Gon! Gon! Gon! It's Sunday, the regulatory rings for lunch, all the seminarians go to the refectory. A friend of Ezekiel Aïssata to his surprise at the table sees the good rice dish topped with cabbage, peppers, onions, eggplant it raises the question: where you got all condiments? Ezekiel answered it all comes from our garden.
We therefore take the proximity of the river to practice gardening. This garden was neglected at the beginning of the foundation of the seminar is now in fashion. The slogan of self-care of our fathers bishops has encouraged the practice of gardening Samaya. This garden aims: to help seminarians in terms of self care, self feeding and self-study. Nowadays the gardening moves from traditional irrigation watering modern, the watering system drop by drop. So that the students are empowered. Aïssata, reply, Ah I wish good luck to the seminarians!
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