Anger Bran had shaken the earth center and, even with his departure, the items continued to rage. Realizing it could no longer reside in their cities of old, the children of noble race of men gathered.
Nemed sat a father venerable face him his oldest son who now were all at the head of a branch distinct from his people. O, my child, as they were beautiful all those proud lords. There was Badra Secret which one did not notice he was there only when it felt the need to know. Near him, the Black Sword Sengann blood boiling and incisive speech. Cormac and also the traveler who had established his kingdom in the plains of Manannan in which he vowed a friendship boundless. Untamed and sat scowling Slaine's Stubborn no situation was returning its decisions cost him though. Near him, quarrelsome but inseparable, the Arrogant Elcmar known by all for his jealousy and circumspection Conan the caution was shown. Some Tuatha De Danann were there too, the first born, because they still love to humans even if they felt the bitterness. Other Tuatha De, younger, had preferred to turn away from the accursed they considered responsible for all misfortunes occurred.
Thus, worry and anxiety ruled this fabulous meeting with the spectra of missing haunted each member. For many, there was no question of remaining on the territory's fury Bran had left his wrath. The harshness of the elements continuing its destructive work, echoing what seemed an endless damnation. The notice to move towards the heavens in search of new lands more hospitable to start a new life was not general. The disagreement about the direction that everyone wanted to follow up the curtain on individual ambition. Disputes between children languish Nemed saw the magic fraternity and soon, my child, the discussion gave way to verbal sparring bitter.
the firstborn listened every argument with detachment, intervening only to think carefully about the most immoderate. But humans inhabited by fear, my young friend, listened as their heart and not the wisdom of the children of the dawn. The Tuatha De Danann, although they were using diplomacy, failed to be heard. While each of Nemed son left the board because no word was able to change the decision that everyone had already made. The age of emancipation came, the fate of man was written determination had the seal. At this point, the middle ground began to shake harder, the sky darkened and thunder rumbled with so much power as the wonderful cities Tuatha De Danann broke up. gods and men, despite the wind and storm, distinctly heard the lament qu'entonna Morrigan:
"That star lull,
O heroes Danann,
No more never seen your like.
Gaze Earth median
Green earth is yours,
Paid your blood and your valor
In a mythical glory.
Let peace reign in your skies
And it reigns over the Sidhe,
Who now will be your exile
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