Friday, December 31, 2010

Bump On Goldfishes Head

View of the Facade of the Headquarters of The Daily World

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fotos De Hanna Montanah

Obama's Failure to Close Guantanamo? It's the Fault of Bush and Of The Trap Laid by His Evil Henchmen

It's all Bush's fault! Bush Derangement Syndrome is back in force in France (but did it ever leave Europe's shores?), as Le Monde — which obviously has no idea of the contents of the Geneva Convention — describes the Guantánamo situation as a "judicial trap" (and "a pure illegality "concerning" that camp of shame ") ugly by lying, conniving, treacherous Officials of the Bush administration. World with Most readers Adding Their habitual hooey, of course this in turn means clustering That Barack Obama IS a purpose Poor Defenseless Victims of the evil Bush - As You Can See In The piece's title ( Barack Obama Caught in the Trap Guantanamo) and in very first sentence.
The legal trap set by the Bush administration, rooted in the ideology of the "war on terror" , closes in on the Obama Administration. In January 2011, the U.S. president should sign a presidential decree authorizing internment without trial and for an unlimited period of some detainees at the military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

... The trap was set up after the attacks of al Qaeda's September 11, 2001, initially consisted of inventing a legal category, called "unlawful enemy combatant" the sole purpose to derogate from the right U.S. and international, especially the law of war codified in the Geneva Conventions .

Since those terrorists were not within the usual categories of law, we might as well create the Guantanamo prison that practicing on them torture, as long as "legal advice" to decree in accordance with law.

... According to the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy, by legalizing a de facto "black hole" law, the Bush administration has created non-justiciable prisoners.

May 21, 2009, Mr. Obama acknowledged that they are "the specific issue facing the most difficult" administration. Today, by decree, he finds himself entangled in this outrageous and goes to confirm, in turn, a pure illegality: deprivation of liberty without purpose imposed without trial in humans.

"You broke it, you fix it" , said an American saying: he who breaks must be repaired. Washington under George Bush , has undercut the respect owed his administration with international law. Barack Obama intends to restore it. Faced with a Congress where Republicans (massively) and Democrats (mostly) prefer the security requirements of any other concern, it provides still want to achieve. And, ultimately, close the camp of shame.

But meanwhile, he comes, too, to derogate from international law. The facility would to follow the views of a Jack Goldsmith, former editor of the "legal opinion" of George Bush, he recently advised Obama to stick to a simple standard: "Do not judge the terrorists , enclose them. " Realism is to remember that the abandonment of the right always ends up turning against the man who lets himself be cause, even though he does do that as cyclical.

related: What Should enraged Every decent citizen Is That The Real torturers - from Zimbabwe to China, from Syria to North Korea - get a pass from left The Political ("The DEMANDS to shut down Guantanamo o lock-up for terrorists Have nothing to do with Human rights. They're about Punishing America for Our Power and Success. ")

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

When Did Belladonna Get Herpes

The good people car chased by radar, harassed by the constabulary, and private driver's license for venial blunders

One evening in 1966, then Prime Minister, Georges Pompidou spurred a sudden anger at the stack of regulations that an unhappy employee was present at its signing
tells Gerard Courtois in Le Monde .
"Stop pissing the French: there are too many laws, too many regulations in this country. We die! Let them live a little, and you'll see that everything will be better! ", he threw in his gravelly voice.

The story does not say if he signed, but it will record that, since then the number of texts governing the life of the country has doubled to 8500 legislation, some 120 000 decrees and orders, not to mention countless regulations.

With this illustrious precedent, Jacques Myard, eruptive UMP Yvelines, there is no going around the bush, Thursday, December 16. That day, the National Assembly was considering Loppsi 2 - Translate second law of orientation and programming for the performance of homeland security - and in particular a section introduced by Senators in September for flexibility to the system of driver's license points.

"There is a deep unease in the population on the issue of penalty points" , then attacked Mr. Myard. Carried away by his enthusiasm, he did not hesitate to denounce a "system completely idiotic" which "calls into question the freedom to come and go public in a vehicle" short, a "sort of guillotine falling on the nape of the poor driver guilty of minor offenses.

The time was so serious. Especially since Mr. Myard was not alone on the benches of the majority, to defend the good people and automobiles, chased by radar, harassed by the constabulary and, possibly, private driver's license for venial blunders. Claude Bodin, Philippe Goujon, Bernard Reynes castigated "the feeling of hunting for motorists who has crept into our country" , invited the government to show "tolerance" and to stop "treat the French as children ".

... The interior minister, Brice Hortefeux, and the rapporteur of the text, Eric Ciotti, had to compose and sell, at least partially, the sling of the vast brotherhood of angry motorists.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Genital Tattoo Galery


Condoms can be used in some cases, but what if ??
A priest, a philosopher, a married man, a farmer, a trader ..... give their opinion

Comment on this topic ........

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fax With Confidentiality Statement

Sport Samaya

Gothic Sweet 16 Games


Among the activities that shape the lives of seminarians at the seminary, the dish is included. Thus, the seminarians are organized by building to the dishes after every meal (lunch and dinner). In fulfilling this task, dealing with some dishes, other forks, knives and spoons, others are in charge of drinking glasses, cleaning tables after meals and filling cans water.
One Sunday we had a visit from our dear mother Mary OUATTARA us his impressions on dishes that are the seminarians: "I am surprised that the priests are small dishes, usually reserved activity for girls and women and in Africa. " Why then, seminarians do the dishes?
In all this, everyone has their arguments on the activity only do these young people (seminarians) in a seminar.

Watery Mucus Day Before Period

Africa is independent?


Africa Is it independent?
Independence is defined as a total political autonomy, freedom of thought and expression, lack of submission to the authority of others. This independence is impossible without economic and financial autonomy. While 17 African countries have celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their independence by the year 2010, the definition of the word remains Does not foreign to the African reality?
Our African countries are they not gone for decision making when the great powers set the price of our agricultural products and mine? Our state budgets they are not regulated by the World Bank and the IMF ?

Join the debate!

On Poptropica How Do You Not Leave The Chicken

the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church and Model

speaking succinctly the Virgin Mary is the clearest expression and also the most profound mystery of the Church. We approach the City Council is to get closer to the Church. However, the road first virtue of Mary, from St. Augustine is virginity. That virginity is a way of living the human experience of the Church of Heaven (cf. 15 days of prayer with Saint Augustine, p. 110). With this in mind that our community of St. Augustine Major Seminary Samaya, has the Virgin Mary the heart of his spiritual activities. Because, says St. Augustine always (Ser. 215, 4), "Mary believed, and what she believed in it came true. Pencils also be profitable for us what has made it. "
Michel Mansare

Praise be to God through Mary. Amen

Open Gyms In New York City


The pourguère is a shrub whose fruit (bais) containing three black seeds in a capsule. These grains are used in the production of hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in parts of Mali. They also contain a white substance when crushed.
history dates back to December 17, 2008; around Samaya, is thus a foot of this shrub. Thus far, three young people: Bedo K, Massa T, Yirabo M, which had a common mission passed with the Pourguère. Seduced by its grains fell underfoot, the curiosity of our brave young people led them to stop. B. K, assuming a grain, crushed and tasted the contents. It's very sweet friends! He said. The others have not hesitated to engage with joy. Meanwhile another way, Moutian C arrives at the scene. This one speaks to them by revealing that what they eat is toxic. But B. K reply by claiming to have a belly (ORV), and it continues to eat while his two friends realized the inquiry and have abandoned the task.

After one hour, all three have contracted bloating, diarrhea and bloody vomiting. B. K was much more threatened. This is a father of trainer Major Seminary Samaya passing in his car and he was soon evacuate victims in the emergency room of Gabriel Toure Hospital in Bamako. After adequate care of our brave pourguère have learned that "when the desire to eat someone brings a snack hoof of an ass, the hungry go to sleep before him" as an African proverb.

How Long To Wait To Drink After Taking Ativan

Relay St. Augustine: Our buletin information

Relais Saint-Augustin (Quarterly Newsletter of our seminar) released its 60 th number.
In it you will find interesting articles with joy

Air time
new Word
Report Session Pro-Life
The fiftieth anniversary of independence Africa (File)
News of our Churches
Events Special
Realities of pastoral internship
Page spiritual
Photos and flash
Page cultural
The Download

How Do You Make A Bandana Mask

Gardening Seminar! The ruling military

Man Can be in the water and die of thirst?
Gon! Gon! Gon! It's Sunday, the regulatory rings for lunch, all the seminarians go to the refectory. A friend of Ezekiel Aïssata to his surprise at the table sees the good rice dish topped with cabbage, peppers, onions, eggplant it raises the question: where you got all condiments? Ezekiel answered it all comes from our garden.
We therefore take the proximity of the river to practice gardening. This garden was neglected at the beginning of the foundation of the seminar is now in fashion. The slogan of self-care of our fathers bishops has encouraged the practice of gardening Samaya. This garden aims: to help seminarians in terms of self care, self feeding and self-study. Nowadays the gardening moves from traditional irrigation watering modern, the watering system drop by drop. So that the students are empowered. Aïssata, reply, Ah I wish good luck to the seminarians!

Why Does Your Scrotum Itch

What image do we do in the military sense of governance?

The military normally is a defender of the country, the protector of citizens who intervenes in the political situations in case of confiscation of power or major disturbances.

Why are they hated once in power?

For most people, the military is one that oppresses, that unworthy, who chained freedom and had a civil wedding. In short, the military is a violent man. It has no place in a barracks or war. Put in power is the wrong target is to sacrifice a whole nation. For this, there is nothing civilians and themselves.
If this happens, what can we do analysis of a military regime like that of Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso who had to fight the development of products grown and processed in place Hence the slogan: Produce and consume Burkina Faso Burkina Faso? Dadis government, which was evidence of progress in a few months without outside help in the fairness and transparency? The military coup of Nigerian Djibrilla Hamidou which was applauded? Versus civilian dictatorial regimes like Sekou Toure in Guinea-Conakry; that Marc Ravalomanana of Madagascar to name them.
Would it not a confusion of language to say that a military government is anti-democratic?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chetna Of Mysore Mallige Fame

The Ivorian crisis

debate between pro-and pro-Gbagbo Wattara ...
Two major seminarians samaya online give their views
Pro-Gbagbo: The Ivorian crisis has its source following the statement by the UN representative in Cote d'Ivoire who took part in declaring Allassane President while the final results depended on the council.
Pro-Wattara: No! Markous agreements gave full power to the UN representative to certify the results of the CIS IEC and said Alassane proclaimed winner of the polls ...
Follow heated debate

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wedding Bulletin Wording Memorial

Instrumentalists Samaya

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ways Of Stretching Labia Special Ebay!

Le petit commerce (au black !), de Madame Nanou75 on

Post Title: Auguste Rodin - "The Genius of Eternal Rest with Drape" . from 31/10/2008 to 7:27 p.m. . Please contact Nanou75.

Rodin and Despiau Sale on

Post entitled Down and Out ...... from 01/03/2009 to 10:51 p.m. - updated on 01/03/2009 at 11:04 p.m.

Imagine that I spent with my husband, the afternoon in room sales (...).
it is clear that business becomes difficult (does anyone have a client Rodin 2 meters, acknowledged by the original museum, modern cast
good commission to black?

announces serious
agencies refrain
juicy, reserved for individuals) . (...) That's what I thought: there was not the account, the amount ... I had a check that is not necessary provision. Not very serious if we can recover all the money we need our customers (you can even redo the roof in the country and repairing leaky faucets both in Paris). (...) The sub starved. 10,000 bales (in euro, of course) to find in three days. Dur. We an original Rodin sale and some "Despiau"
(a sculptor who scored back now, it costs us dearly enough when we buy that I can tell). If you have customers or clients (in this case

is paid, of course ), I expect you to walk (very) firm. Go to site " ", even if only for a look. On Youtube, you'll find his slide show, And then one of the "Genius", by Rodin, and even a slideshow on the Gandhara (Afghanistan-Pakistan-Archaeology of the Indus Valley).

All that, my friends, we sell
... Urgent, but never ... sold off. to you to spend it right, your four Pépette, or have them spend the other (and it earns you ...) rather than letting your buddies scalp. (...) A good investment in art?
1 - protect yourself, at least your flouze, loot, money,
2 - you have the added bonus of viewing pleasure, the pride of the collection. But let's relax, it is a heritage - also - you need to know to manage: sell, buy, buy and sell ... Go, I await your proposals, you have the address of the site and everything you need for a contact. Write me charles.despiau @
Only now are the
following behaviors are prohibited on
Illegal activities in all its forms, including fraud, trafficking of prohibited

The disclosure of identifying information precisely by name members of the community Posters, such as name, mailing address, email address, phone number;
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Papy Mougeot Kajarc