back. People in the industry Badra Secret were not among the most experienced, my young friend. But the will of their leader led them to conquer a new place in this changing world.

So they left the plains where the resident Tuatha De Danann. Like many people forced to flee, disasters related to tides and storms lead them to take the lead sylves vast east and south. For the people of Badra, too, the road was strewn with pitfalls. But in these troubled times, the hostility was at its peak and few were those who did not have to pay a heavy price for a long-awaited peace. By its nature, Badra guide knew his own by using subterfuge to make even elusive. So, joining the old foliage, the men began to live under the laws wild. Yes my child, these men were the ancestors of those we call Otrybes.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Women Wearing Girdles And Nylons

29. Of Cornice, masters of the river (part two)

Yes, my young friend, once again fate was played descendants of Nemed. People of Conan fled the land Tuatha De Danann and this unknown place, they would find refuge and solace in the remnants of one of the cities of the children of the dawn. This is the first they rebuild, where once members of the race of Dagda had flourished in perfect harmony with nature as they cherished.

Thus, my child, Cornice many were tired of this exhausting journey, decided to settle in these places. After some time, Conan decided he had to continue the journey. At the head of his strange armada it embarked again on the waves of tumultuous Elorn.

But before they leave, people who remained Conan gave him the oath of allegiance. This place will always be a refuge where each Cornic, whatever their lineage, could find asylum. Then my young friend, the first Cornish town was named Numes, which in the original language of the fathers of Cornice means "shelter."

Continuing their quest to the east, the more adventurous persisted and walked along the meandering Elorn. Navigant tirelessly, Conan and his family realized that the Morrigan's lament had indeed marked the start of the Tuatha De Danann Nemedian for a mysterious destination. Evidence of the seriousness of doom, many places built by the children of the dawn dotted the wooded banks of the river and its folds forgotten.

The harassment of this adventurous journey and the loss of their number had been aware Cornice, they could rebuild what was destroyed. Tests were many and arduous, it was time for the more tired of asking. The branch of Conan dispersed with the discovery of each of these sites was the opportunity to start a new life. Benevolent and just, the son of Nemed approved the choice of his. He knew that his people could protect themselves from evils that this world had caused.

Conan circumspect aptly named. It was decided that each group would send messengers to those who remained behind the establishment. His word was honored and maintained the contact remained. The suffering experienced collectively generated a brotherhood that united all the Cornice. This unshakable value allowed to build the foundations of their civilization. Yes, I say unto thee, she would forward the determination to establish their indivisibility Cornice despite the distance that separated them. The facility was cited in only one step in the implementation of Cornice in those territories whose multiple threats remain very real.

But strong experience having led them in these parts, the Cornice now knew what dangers they were exposed. They knew that their salvation lies in the choice of their defense. The erection of defenses would provide their unwavering peaceful life. Thus the pooling of their efforts enabled each community to build the most impressive fortifications that has brought middle earth.

And for fifty years, people of Conan with patience and determination put in place and built the walls enclave six cities they had invested. These years, my son, they brought their share of trouble and they had to endure many battles. The median land was wild and there were many dangers in this age shy. Yes, looters roamed Nemedian, often they were more ferocious than the creatures of the night or wild beasts. Yes for I have talked about people of Conan the Cautious, but those of the industry Badra Secret had invested in the jungle and had their field, there were fierce and merciless. I'll explain in detail later ...

now sheltered by their impregnable fortresses, those who formerly were members of clans disorganized began contributing to the benefit of all, the knowledge and skills from their heritage culture. Developing a hierarchical and structured, the Cornice instaurèrent laying down the precepts of what would become the Duchy of Cornwall. For Conan disappeared with his family, the bravest of his warriors ... Nobody knows what happened to this magnificent sovereign. But it was necessary to administer the Cornish towns and continue the work of the son of Nemed.

Throughout the decades following their installation, Cornice continued to teach their children to distrust outsiders. But they nevertheless maintained strong relationships with members of other duchies. Oaths are made to Conan for a long time the law who welded his people. Cornice forsook the land routes unsafe to put in place a system of river navigation better able to meet their expectations for service to their cities. So, my young friend, they could promote trade and commerce in a timely and appropriate. The solution adopted by all cities had the added advantage that they can retain full independence against any adversary that might attempt a siege. The years that followed would tend to prove that their suspicions because they give my son ...

But this, you worry much doubt it will be an opportunity for another story, because Nemedian in full. For now, it would be better if I speak of the fate of the Secret Badra and those of its branch.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How Do You Put A Storage Lien

28. Of Cornice, masters of the river (part one)

Running Scared but determined to leave coastal areas experiencing the tsunami, people in the industry Conan plunged into the impenetrable forests, on the edge of their former homeland. Hostility and ferocity of the tribes encountered led to fratricidal conflicts and arms sang again. Conan had no intention to slow its progression and he adopted an offensive stance against all who stood in his way. His determination was unwavering and to pay tribute was heavy.

Yes my child, blood flowed again and Conan saw his suite Cautious dwindle as well there were many who perished in the quest for a new land. Thus began the blood and pain of the epic people Cornic. Several thousand were those who left land Tuatha De Danann, a few hundred would be the completion of this terrible journey.

After many years and many battles, Cornice found traces of a site betrays a distressing reality fatality tenacious. Their wanderings and struggles leading up to the bitter heart of the sylves Estaurus had not driven more than a few hundreds of kilometers from their starting point. Nature had resumed her rights, she had played many of the humans who once were back on their feet without realizing it. Discouragement began to hit the most persevering and even Conan nearly gave up.

Yes my son, the price of exile was heavy. Fate was very unfair and ironic that the land would be the median trap that humans would face. Crafty opponent Multiple weapons, the jungle and pitfalls due to changes it underwent were probably the worst misfortune that Conan and his family could be facing. Stronger than anything, hope overcame the reduction when Cornice joined the banks of a river. Symbol of hope, they named Elorn, which meant in the language of their fathers' way. "

The majority of the clans of the branch of Conan decided that the river would be the way that would ensure a more rapid and safer than forests. Source Elorn was eastward, my son. This is where the Cornice would go to get away as possible from the accursed surveyed needlessly for so many years. But to carry out such an undertaking, it must adapt and prepare for onward travel. A camp was established and everyone began to work. Many months went by. And it was repelling the attacks of marauders and predators of all kinds, as an encampment of such importance attracted everyone's desire. However, my friend, dozens of boats were built for the big day, because the people Cornic had faith in its leader.

Once skiffs into the water, navigation was tough. With precarious means implemented back the rushing waters of the flood-swollen Elorn was not an easy task. Many people drowned Conan without their brothers can do nothing.

After some time, Cornice finally reached a place where the wrath of the river was reduced. Located much further east, the place, which contrasted with the clemency impetuosity previously known, was an opportunity for humans to make a stop justified and deserved. The peaceful waves Elorn formed a vast lake with sandy shores, a cove where the survivors could finally dismounted.

Bordering this haven of peace in the heart of the territories east of the center, the chaotic terrain and lush vegetation of the jungle reminded the prime tranquility Cornice much hoped that this would be a step in their journey. Their goal was much further, my son. The years passed and the median land had changed in appearance. What once was only green meadows and grassy valleys and forests was now dark forest. Very strange creatures the haunted, sinister and bloodthirsty. This place had also suffered the ravages of the Great Desolation and after some explorations Cornice rediscovered with wonder the remnants of one of the most fantastic shelters that a man could have dreamed.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Gay Spots Mobile Alabama

27. The separation of men

Anger Bran had shaken the earth center and, even with his departure, the items continued to rage. Realizing it could no longer reside in their cities of old, the children of noble race of men gathered.

Nemed sat a father venerable face him his oldest son who now were all at the head of a branch distinct from his people. O, my child, as they were beautiful all those proud lords. There was Badra Secret which one did not notice he was there only when it felt the need to know. Near him, the Black Sword Sengann blood boiling and incisive speech. Cormac and also the traveler who had established his kingdom in the plains of Manannan in which he vowed a friendship boundless. Untamed and sat scowling Slaine's Stubborn no situation was returning its decisions cost him though. Near him, quarrelsome but inseparable, the Arrogant Elcmar known by all for his jealousy and circumspection Conan the caution was shown. Some Tuatha De Danann were there too, the first born, because they still love to humans even if they felt the bitterness. Other Tuatha De, younger, had preferred to turn away from the accursed they considered responsible for all misfortunes occurred.

Thus, worry and anxiety ruled this fabulous meeting with the spectra of missing haunted each member. For many, there was no question of remaining on the territory's fury Bran had left his wrath. The harshness of the elements continuing its destructive work, echoing what seemed an endless damnation. The notice to move towards the heavens in search of new lands more hospitable to start a new life was not general. The disagreement about the direction that everyone wanted to follow up the curtain on individual ambition. Disputes between children languish Nemed saw the magic fraternity and soon, my child, the discussion gave way to verbal sparring bitter.

the firstborn listened every argument with detachment, intervening only to think carefully about the most immoderate. But humans inhabited by fear, my young friend, listened as their heart and not the wisdom of the children of the dawn. The Tuatha De Danann, although they were using diplomacy, failed to be heard. While each of Nemed son left the board because no word was able to change the decision that everyone had already made. The age of emancipation came, the fate of man was written determination had the seal. At this point, the middle ground began to shake harder, the sky darkened and thunder rumbled with so much power as the wonderful cities Tuatha De Danann broke up. gods and men, despite the wind and storm, distinctly heard the lament qu'entonna Morrigan:

"That star lull,

O heroes Danann,

No more never seen your like.

Gaze Earth median

Green earth is yours,

Paid your blood and your valor

In a mythical glory.

Let peace reign in your skies

And it reigns over the Sidhe,

Who now will be your exile

For here ends your reign . "

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What Is The Pressure Point On Neck To Fall Sleep

26. Morrigan's intervention and the banishment of Balor.

Listen child, listen well what happened in this dramatic moment, and you will understand the faith that animates the warriors when they invoke the goddess with the red hair ...

Balor was on deck to kill Nuada, then flash of light, bright moon blade and bright wall light interposed between the brothers. Morrigan had appeared as an entity dazzling halo with an aura of peace and love. More powerful than the nightmare. She spoke to Balor as follows "You are not worthy of the love that I have now testified and by links which bind me to this world you will be cursed until the end of time. By the power conceded to me that middle ground, the fruit of the dream of the Creator I will hunt and hold them in your countries cursed a thousand times now that you can not leave "

amazed Balor knew that words were loaded Morrigan a growing power. O my child, as the bright light shone from the body of the goddess with the red hair each member of the army Darkover turned around as the terror and pain that it inflicted on them was unbearable.

The Dark Lord tried to resist and concentrated all its efforts to destroy that which he had once so loved. But the power of determining Morrigan was more powerful than his will. The shadow terra even in the depths of his deformed body and Balor had to resolve to flee, leaving the grave of Moy Tura. Thus ended the heaviest and largest massacre Nemedian has focused on its soil my child. So you know what legacy has left the shadow.

Morrigan disappeared by dividing into three distinct persons as Tuatha De Danann now appoint and dream under the title of "BABD" which means "the light of the star is three. "

After the tears came when he honors a child. For those who give their lives for a cause just need to be honored and revered. And for every hero who had fallen on the plain of Moy Tura was erected a stone on which the ogharune of his experience was engraved. Thousands of these stones, you can still see them, they are remembered as a heroic past that we must never forget or deny.

Morrigan about it no longer appears only rarely in one of its three forms. A young girl carefree crowned with flowers, a red-billed raven or an old woman hunched supporting the weight of the ages and the misery of past actions ... However, she never returned among the people of Dana. Yes my child, Morrigan prefers to remain in communion with the Chimera. Since that fateful day, she brings wisdom, will and courage to Gaiscedachs.

Thus ends the story of the golden age of the Tuatha De Danann my child. Here begins the era that saw the anger of Bran, but I'll tell after I have rested, if you do not mind.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Pinky's Brampton Ontario

25. The power of the single eye of Balor (Part two)

Dagda struck size and thrusting relentlessly. The blade of his sword fabulous fusion decimated his opponents by the dozens, following each other. The spear of Lugh Formoirés hunted as if they were only insects. And for its part, my friend, the unconscious Sengann beheaded who dared venture too close to his enchanted blade.

It is at this precise moment, moved by Shadow, who commanded his sick mind that Balor left the heights from which he watched the battlefield. Unspeakable horror that his one eye changing color to turn to the most brilliant carmine that is, I assure you. Then came a blinding radiation that escaped sweeping all fighters regardless of their camp. Halo so bright that all had to look away to avoid being blinded.

Yes, my young friend, Balor's eye was incandescent and destruction. Nothing resisted. Then the valiant Nuada tried to intervene to stop the carnage of his people would die too ... and screamed in horror. Because the pain of that fire straight out of the evil skull Dark Lord drew their energy into the nightmare, the very substance of shade. Alas, the valor of Nuada had not the strength of This unbeatable weapon. Dagda's son bravely tried to hit one that had been his brother but his arm does not reach the demon. The arm that carried the hopes of the First born underwent amputation the most horrible.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cherry Colours For Black Hair

24. The power of the single eye of Balor (part one)

Finally, when the sun was setting, the fighting came to an end and everyone was recovering dead and wounded. And my young friend, the next day, the ranks of the enemy did not seem so far have declined, and the motivation of all remained inflexible. Diancecht had dug wells of healing in which the dying finds strength and power, thanks to the learned principles magic that the Tuatha De and the Goblins had developed. Yes, my child, these mythical age, death existed but was not always irreversible.

So at the end of the sixth day of confrontation, neither side took the lead after that messengers are sent from both sides, a truce was established. It was decided that the single combat between the leaders and heroes of the army Darkover First born to those which delineate the antagonists.

The valiant fighters who crossed the iron succeeded as if dueling were never end. All were brave; moult lost their lives today and my young friend, the tales of their exploits are sung and tales around the fire as if it were only legends.

The issue was so important that Nuada and Lugh entered themselves on the plains to confront the heroes Formoirés and Fir Bolg. Few survived the enchanted weapons that the father and son wielded relentlessly from dawn to sunset. Not for a moment they took the time to rest. They never failed, my son, that we could see how the majesty resided.

The Third day of bloody fighting, the Dark which was not far back in contention raised their arms in the air, chanting spells whose words even flayed the ears of those who heard them. The sounds emanating from their throats were so atrocious inhumane that many people were forced to lay down their arms to their ears.

The show my son, was apocalyptic. The atmosphere was oppressive and the sky so low that one would have thought she was going to touch the helmets of the warriors. The darkness of the night's most dark came to fall on Moy Tura. Only a few flashes of blinding blue allowed a glimpse of the carnage that continues to unfold.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

How To Tell Which Meucci Pool Cue U Have

23. Battle of Moy Tura and birth time (Part two)

Now every event that would mark the day and write the following in the blood of the brave claim the frame of what would become the future. Your story and find your destiny in my own words what they mean, be sure that your presence here is a continuation of this story. The souls of warriors who now lives you is only a consequence of the insidious manifestation of the shadow that caused all these evils. But I digress, let's continue this story if you do not mind, it is far from over.

So, both sides, the warriors left the serried ranks of their respective troops to get to the center of the plain. They had, my young friend, erase the shame of affronts individually and wash their honor by dueling rituals. The face-to-face lasted a long time, they stopped at sunset and resumed at sunrise. For each it was an eternity and every day during the ranks of these men fell.

The sixth morning, when nobody had to go to the plain, taking Grail fingertips Balor called to his father. In a booming voice, he shouted for us to hear it from one end to another of the plain of Moy Tura to Dagda:
"Father, if you want your pot, just get it! Gives me half of your territories! Then I'll kiss you then go back in Thule. "
The father of all the Tuatha De Danann replied simply:
" Grail returns to his family and you, my son you will be banned for eternity in a territory as vast as it will lose your vanity! Expect no sympathy from me or even those against whom you raise your army, the Creator alone decide our fate. "

The last word was the signal of the Dagda who saw the hedge Moytura countless fighters who poured, blending into a huge, macabre sarabande combining flesh, steel, screams, terror and tears. Thousand ferocious Fir Bolg were bent like rabid beasts and foaming with rage over valiant and brave warriors of Earth Elders. Nuada, the Dagda, and also Nemed illustrious heroes repelled wave after wave of attackers without ever showing of exhaustion. O My Son, as those glorious heroes were brave, imagine them, indefatigable, irrespective slaying everything that was not adorned with the red color of Morrigan ...

CIRB, Eoche Breas and threw themselves surrounded by their followers on the Tuatha De Danann and humans in the manner of scavengers on easy prey. But, Child, magic spells that filled the arms of the son of Dagda made them decimate a hundred times more enemies than any of the heroes of the army Darkover.

The floor of Moy Tura veered quickly into a crimson carpet and muddy contrasting with the surrounding greenery and the bright freshness of the grass which grows normally.
you hear even the deafening roar of thunder and weapons meeting the armor? That of metal ripping flesh and the cries of rage and pain infamous sucking feet tearing the ground bathed in blood ... Imagine all his feelings, let them go back and screw you too this terrible nightmare.

Yes My Son, the curses launched by the warlords echoing in your ears, the groans of the wounded hardly mitigated by carnynx and the roar of the drums are beating your heart give you faster and nausea. Learn what fear in my eyes and observed the bodies pile up in the funeral mounds on the plains of Moy Tura. Imbue yourself with this horror, contemplates the heads and limbs all positioned in the offensive attitudes, completely dismantles. See what can be achieved and the shade begins to hate what you have to fight.

Slowly come back to me, let the calm of the Chimera caressing his infinite sweetness, it's over ... Now I can go, forgive the brutality of these images were necessary, they are part of what you have to learn.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Cervix Low And Hard Pregnant

The right to freedom of expression is non-negotiable

On 15 February 2004, Didier Contant, former editor of the Gamma agency and reporter, made a fatal fall from the fifth floor of a Parisian building. He had just returned to France a month's stay in Blida and Algiers where he had conducted a third survey the kidnapping and killing of Monks Tibhirine. Didier Contant about to publish an article reporting the results of its investigation when it was targeted by a cabal of false accusations against fellow drove him. Without providing any evidence, they accused him of being a double secret agent in the service of the Algerian Military Security (SM) and the Security Directorate of French territory (DST).

Actually, Didier Contant had not even had time to organize their research notes, or even publish an article, then a process of psychological demolition hit him in the form of innuendo, threats and intimidation, many of which have been simultaneously reported to the heads of editors with whom he worked regularly. Thus, the veteran journalist found himself marginalized and destabilized in his profession.

Contrary to the single dominant thought in the French press that the government routinely blames Algerian responsibility for the kidnapping and murder of monks Tibhirine Didier Contant had gathered evidence confirming what many Algerians had already said , that is to say that the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) were responsible the death of seven Trappist monks, killing the GIA also claimed in a statement. And because he wanted to express his opinion, he was the victim of intolerance that reigns in some of the French press over the black decade in Algeria.

On the basis of this intolerance, Didier Contant underwent psychological demolition company, based on unfounded criticism, lies and slander. What were they afraid of his colleagues? It would reveal their lies? It would expose the elements they have concealed from the French public to construct an alternative reality? Whatever the answer to these questions, answer that the French public is entitled to claim, the methods are despicable and unworthy of a democratic republic, whose texts protect and defend freedom of expression. It is urgent that full light be shed on the death of journalist Didier Contant.

Rina Sherman
Paris, July 2, 2007

Doujinshi On Ash And Dawn

22. Battle of Moy Tura and birth time. (Part one)

Balor The resolution was final, the shadow comfort in her choice stoking his malevolence. And since the offended always decides on where justice is done, my young friend, Dagda chose endless plains of Moy Tura battle. But know also that these plains were the only space large enough to compete and can extend the countless rows of fighters. You would have immediately understood if you had been able to contemplate the multitude of warriors who lined both sides of both sides.

anarchic and disorderly, rows of Formoirés, Fir Bolg stocky, Trolls and many monstrous and countless evil creatures. Can you imagine, My Son, the Army weapons and armor striking Darkover echoing roar of drums and screaming horns of war.

Imagine again, My Child, in the eyes of this chaotic and disgraceful horde anger, rage and hatred that prevailed, and the lightning streaking the dark mass of clouds that surrounded a nebulous shroud did accentuate their appearance demonic and horrifying.

Set back, overlooking the plain, Balor, the Venus of the cauldron and heroes of their offspring; Breas, Roche, Cirba. A few steps away grimacing these demons, stood groups of mages chanting incantations, chants mystical accents dire, spells and curses ungodly.

Further still, meditating, motionless, silent, eyes closed, chin on chest, hand in hand, forming an eerie, macabre frozen round, stood those that do are known only under the name Shadow. This armada chaotic deceit has been faint My Child, for never yet so disgusting creatures had been gathered in one place, even today, I shudder just by thinking of it.

Facing them, on the other side of the plain, proud and smiling, Dagda, Nemed and many famous people and the Tuatha De Danann courtesy. They wore provocative songs and chants that sages and scholars but also Gruagachs Tuatha De Danann were allowed to perform using the very substance of nightmares of the Creator. Yes My Son, the substance that is terrible and corrupting the shade, the very one that inspired insidiously Balor against his people.

Lug, glowing like Prince Tuatha De Danann all loved, raised five-pointed spear which only the light breath of the morning was enough to inflame the tips. Dagda him, held his hands resting on the hilt of a sword whose blade width equivalent to that of one of his thighs. Nuada, magnificent war leader of the race of the First born, sported a weapon to manufacture more archaic in comparison to those of the princes of his people. A sword like so many others, without ornamentation or carving. A weapon on the blade which no light was reflected, as black as a moonless night. The Excalibur would call it, the name he had given then was Calfwech't.

detached and utterly disdainful about what would happen, Nemed thumb inspecting the edge of two blades of an ax as high as his shoulder. This weapon of the same material as the sword of Nuada Sengann and that of his own son, sang a chant hypnotically languorous, a dirge for those she would mow with enthusiasm and pleasure. O My Son, you would have seen as the Nemed exhibited with derision as a sign of provocation. Never so lightly in a tragic moment was not as encouraging for his.

In rallying, all dressed in kilts were brave or pieces of tissue from the red blood that was bound to flow, the color of the hair of Morrigan who is the muse of this fratricidal struggle . Apart from these few pieces of cloth barely hiding their nakedness, the waves of human fighters and their elders Tuatha De Danann had covered their bodies with complex symbols drawn with bright and vivid painting in honor of their mother Dana at all.

Honor and dignity were the only armor they oppose the blades to their monstrous opponents. Without fear or doubt, they exhibited with fury and determination shields and weapons, responding to howls from their opponents with dreadful war cries.

It is at this precise moment that time was born, My Son.

Now every event that would mark the day and write the following in the blood of the brave claim the frame of what would become the future. Your story and find your destiny in my own words what they mean, be sure your presence here is the continuity of this story. The souls of warriors who now lives you is only a consequence of the insidious manifestation of the shadow that caused all these evils. But I digress, let's continue this story if you do not mind, it is far from over.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How Do You Make A Sinker Mold

21. The beginnings of the battle (Part two)

Horrible and unspeakably wonderful feeling for those who watched this show to feel that their souls by the thousands of icy eyes welling up from nowhere and whose eyes and pierced. Despite this horrific spectacle and atmosphere that arose, such as use should be, my son, and other hand, Formoirés outfalls and land handed free gifts and exchanged messages that they were told to repeat.

So, my child, bright as the dawn, grand, like a ray of sunshine, the company Dagda reappeared when everyone thought they would do more. Nuada went in person and on behalf of all talk with his brother Balor. As he had been approached to be a great leader of his birth, he behaved. Worthy, without hatred, his eyes shining pride that characterized the greatest, Nuada came amid troops of the army of darkness, unafraid. He did not grant the accolade Balor fraternal and immediately asked him to make Grail and leave the land of the Elders. If he does not run, he would face the wrath of Dagda.

You see my child, just be sensible would have understood what was offered chance to make amends and acknowledge his mistakes ... To leave with the bitter taste of shame in the mouth but with nobility, raised in the eyes of everyone. Balor himself, does not react differently than if it had been fun. And his decision would be in line for him had decided that the shadow now dominated ... the battle was thus choose the Dark Lord.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Japan Fondling Groaping Vid

20. The beginnings of the battle (Part one)

Just Dagda and his entourage had they left Thule, the Dark Lord gathers the most formidable war council that has brought Nemedian. Returning to the land of free people Tuatha De Danann, Dagda sent all his followers in their homes to notify their people. It had to be notified of all the threatening shadow of the confrontation that would inevitably occur. All had been ordered to prepare harnesses and weapons.

Then my young friend, Brug Na Boyne Findias, Murias, Gori and other cities Falia fabulous whose name escapes us still were subject to unusual stirring events preceding the dark. Tuatha De Danann and humans usually so full of joy equipped themselves for battle. If the price of peace was war, it would be so and everyone would give his blood for the middle ground and in the name of Dagda.

But, my child, away from the horrors of war fever that far wiser intoxicated, ran a strange advice. After a serious dialogue between Dagda, Lugh, Goibniu, Nemed, Diancecht, Oghma Lars first supreme ruler of the Goblins and mages the most erudite and enlightened planning, these illustrious lords, went to the realm of Gruagachs. Apart Dagda and his entourage, none of those who remained in the territories free to organize their defense had been wrapped in secrecy because of the departure, not even Dana.

The coasts of middle earth, usually so peaceful, were facilitated by the swarming incessant dark centipedes formed by Balor's evil cohorts. Harnessed, howling, foaming drool a rage born of long instilled by the Dark Lord were all excited at the idea of annihilating the opponents they hated so much. Yes my son, the brothers went back to draw blood from their own, the shadow had come to sow disorder that would now be impossible to erase memories.

Helmets to bronze headdresses, breastplates of bronze swords, axes and pikes were bristling steel aggressively their glow hate this pathetic and monstrous giant with tentacles and disorderly movements. Turquoise sea and usually so serene was now thrown into a multitude of vessels and skiffs that three times ten people together would have been difficult to count. Their sails half drowned in a magical mist woven by necromancers Formoirés Fir Bolg and left eye, however, clear marking their unique texture of its dark luster bad.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Charlie Harper Shirts

19. Consequences of the deceit of Balor (Part two)

When Formoirés, Tuathans and humans took place at the table, Dagda stood. He held his magic harp and offered as a gift to host the banquet of his songs. He played the first chords of the joy and all the guests all laughed. Following the joy, sadness agreements split the heart of everyone wept until the soil is soaked with tears. In conclusion, Dagda played the melancholy of sleep and all fell asleep. Taking advantage of drowsiness general, the Tuatha original Grail emptied of its contents and filled it with all the food he could find in Thule. After a moment, the revelers awoke without having kept the memory of falling asleep.

Balor that gnawing impatience turned to his father. "I think your songs even though they lasted long delighted the meeting. You must be very hungry Father, the honor is yours to begin This feast by taking you from the leader, she will rightfully. "Dagda expecting at that time seized Grail head on and began to swallow the contents without taking time to breathe. Before the astonished eyes of all, he emptied the magic cauldron until the last drop, then turned to Balor. "Here, as you can see, I have answered your hospitality and I am fed with what you had intended. It appears that your banquet promises are not equal to my appetite! Now that nothing remains, how do you intend to satisfy the rest of your guests? It is an affront that I can not decently I prefer to accept and start hoping that you repair this humiliation by listening to the voice of wisdom and ceasing to lead you into an animal. We leave and I hope that you pay this insult by withdrawing your minions of my land, and that you bring the Grail to the place he should have never quit, Brug Na Boyne! If this was not the case, know that now, the whole Tuathan would rise alongside men to fight you. "

Thursday, June 14, 2007

How To Put A Hinged Nose In

18. Consequences the cunning of Balor (Part one)

Whatever the nature of a new, no matter who is the bearer and who sends him the best welcome is always reserved. And my young friend, was the case for sending emissaries Balor. A banquet was even given in their honor. For the god Dagda is good and that in no case shall derogate from the laws of hospitality he has introduced. The firstborn heard that Formoirés had to say and even allowed to laugh at him. Although he does not shew, suffering filled his heart.

However, my child, and this is where you should see the greatness of this God, the humiliation was nothing compared to what needs to see again on earth peace median. Desiring that the horror continues and things back to normal, Dagda sent emissaries in Thule. He charged them to answer the Dark Lord that he would move to witness his union with Morrigan.

At this news, Balor was seized with an uncontrollable rage. His blindness and let's face as his shady mentor convinced him that the Tuatha De original had decided to ridicule, preferring to sacrifice his daughter rather than risk a fight as he had expected. The new shade inspired Balor submitting a plan that would require Dagda to react to what everyone believes that its decision was intended only to betray the hospitality the Dark Lord. Thus, for all the firstborn would not be better than his son deformed because he could not do otherwise than to violate one of the most important key statutes.

As expected, Dagda appeared at Thule, carrying as it should be present and accompanied Nemed and major Tuatha De lords whose number had indeed thought that peace would be sealed by the union of the last of the Morrigan children their race. Thule had been decorated in the manner of Brug Na Boyne, a thousand banners gleaming in the image of the eye Sole had been arranged wherever we can fit the look. The screams and groans of Carnyx Fir Bolg drums resounded with such intensity that the very walls of the city shook. Balor greeted Dagda and his entourage in the arm of Morrigan who was dressed in black because that was the color of weapons Formoirés.

listen well, my son, how Balor's cynicism knows no bounds. Having secretly plotting his plan, he made sure that Morrigan hear him give his recommendations to the servants to pour poison into a powerful Grail, which would be prepared dishes that we offer to guests. Embracing his father, Morrigan could not help whispering in his ear what she knew. In this it acts as the Dark Lord had hoped. Dagda aware of the deceitful maneuver her son knew that if he did not eat the food offered to him, he would find himself in the position of offending. Tormented by the dilemma, the firstborn is considering the most clever not to fall into the trap.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Techdeck Online Skating

17. The choice of Morrigan (Part two)

Alas, the misshapen brother whose sick mind was ravaged by the deputy was animated as bellicose and vengeful against the Tuatha De Danann ... Perhaps even more toward humans who dared challenge his omnipotence. Inspired by his mentor who fed his madness by distilling and skilfully probably suspected, the Lord and King of Formoirés examined the request of his sister. O my son, deceit would still work and one-eyed Balor elaborated the frame of what would be his revenge.

After much thought, accepted the proposal of Balor Morrigan ... However, my child, you imagine that the answer would still be the opportunity for a new deception. Also, the Formoiré put a single condition that would be decisive in the implementation of the agreement. Departure Balor of the faithful would be effective only when Morrigan would have given a child to his brother. This birth would seek to seal their marriage and would be in everyone's eyes, the living symbol of this pact.

Morrigan Balor knew that was coming from the trap. The lost soul, not distinguishing any other way to stop the madness it was originally the Tuatha De to the red hair was resigned to comply with this arrangement. The Lord in one eye for whom this victory was much more than revenge on Morrigan, but more importantly, my young friend, the opportunity to hurt Dagda, burst into a laugh that shook the earth median as thunder.

Eager to taste the result of his trick, he hastened to send emissaries to Formoirés Brug Na Boyne, and in all the cities the Tuatha De Danann. Vanity to announce that the Morrigan joined on his land to the husband to take the land here is the sovereign Formoiré a layer of clouds so dark as night to reside permanently. Yes my child, changes began to affect many claims Nemedian signs of fatal ...