Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sample Church Welcome Service

For motorists victims of unjustified fines, a nightmare

The number of PV is increasing unwarranted
write Aymeric Renolit and Anne-Cecile July in Le Parisien (which also refers the case of fines on the fly ).
They are often ludicrous situations. But a nightmare for motorists victims of unjustified fines. And they are becoming more numerous.
Las receive PV unjustified, almost 1 500 € fine and 8 points off for a vehicle that is no longer the owner, Daniel Merlet, a Vendee, 54, made four days of hunger strike.
"The system is automated too," says a lawyer specializing in automotive litigation. Lawyer and Doctor of Laws, Remy Josseaume is also chairman of the Legal Committee of the association of 40 million cars.

How to avoid ...


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