Slaine knew he was trapped and a heavy heart he repeated his people to the proposed market eved. Including qu'Eved was not human nature and could not be defeated like any other opponent, the men accepted the pact. The witch sat among those she had cheated and started to mate, but his designs were much darker ...
Yes my son, the daughter of Balor, born Grail could only be a strange breed. Of course she had hatched plans were at the height of his dark nature. In fact, fertilization with men could not be done if placed in them EVEDA larvae it produced. The development of the latter took only a few days to highlight the tragedy of fate tied to hatching. The unfortunates who underwent the coupling cons nature saw devoured by their unwanted guests with the martyr. Then my friend took pity Slaine, officiated to end the shame. Screaming his sentence, he killed those he had his hand delivered to the whims of the witch monstrous ice. But alas, already a hundred offspring were born to eved by feeding on the entrails of men.
Horrified and conscious of having been duped, people fought hard on the children of the creature from the cold and threw them into the flames. A son of the witch yet managed to escape by slipping into a crevasse ... The heat disengaged offspring was ignited as the ice melted over several kilometers. Frightened by the anger of men blinded by hatred, eved preferred disappear for fear of being destroyed in turn by the avenging fire.
Fate is strange my friend. While no child of the branch Slaine did not believe the return of their wives and daughters, a few days after the insult suffered by the creature of ice, it sent them back to their families. The men exploded with joy because they thought they had frightened EVEDA point that it no longer persecute. But their joy was short lived ... because Slaine and his family realized that the creatures returned from the mysterious place where the warriors had carried Ice had nothing in common with those they had so loved.
Yes, my child, women had become as cold as ice. They were distant as strangers. Refusing to join their husbands, they moved away from villages, where ice persisted since leaving eved. Thinking they had been shocked by this experience, the Warriors agreed at a special meeting involving all clans that would be done as they wished. They would be given the necessary time to recover from their emotions. Because that experience to anyone is traumatic beyond what you can think of.
However, the weeks succeeding the days without any change occurs. With the cold that now reside permanently in these countries, the thaw was still waiting. Strangely vibrations of deaf began to resonate from the depths of the earth. After a month, on the order of the Slaine Stubborn, several men went to inquire of women in the decision they had finally taken. The envoys clashed with fierce opposition and were deported as soon as they tried to approach their concubines.
Astonished such behavior, the envoys explained the facts to Slaine. The son of the witch Nemed sensing that ice was responsible for this upheaval decided to express its concerns to the chieftains of the industry. Driven by curiosity, the most determined decided to go to camp for women to force their wives to return to their respective tribes. The same evening a hundred warriors arranged to pick up women.
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