Balor The resolution was final, the shadow comfort in her choice stoking his malevolence. And since the offended always decides on where justice is done, my young friend, Dagda chose endless plains of Moy Tura battle. But know also that these plains were the only space large enough to compete and can extend the countless rows of fighters. You would have immediately understood if you had been able to contemplate the multitude of warriors who lined both sides of both sides.
anarchic and disorderly, rows of Formoirés, Fir Bolg stocky, Trolls and many monstrous and countless evil creatures. Can you imagine, My Son, the Army weapons and armor striking Darkover echoing roar of drums and screaming horns of war.
Imagine again, My Child, in the eyes of this chaotic and disgraceful horde anger, rage and hatred that prevailed, and the lightning streaking the dark mass of clouds that surrounded a nebulous shroud did accentuate their appearance demonic and horrifying.
Set back, overlooking the plain, Balor, the Venus of the cauldron and heroes of their offspring; Breas, Roche, Cirba. A few steps away grimacing these demons, stood groups of mages chanting incantations, chants mystical accents dire, spells and curses ungodly.
Further still, meditating, motionless, silent, eyes closed, chin on chest, hand in hand, forming an eerie, macabre frozen round, stood those that do are known only under the name Shadow. This armada chaotic deceit has been faint My Child, for never yet so disgusting creatures had been gathered in one place, even today, I shudder just by thinking of it.
Facing them, on the other side of the plain, proud and smiling, Dagda, Nemed and many famous people and the Tuatha De Danann courtesy. They wore provocative songs and chants that sages and scholars but also Gruagachs Tuatha De Danann were allowed to perform using the very substance of nightmares of the Creator. Yes My Son, the substance that is terrible and corrupting the shade, the very one that inspired insidiously Balor against his people.
Lug, glowing like Prince Tuatha De Danann all loved, raised five-pointed spear which only the light breath of the morning was enough to inflame the tips. Dagda him, held his hands resting on the hilt of a sword whose blade width equivalent to that of one of his thighs. Nuada, magnificent war leader of the race of the First born, sported a weapon to manufacture more archaic in comparison to those of the princes of his people. A sword like so many others, without ornamentation or carving. A weapon on the blade which no light was reflected, as black as a moonless night. The Excalibur would call it, the name he had given then was Calfwech't.
detached and utterly disdainful about what would happen, Nemed thumb inspecting the edge of two blades of an ax as high as his shoulder. This weapon of the same material as the sword of Nuada Sengann and that of his own son, sang a chant hypnotically languorous, a dirge for those she would mow with enthusiasm and pleasure. O My Son, you would have seen as the Nemed exhibited with derision as a sign of provocation. Never so lightly in a tragic moment was not as encouraging for his.
In rallying, all dressed in kilts were brave or pieces of tissue from the red blood that was bound to flow, the color of the hair of Morrigan who is the muse of this fratricidal struggle . Apart from these few pieces of cloth barely hiding their nakedness, the waves of human fighters and their elders Tuatha De Danann had covered their bodies with complex symbols drawn with bright and vivid painting in honor of their mother Dana at all.
Honor and dignity were the only armor they oppose the blades to their monstrous opponents. Without fear or doubt, they exhibited with fury and determination shields and weapons, responding to howls from their opponents with dreadful war cries.
It is at this precise moment that time was born, My Son.
Now every event that would mark the day and write the following in the blood of the brave claim the frame of what would become the future. Your story and find your destiny in my own words what they mean, be sure your presence here is the continuity of this story. The souls of warriors who now lives you is only a consequence of the insidious manifestation of the shadow that caused all these evils. But I digress, let's continue this story if you do not mind, it is far from over.
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