One evening in 1966, then Prime Minister, Georges Pompidou spurred a sudden anger at the stack of regulations that an unhappy employee was present at its signingtells Gerard Courtois in Le Monde .
"Stop pissing the French: there are too many laws, too many regulations in this country. We die! Let them live a little, and you'll see that everything will be better! ", he threw in his gravelly voice.The story does not say if he signed, but it will record that, since then the number of texts governing the life of the country has doubled to 8500 legislation, some 120 000 decrees and orders, not to mention countless regulations.
With this illustrious precedent, Jacques Myard, eruptive UMP Yvelines, there is no going around the bush, Thursday, December 16. That day, the National Assembly was considering Loppsi 2 - Translate second law of orientation and programming for the performance of homeland security - and in particular a section introduced by Senators in September for flexibility to the system of driver's license points.
"There is a deep unease in the population on the issue of penalty points" , then attacked Mr. Myard. Carried away by his enthusiasm, he did not hesitate to denounce a "system completely idiotic" which "calls into question the freedom to come and go public in a vehicle" short, a "sort of guillotine falling on the nape of the poor driver guilty of minor offenses.
The time was so serious. Especially since Mr. Myard was not alone on the benches of the majority, to defend the good people and automobiles, chased by radar, harassed by the constabulary and, possibly, private driver's license for venial blunders. Claude Bodin, Philippe Goujon, Bernard Reynes castigated "the feeling of hunting for motorists who has crept into our country" , invited the government to show "tolerance" and to stop "treat the French as children ".
... The interior minister, Brice Hortefeux, and the rapporteur of the text, Eric Ciotti, had to compose and sell, at least partially, the sling of the vast brotherhood of angry motorists.
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