Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Public Toilet Cruising

"The need for strong state": the words of Le Pen proves that the (extreme) French right has nothing to do with the Republican Party and "Tea Partiers

I would like to point out, compared to one of the "critical" the most virulent against Republicans, Conservatives, Tea Partiers, and other residents of rural America (it's actually a ad hominem supposed to demonize and thereby end the debate while serving as a permanent self-congratulation in the service of "humanist" self-proclaimed) is that whatever (not so) beautiful world would be composed of members of the (far) right, (neo-) fascist and Nazi extremists almost, and in the end of the day, nothing less than close of theses National Front .

But if we are to believe ... ( Mestre Abel and Caroline Monnot in ) The World (!) ( and cons-survey of Abel Mestre, Caroline Monnot, Pierre-Jaxel Truer, and Sophie Landrin ), one should ask who is closest to the theses of the FN, the left (see the rights-of-l'hommistes professionals from any country, whatever) or the right (see the American right or the Republican Party)?

Ask yourself, which in the following quote, would rather be able to agree with Marine Le Pen ?

Is it more of a conservative, a Republican, a Tea Partier, or any other person requesting a reduction of the state?

Or is it rather one of those - both the U.S. and abroad - Who criticize Bush, Republicans, Tea Partiers, bankers, and capitalists?
"When you have to regulate, protect, innovate, to state that one turns naturally, because it is the state that has sufficient size to act, the indispensable democratic legitimacy, and that it is in our national DNA "," she insisted, referring "the need for strong state" face "Money King" , advocating nationalization, including banks.

Update: Marine Le Pen confirmed and signed by criticizing the privitisation and the generalized free trade [and that] an ultra-liberal policies, with its procession of offshoring, unemployment and social decline ...


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