The right to freedom of expression is non-negotiable
On 15 February 2004, Didier Contant, former editor of the Gamma agency and reporter, made a fatal fall from the fifth floor of a Parisian building. He had just returned to France a month's stay in Blida and Algiers where he had conducted a third survey the kidnapping and killing of Monks Tibhirine. Didier Contant about to publish an article reporting the results of its investigation when it was targeted by a cabal of false accusations against fellow drove him. Without providing any evidence, they accused him of being a double secret agent in the service of the Algerian Military Security (SM) and the Security Directorate of French territory (DST).
Actually, Didier Contant had not even had time to organize their research notes, or even publish an article, then a process of psychological demolition hit him in the form of innuendo, threats and intimidation, many of which have been simultaneously reported to the heads of editors with whom he worked regularly. Thus, the veteran journalist found himself marginalized and destabilized in his profession.
Contrary to the single dominant thought in the French press that the government routinely blames Algerian responsibility for the kidnapping and murder of monks Tibhirine Didier Contant had gathered evidence confirming what many Algerians had already said , that is to say that the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) were responsible the death of seven Trappist monks, killing the GIA also claimed in a statement. And because he wanted to express his opinion, he was the victim of intolerance that reigns in some of the French press over the black decade in Algeria.
On the basis of this intolerance, Didier Contant underwent psychological demolition company, based on unfounded criticism, lies and slander. What were they afraid of his colleagues? It would reveal their lies? It would expose the elements they have concealed from the French public to construct an alternative reality? Whatever the answer to these questions, answer that the French public is entitled to claim, the methods are despicable and unworthy of a democratic republic, whose texts protect and defend freedom of expression. It is urgent that full light be shed on the death of journalist Didier Contant.
Rina Sherman
Paris, July 2, 2007
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