Friday, December 31, 2010

Bump On Goldfishes Head

View of the Facade of the Headquarters of The Daily World

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fotos De Hanna Montanah

Obama's Failure to Close Guantanamo? It's the Fault of Bush and Of The Trap Laid by His Evil Henchmen

It's all Bush's fault! Bush Derangement Syndrome is back in force in France (but did it ever leave Europe's shores?), as Le Monde — which obviously has no idea of the contents of the Geneva Convention — describes the Guantánamo situation as a "judicial trap" (and "a pure illegality "concerning" that camp of shame ") ugly by lying, conniving, treacherous Officials of the Bush administration. World with Most readers Adding Their habitual hooey, of course this in turn means clustering That Barack Obama IS a purpose Poor Defenseless Victims of the evil Bush - As You Can See In The piece's title ( Barack Obama Caught in the Trap Guantanamo) and in very first sentence.
The legal trap set by the Bush administration, rooted in the ideology of the "war on terror" , closes in on the Obama Administration. In January 2011, the U.S. president should sign a presidential decree authorizing internment without trial and for an unlimited period of some detainees at the military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

... The trap was set up after the attacks of al Qaeda's September 11, 2001, initially consisted of inventing a legal category, called "unlawful enemy combatant" the sole purpose to derogate from the right U.S. and international, especially the law of war codified in the Geneva Conventions .

Since those terrorists were not within the usual categories of law, we might as well create the Guantanamo prison that practicing on them torture, as long as "legal advice" to decree in accordance with law.

... According to the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy, by legalizing a de facto "black hole" law, the Bush administration has created non-justiciable prisoners.

May 21, 2009, Mr. Obama acknowledged that they are "the specific issue facing the most difficult" administration. Today, by decree, he finds himself entangled in this outrageous and goes to confirm, in turn, a pure illegality: deprivation of liberty without purpose imposed without trial in humans.

"You broke it, you fix it" , said an American saying: he who breaks must be repaired. Washington under George Bush , has undercut the respect owed his administration with international law. Barack Obama intends to restore it. Faced with a Congress where Republicans (massively) and Democrats (mostly) prefer the security requirements of any other concern, it provides still want to achieve. And, ultimately, close the camp of shame.

But meanwhile, he comes, too, to derogate from international law. The facility would to follow the views of a Jack Goldsmith, former editor of the "legal opinion" of George Bush, he recently advised Obama to stick to a simple standard: "Do not judge the terrorists , enclose them. " Realism is to remember that the abandonment of the right always ends up turning against the man who lets himself be cause, even though he does do that as cyclical.

related: What Should enraged Every decent citizen Is That The Real torturers - from Zimbabwe to China, from Syria to North Korea - get a pass from left The Political ("The DEMANDS to shut down Guantanamo o lock-up for terrorists Have nothing to do with Human rights. They're about Punishing America for Our Power and Success. ")

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

When Did Belladonna Get Herpes

The good people car chased by radar, harassed by the constabulary, and private driver's license for venial blunders

One evening in 1966, then Prime Minister, Georges Pompidou spurred a sudden anger at the stack of regulations that an unhappy employee was present at its signing
tells Gerard Courtois in Le Monde .
"Stop pissing the French: there are too many laws, too many regulations in this country. We die! Let them live a little, and you'll see that everything will be better! ", he threw in his gravelly voice.

The story does not say if he signed, but it will record that, since then the number of texts governing the life of the country has doubled to 8500 legislation, some 120 000 decrees and orders, not to mention countless regulations.

With this illustrious precedent, Jacques Myard, eruptive UMP Yvelines, there is no going around the bush, Thursday, December 16. That day, the National Assembly was considering Loppsi 2 - Translate second law of orientation and programming for the performance of homeland security - and in particular a section introduced by Senators in September for flexibility to the system of driver's license points.

"There is a deep unease in the population on the issue of penalty points" , then attacked Mr. Myard. Carried away by his enthusiasm, he did not hesitate to denounce a "system completely idiotic" which "calls into question the freedom to come and go public in a vehicle" short, a "sort of guillotine falling on the nape of the poor driver guilty of minor offenses.

The time was so serious. Especially since Mr. Myard was not alone on the benches of the majority, to defend the good people and automobiles, chased by radar, harassed by the constabulary and, possibly, private driver's license for venial blunders. Claude Bodin, Philippe Goujon, Bernard Reynes castigated "the feeling of hunting for motorists who has crept into our country" , invited the government to show "tolerance" and to stop "treat the French as children ".

... The interior minister, Brice Hortefeux, and the rapporteur of the text, Eric Ciotti, had to compose and sell, at least partially, the sling of the vast brotherhood of angry motorists.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Genital Tattoo Galery


Condoms can be used in some cases, but what if ??
A priest, a philosopher, a married man, a farmer, a trader ..... give their opinion

Comment on this topic ........

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fax With Confidentiality Statement

Sport Samaya

Gothic Sweet 16 Games


Among the activities that shape the lives of seminarians at the seminary, the dish is included. Thus, the seminarians are organized by building to the dishes after every meal (lunch and dinner). In fulfilling this task, dealing with some dishes, other forks, knives and spoons, others are in charge of drinking glasses, cleaning tables after meals and filling cans water.
One Sunday we had a visit from our dear mother Mary OUATTARA us his impressions on dishes that are the seminarians: "I am surprised that the priests are small dishes, usually reserved activity for girls and women and in Africa. " Why then, seminarians do the dishes?
In all this, everyone has their arguments on the activity only do these young people (seminarians) in a seminar.

Watery Mucus Day Before Period

Africa is independent?


Africa Is it independent?
Independence is defined as a total political autonomy, freedom of thought and expression, lack of submission to the authority of others. This independence is impossible without economic and financial autonomy. While 17 African countries have celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their independence by the year 2010, the definition of the word remains Does not foreign to the African reality?
Our African countries are they not gone for decision making when the great powers set the price of our agricultural products and mine? Our state budgets they are not regulated by the World Bank and the IMF ?

Join the debate!

On Poptropica How Do You Not Leave The Chicken

the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church and Model

speaking succinctly the Virgin Mary is the clearest expression and also the most profound mystery of the Church. We approach the City Council is to get closer to the Church. However, the road first virtue of Mary, from St. Augustine is virginity. That virginity is a way of living the human experience of the Church of Heaven (cf. 15 days of prayer with Saint Augustine, p. 110). With this in mind that our community of St. Augustine Major Seminary Samaya, has the Virgin Mary the heart of his spiritual activities. Because, says St. Augustine always (Ser. 215, 4), "Mary believed, and what she believed in it came true. Pencils also be profitable for us what has made it. "
Michel Mansare

Praise be to God through Mary. Amen

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The pourguère is a shrub whose fruit (bais) containing three black seeds in a capsule. These grains are used in the production of hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in parts of Mali. They also contain a white substance when crushed.
history dates back to December 17, 2008; around Samaya, is thus a foot of this shrub. Thus far, three young people: Bedo K, Massa T, Yirabo M, which had a common mission passed with the Pourguère. Seduced by its grains fell underfoot, the curiosity of our brave young people led them to stop. B. K, assuming a grain, crushed and tasted the contents. It's very sweet friends! He said. The others have not hesitated to engage with joy. Meanwhile another way, Moutian C arrives at the scene. This one speaks to them by revealing that what they eat is toxic. But B. K reply by claiming to have a belly (ORV), and it continues to eat while his two friends realized the inquiry and have abandoned the task.

After one hour, all three have contracted bloating, diarrhea and bloody vomiting. B. K was much more threatened. This is a father of trainer Major Seminary Samaya passing in his car and he was soon evacuate victims in the emergency room of Gabriel Toure Hospital in Bamako. After adequate care of our brave pourguère have learned that "when the desire to eat someone brings a snack hoof of an ass, the hungry go to sleep before him" as an African proverb.

How Long To Wait To Drink After Taking Ativan

Relay St. Augustine: Our buletin information

Relais Saint-Augustin (Quarterly Newsletter of our seminar) released its 60 th number.
In it you will find interesting articles with joy

Air time
new Word
Report Session Pro-Life
The fiftieth anniversary of independence Africa (File)
News of our Churches
Events Special
Realities of pastoral internship
Page spiritual
Photos and flash
Page cultural
The Download

How Do You Make A Bandana Mask

Gardening Seminar! The ruling military

Man Can be in the water and die of thirst?
Gon! Gon! Gon! It's Sunday, the regulatory rings for lunch, all the seminarians go to the refectory. A friend of Ezekiel Aïssata to his surprise at the table sees the good rice dish topped with cabbage, peppers, onions, eggplant it raises the question: where you got all condiments? Ezekiel answered it all comes from our garden.
We therefore take the proximity of the river to practice gardening. This garden was neglected at the beginning of the foundation of the seminar is now in fashion. The slogan of self-care of our fathers bishops has encouraged the practice of gardening Samaya. This garden aims: to help seminarians in terms of self care, self feeding and self-study. Nowadays the gardening moves from traditional irrigation watering modern, the watering system drop by drop. So that the students are empowered. Aïssata, reply, Ah I wish good luck to the seminarians!

Why Does Your Scrotum Itch

What image do we do in the military sense of governance?

The military normally is a defender of the country, the protector of citizens who intervenes in the political situations in case of confiscation of power or major disturbances.

Why are they hated once in power?

For most people, the military is one that oppresses, that unworthy, who chained freedom and had a civil wedding. In short, the military is a violent man. It has no place in a barracks or war. Put in power is the wrong target is to sacrifice a whole nation. For this, there is nothing civilians and themselves.
If this happens, what can we do analysis of a military regime like that of Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso who had to fight the development of products grown and processed in place Hence the slogan: Produce and consume Burkina Faso Burkina Faso? Dadis government, which was evidence of progress in a few months without outside help in the fairness and transparency? The military coup of Nigerian Djibrilla Hamidou which was applauded? Versus civilian dictatorial regimes like Sekou Toure in Guinea-Conakry; that Marc Ravalomanana of Madagascar to name them.
Would it not a confusion of language to say that a military government is anti-democratic?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chetna Of Mysore Mallige Fame

The Ivorian crisis

debate between pro-and pro-Gbagbo Wattara ...
Two major seminarians samaya online give their views
Pro-Gbagbo: The Ivorian crisis has its source following the statement by the UN representative in Cote d'Ivoire who took part in declaring Allassane President while the final results depended on the council.
Pro-Wattara: No! Markous agreements gave full power to the UN representative to certify the results of the CIS IEC and said Alassane proclaimed winner of the polls ...
Follow heated debate

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wedding Bulletin Wording Memorial

Instrumentalists Samaya

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ways Of Stretching Labia Special Ebay!

Le petit commerce (au black !), de Madame Nanou75 on

Post Title: Auguste Rodin - "The Genius of Eternal Rest with Drape" . from 31/10/2008 to 7:27 p.m. . Please contact Nanou75.

Rodin and Despiau Sale on

Post entitled Down and Out ...... from 01/03/2009 to 10:51 p.m. - updated on 01/03/2009 at 11:04 p.m.

Imagine that I spent with my husband, the afternoon in room sales (...).
it is clear that business becomes difficult (does anyone have a client Rodin 2 meters, acknowledged by the original museum, modern cast
good commission to black?

announces serious
agencies refrain
juicy, reserved for individuals) . (...) That's what I thought: there was not the account, the amount ... I had a check that is not necessary provision. Not very serious if we can recover all the money we need our customers (you can even redo the roof in the country and repairing leaky faucets both in Paris). (...) The sub starved. 10,000 bales (in euro, of course) to find in three days. Dur. We an original Rodin sale and some "Despiau"
(a sculptor who scored back now, it costs us dearly enough when we buy that I can tell). If you have customers or clients (in this case

is paid, of course ), I expect you to walk (very) firm. Go to site " ", even if only for a look. On Youtube, you'll find his slide show, And then one of the "Genius", by Rodin, and even a slideshow on the Gandhara (Afghanistan-Pakistan-Archaeology of the Indus Valley).

All that, my friends, we sell
... Urgent, but never ... sold off. to you to spend it right, your four Pépette, or have them spend the other (and it earns you ...) rather than letting your buddies scalp. (...) A good investment in art?
1 - protect yourself, at least your flouze, loot, money,
2 - you have the added bonus of viewing pleasure, the pride of the collection. But let's relax, it is a heritage - also - you need to know to manage: sell, buy, buy and sell ... Go, I await your proposals, you have the address of the site and everything you need for a contact. Write me charles.despiau @
Only now are the
following behaviors are prohibited on
Illegal activities in all its forms, including fraud, trafficking of prohibited

The disclosure of identifying information precisely by name members of the community Posters, such as name, mailing address, email address, phone number;
Finally this "lady" is the torch with the Post Charter is a well-known socialist activist who enjoy the indulgence of writing too socialist Marxist regular duties and passes this "class" of corrupt officials and thieves licensed Marxist Muslim part of the notorious anti-Semitic groups as Assets and activists, antisarko The jet set, Solidarity with Olivier Bonnet, antifa etc. . etc..

For exemplification:

http://www.impots .

Papy Mougeot Kajarc

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Virtaul Worlds Like Poptropica

Nanou75 aka My window, his first article on the rampage and angry posters!

Warning: This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real people in real life for real, not might be no coincidence that coincide.

A video for Grandpa Mougeot Nanou75

Anastasia, I'll remove the bayonet ... Do not miss vespers, especially.

I got this shit 22 (Hold V'la the blues!) November 2010 Hour 40 to 14 minutes 50 seconds from the foul Netino company (A Band of fascists, of assholes

roller their right-wing Islamic mother) moderation-lp @ Contact nice article about my me that I had done all by myself, with my old fingers full of rheumatism, on the corner of my kitchen table in the middle of cat piss. "Hello Nanou75 (could not tell Ms. Nanou the PD, it skinned their mouth, what crap!) After reading and careful analysis of your article of 22.11.10 2:35 p.m. by our moderation team, (She is beautiful .. the team; like, 3 assholes who are fighting a duel behind a keyboard and a hundred small North African Muslims illiterate Mat u (k-upper)) it had to be withdrawn from publication because of its non-compliance vis-à-vis the use of charter (should say Sharia such pigs!) All opinions are accepted within the rules defined in the Charter and subject to editorial expressing them in a courteous, reasoned, and without aggressiveness. ( And my ass is the chicken?) The reason for withdrawing your article is: aggressive About To maintain a courteous atmosphere, positive and participatory about the aggressive nature are not allowed by the charter site. are considered aggressive, messages containing personal attacks, settling of scores between posters, either generally or excessive brutal attacks against another user. Having been yourself attacked by another user does not justify the act of responding by another personal attack. You can Alert us to notify us of any content that you attack so that we can consider as a priority and make its withdrawal if the aggressive nature was found.

Damn D .... (God was going to say ... but again ... I bitch; name of a small St. Joseph (I see you coming band small canaillous gauchiottes It is Joseph Stalin ... of course, Hitler's ally between 39 and 41 both of my loves). I have not deviated from the charter, I know this fucking brothel charter pump ass and I have, I think, enough legal knowledge to avoid getting caught. It is still not at fault, citing authors, including President of the Republic, when he uttered his most famous "break up, pauv'con" at Salon de l'Agriculture. If I write "ass to the Velrans!" And Longevernes are combs ass "what can be considered a bit rude but then, do we censor the War of the Buttons? Do we censor the bits and tuna if it's my uncle and aunt Odette? I am not a lawyer, it is not, as I pretentious am and my enemies as they say allah jerk who abound on the net like maggots on a rotting corpse. But I can read. ... Well ... ... especially in German. since the occupation. And, having read the constitutions speaking countries in the text, very long time ago indeed, the French legal vocabulary seems a bit "skinny cat pee" (mine, cats are well fed, well done to my old cat died (Nonami, not the one that stinks, this one is tired long ago). I, I think he is perfectly entitled to lay a sure and I do not commit any disturbance to the public policy by writing or screaming down the cap and black-capped rascals and down with the yarmulke and kippallotins, down with keffiyehs and kéffiallottins. "We are governed by the Act of 1905, they proselytize, too. While this may offend (this is done for, like the croaking of raven at the sight of a cassock, the cry of grouicks grouicks a passing torchonnée or bearded and cui cui passing of Rabbi Jacob), but finally we enquiquinent these people for almost 20 centuries , in total disregard of the word of Christ (which annoys me) From Muhammad, (which I beat foune) and Jehovah (A and I piss in the ass), I'm not going to interfere with the process Crow, pork and bacon baked. Now I really flush the bitch, I do not know what time I have left to live, with a beautiful sword of Damocles over the head and a zucchini in the ass.
'm fucking shit shit cunt
here's what I get every day in my email which is no longer called "Nanou75" but "Nana Ladle" all appreciate the finesse of an asshole Grandpa Mougeot raging in several other nicknames, Grandpa Cajark Mougeot, The World Betty, Monique Tamaire Anna Rechet,

http://anticommuniste. /

Every day now I get this message: The message
Papy Mougeot of ' I can not say it makes him the name of the pub! " n' has not been downloaded from the server. You need to log into that account to download.
course, it goes through the side but it is useless. You have to be lighter and if I did a little psycho, I never studied psychiatry. I think it should be taken care of. For me, this does not particularly bother me, apart from a curiosity: how did he get my email? I attacked on this subject, the security system of the Post, Marianne crénom the name of God for crying out loud filthy slut big swelling demonic mailed me a response a little angry, I understand . This is serious.

But there is worse than Grandpa Mougeot Kajar Oh, of course, as we have more to threaten the psychopath a complaint in court and go to dilate the anus by a baobab uprooted in her asshole syphilitic, terrorized he stopped the rot by email abuse. But he has his shit blog where he pours his hatred of humanists and communists left nice, hatred hate fart of mold, I think many of us have been entitled. It gives details about me that make me think he really entered my computer to me. I do not know how to protect my computer. Yes my ass, my computer no! Worse my old ass nonagenarian postmenopausal not interested!

How he knows where I live (horse?) How he knows that my cousin Odette who posed for a mediocre sculptor of Nazi collaboration was mowed tee with me to release?.
Odette, the hooker, during the Second World War was not only the mistress of an old sculptor, she also grew tender relationship with the occupier. In particular, the official sculptor of the Reich, who arrives in Paris at the workshop said sculptor where I live now in a German uniform and suggests that the coal shortage in the workshop as everywhere else, for that bad sculptor continues work and especially his mistress to heat the troufignon. Swastikas flourish on the wall of the facade and garage workshop: The uniform of the official sculptor of the Reich and his official car has not gone unnoticed.

But I do not care much because I have a pretty nice girl like her single mother and I like to write to Elisha, some say that I a vocabulary of toilets, but it is not true, fuck ass to pump shit green, Nadine Mokes to your mother a whore!

Certain jealous say about the Internet than the belligerence socialist, I join the bitterness Marxist Islamic imbecility and folly satisfied with a former seventy-eighters the poor ambition, these people are scoundrels and pedants name God! What! Shit ass! I fuck me in France! Sacred motherfuckers heads con macaques fucking gooks of UMP! Vive Segolene Royal et Alain Minc!

But I am, I confess, for some time unsettled. Inset never politically (at least I escaped a possible shame), I nevertheless always voted Socialist Party and more disciplined than a good campaigner. My brother what a little fag cunt, had chosen to buy a cap with a tassel to go sell duck PS on the market. Me, I contented myself to punitive expeditions on the posters of "competition" should have seen the head of the Police Force Agents (hey, they are capitalized Z'Y Goddammit ...) when we were doing saplings to scrape democratically posters fascists of the UMP-knife coating. "What are you doing?". "Citizens Brigade cleaning," we replied. In short, it is only the day of the second round of the presidential election with our mouths and cons connasses sores and good bournemouth, we had the honors of custody for "Chouchou revamped. I laughed ... name of God.

J era so in a fashionable district of the caviar left and Chinese soup from the Parc Montsouris and the Butte aux Cailles, the 13th is called "Chinatown" because these motherfuckers yellowish niakoués slant-eyed I can not sack.

My cuckold of
asshole of her dead billionaire husband selling works of art (lard) in black on voted "green" in the last election, I wanted to, driven by a conviction that becomes as stupid as the family tradition, PS vote

As is commonly said, I have, as they say in Neuilly, had felt like I did ... idiot

I hedge band fags and dykes dirty Zionist right-wing UMP!

Your Nanou Paris.

My site that it was I who did it:

Find me here , so "I am everywhere"

And yet again:

My window antisemitic

http:/ /

And here too! :

Write me

charles.despiau @

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Antisemitism on

Writing the and moderation (anti-Semitic Muslims from North Africa) Netino society are anti-Semitic Islamic Marxists!
Small ayatollahs homunculi of thought unique and well thought of have struck again! Holders of Pravda (Truth) Marxist cultural, imams of the Grand Mosque Marxist still censored! Site pourritissime misinformation published online by The World Interactive (subsidiary of Le Monde "newspaper" Nidor ultra left and Lagardère) a stinking site of leftist populism, Islamic filth, degradation "religious" and mediocrity is still censor an article. @ Llah, then, as the single thought is bitter.
These "people" there are holders of "power" to make "the news" and or is supposed to tell the truth! Yes but now, the "truths" Marxists, Judeo Christian or Muslim does not in fact any argument which brilliant thinkers and fatal mistake that can be reached by a simple exercise in logic: they are, if we accept their logic assholes, opinions of the Creator or guru himself, after they have been transmitted directly or through a prophet or an ideologue.
These "people" there are holders of "power" to make "the news" and said the purported or is Truth! Yes but now, the "truths" Marxists, Judeo Christian or Muslim does not in fact any argument which brilliant thinkers and fatal mistake that can be reached by a simple exercise in logic: they are, if we accept their logic assholes, opinions of the Creator or guru himself, after they have been transmitted directly or through a prophet or an ideologue.

On several occasions in the history of the revealed religions and ideologies collectivist socialist "authorities (And these dirty little assholes that make for an "authority") convinced of their right, have persecuted those who refused to comply with their interpretation of dogmas. In the logic of zealous, or "Zelus" How important can possibly have in effect a poor creature, a citizen, a clown, a libertarian astray from the single thought, facing the need to comply with commands God or the guru and to impose them on everyone? Religions based on alleged revelations "divine", as Jewish Christianity and Islam, fundamentally in terms of respect for freedom, it really is not that. It's not even all that. Any thoughts collectivist, moreover those that distinguish between absolute categories such as elected officials and others, believers and infidels, activists and people who follow God's commandments or those of party and those who ignore them, always pay in intolerance when "zealous" or "Zelus" are flying (which inevitably happens at one time or another). Each of these religions and ideologies of course had its heyday when pluralism and the reason briefly dominated. But one wonders if the very structure of religious ideology and politics inevitably lead, eventually, to intolerance and denial of individual freedom. This is what happens today in France and on the Net with Islamic ideology supported by a perverse neo Marxism. Go there will I give Emile another post censored:


We want a referendum on immigration!
find it there

We've received here at CTECNA November 17, 2010 at 11:52

The reason for withdrawing your section is: About
potentially racist Racist? Really, Islam is a race for these morons and Marxist anti-Semitic?
Four minutes later these idiots spread of their visceral anti-Semitism and that the blog is closed!

On November 17, 2010 at 11:54 Hello David Cohen,

We inform you that we are forced to suspend your account for non-compliance with the Charter of the Post.
Reason for ban: stigma Stigma? Who? From What? Muslims? Of Islam? Mohammedans? Of Muhammad? Cretins who pray to Allah con? Praying ass in the air?

But they really know the back of my mind? I'll finally say my way of thinking libertarian vent my resentment towards Marxism and Islam, the Socialists and Communists crime against humanity, vomit my hatred against anti-Semitic venom spitting my patriotic ejaculate my anger Gauloise deterging my indignation Islamorépulsive (Note that I am in no way Islamophobic "I'm not afraid of Islam and Moslems" My whole body rejects Islam and Muslims as a healthy body rejects mental illness! )

such as Hey there, capping the aspirations of the most vile, flattering the most archaic impulses, encouraging intellectual sloth, intolerance, hypocrisy, violence, preaching a disease virilization, justifying the worst ignominy antifeminist and anti-Semitic, Islam is neither a wise nor a religion; or a civilization, not a lifestyle, it's a curse! An intellectual abomination! Religious spongiform encephalitis, a swine!
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938). Said: "Islam, this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin, is a rotten corpse which poisons our lives.."

David Cohen (Death in battle) (Netino kill me!) . Listen Israel The Lord is our D ... the Lord is one.
A good name is better than good oil and the day of death than the day of birth.

That the King of kings in His mercy the houses in the shadow of his wings and in the privacy of his home so he contemplates the delight of the Lord and lives in his sanctuary. At the end of time it is watered and the river of his delights, he binds his soul to the group alive, that his peace is worthy, that the LORD is his inheritance, that the peace the accompanied on his bed and he is at peace.

David had your determination to defend France, the French and the Judeo-Christian to prepare for this crucial referendum faster

Friday, November 12, 2010

Instrumental French Songs

A member of the National Council of the French Communist Party accused of antisemitism. Cheers

An article that you'll never see on

Aline Parmentier? Racist and anti-Semitic in Alsace
Aline Parmentier? Antisemitism friendly!
Aline Parmentier? A nauseating smell!

know more? Click HERE!


Read phonetically

All those who refuse to undergo
the social democracy that is imposed know who their enemies. Know where they are and how to deal with: they are hiding behind the grin of a neighbor, the stench of a CPF member of RESF, ATTAC, the MRAP or the NPA, the mask sympathy for a Communist, the velvet of a lawyer's socialist and Marxist "Union" National Lawyers, a dank police

politsyeĭskiĭ uchastok, pump the office of a judge member of the "union" of the Marxist Judicial ... Be it right or left, the libertarian, the Zionist, the patriot is their enemy. Whether right or left, of France, the laity and the Patriots are their enemies. Denounce them!
November 29 be appearing before the criminal court in Mulhouse, five militant Marxist Aline Parmentier, Departmental Secretary of the Communist Party French Alsace section, Farida Trichina
"Justice" for Palestine Alsace Henri
of AFPS 68, Mohamed Akbar REDA Association, and Jacques Ballouey Greens 68.
Departmental Secretary of the Communist Party of French Alsace section, Aline Parmentier is a politician, a member of the National Council of the PCF, Mulhouse, she presented herself to the latest regional under the banner of left anti and pro Hamas. "The collective of the left anti Mulhouse consists of the PCF, alternatives, activists of the decline, union and association," she stated.

Six "Marxist organizations" ranging from very left wing Socialist Party had made a list in 2010, "Together for a left Alsace, environmental and civic solidarity." It was led by a Marxist professor of University of Mulhouse, Jean-Yves Cause. It was a total rout, winning only the ridiculous score of 9,712 votes or 1.87%.
The militant far-right National Front Patrick Binder reap the first around 70 173 votes either 13.49% in the second round and 89 832 votes or 14.57% and get five seats with a score of 10.64% ! Do not doubt for one moment that the ideology behind this sickening lady friend yet Aline Parmentier, she announces anti liberal, which is the most despicable in the world, the Marxist ideology and its application to flee communism make voters who prefers patriotic ideology at the service of native French and Alsatians!
June 23, 2007 in a intervention not pronounced (but posted on the internet) the "comrade" was unveiled and Parmentier said without laughing: "In the period of resistance to the right and reconstruction of the Party, it is necessary that militants (es) are well trained (ed) and
rooted in life on a solid foundation
ideological Marxists. "

tovaritch The unspeakable, the apparatchik Georges Marchais, in his time said that the results of communism was generally positive. Let this tragic toll a little closer: the Stalinist dictatorship was alone more than 20,000,000 deaths. Africa, Cambodia, North Korea, Tibet: 120,000,000. This is the trial balance because communism continues to kill. "Communism killed before the Nazis killed, he killed during the Nazi killing, it continues to kill while the Nazis did kill more" Solzhenitsyn said. But for all the dead have no memory, there was not even planned on waiting lists.

These are tomorrows desired by Madame Parmentier! An ocean of blood, rivers of dead women and children, amnesia for crimes against humanity communist past, present and especially future, antisemitism maniac, Holocaust denial, historical falsification, concealment, diversions, concentration camps of the Gulag Everything is good to hide the reality of socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human suffering!

If, with these five accomplices Madame Parmentier finds himself in criminal court is not solely responsible for this odious Marxist case Primary anti-Semitism.

Yves Moulin collective boycott of 68 who had launched the operation of towing anti-Semitic,

is a member and past president (2002) CCFD-Earth-Solidarity, (NGOs Roman Catholic extreme right) is a member, with five defendants, the collective Boycott-68 well and should also be on the bench of infamy Corrections! The brown red green alliance is once again put in evidence here, not forgetting of course the instrumentalization of Islam!

Indeed, coinculpée and complicit Comrade Aline

Farida Trichina,
54 years, the movement called "Justice For Palestine Alsace,
Farida is on Face Book
"friend" of Senator "green" (sic) Alima Boumediene-Thiery belching pro Hamas protester.
Another accomplice Mohammed Akbar the Muslim Association REDA
(dynamics Muslim Presence) is friends with Zeynel Cekic, Web master of alter Focus, Mulhouse Semitic Muslim revisionist multi recidivist racist hatred. The alliance
Islamic Marxist anti-Semitic is again highlighted. The exploitation of Muslims by the Communists is a real scandal! The justice of our country in this case must be ruthless with these alleged anti-Semitic!
There is also the "useful idiot" of service, a lamplighter,

Henry Eichholzer of the AFPS 68 (A-Semitic and pro communist organization Hamas) which will be taken to Guy Petersmitt President Colmarien which communicates on the CPF website (
HERE) There is nothing surprising, since this " Association; an annex of the French Communist Party is led by its founder, Jean-Claude Lefort 66 years old member of the Communist Youth (National Office) and in 1964 the French Communist Party, it was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary to Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. It is honorary member. remains another and final co-accused, the official Ballouey Jacques, a member of verts68, Jacques, it's Molière ...! Leander Ballouey is: "What the hell was he doing in that galley? Scapin and replying: "He did not think of what happened.." On! A Marxist who thinks for himself .... "It is not! Mr. Ballouey is a lamplighter, a fuse protector of the Islamic alliance filthy Marxist Djamila Sonzogni
spokesman Antoine Waechter, blamed in the 1990s for his links with ... ... .. Guess? ... ... .... the far-right racist and antisemitic course, president of Independent Ecological Movement (MEI), head of Europe Ecology list in Alsace
. Jamila is also the
representative of Marxist Trotskyist Alain Lipietz, a pure watermelon (Green outside, red inside) And this time
March 2010 the European list "Ecology" (Sic) was a score in the first round of lousy

15.6% and is not present in the second round. A chance for Alsace! a time when the racist and antisemitic multiplied throughout France, where French and Jewish populations of strain are subject to a flood of hate, this ruling will remind proclaimers sayings and acts of hatred that anti-Semitism is not an opinion but a crime.

Papy Mougeot.
Copyright 2010. AIS News Agency (International Accreditation System) All rights reserved. This material may be published, broadcast or redistributed in measuring the citation of the source.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Value Of Dresden Figurines

libertitude. The

one-act play.

: Nicknames of this piece is real and any resemblance to individuals imaginary, is purely coincidental.

Text: (without clear indication of staging):

Paris a zhuānyuán ( ommissariat c) .... In the 13 th ...? Why not!

Some dialogues translated from Cantonese by Paul N'guyen Facedegong

The three shots
(Jǐngchá) cop:
- Nǐ hǎo ladies c is for what? Nanou75 alias MyWindow (The sacred and holy spirit Semitic)

"Yes that's the niakoué; Dao Nest Nest Ao. Voilâââââ Well, we were defamed. One or individuals focused against our divine persons socialist and anti-Semitic extremely serious charges and they send us emails, we hesitated before coming to see you, but the European Court of Justice has remained silent, we therefore present this to you, impulsive custodian authority and respect "

- Ah Sit, we will call you, děngdài, wait ... you have your parts identities? "Yes, but it's not important is our nicknames that have been soiled" - Your what?
"Our nicknames .... Nanou75 and MyWindow"
- Would you be able to repeat that?

"My window Nanou75 and red - You know how much it costs to make fun of the" Polished "? (And Guns in the text)
"But no ..."

You call me a gypsy, and in addition to niakoué with overtones of a possible window for big red, you treat me with alcohol is that eh?

"No no ... wait, that's not it ..."
- Meanwhile, go sit down, I have not got all day ... - Men Nǚshì it to you, follow the police officer who will take care of you.
"Ah, perfect"
(5 stairs later)
- What is your problem Lǎo fù?
"We are distinguished contributors, active and militant anti-Zionist and antisemitic antifa slightly, just a tad, not bezef what, my beautiful and nice policeman, always ready to put on and take a hit and even more highly respected in the, the most beautiful and wonderful world of post or at peace, joy and good humor and aid to Hamas. I have a very nice blog about politically correct socialist
. I have also infiltrated the group con allah dirty Zionist group (Pravda) Truth:
. "

- What?

" The Internet are sites and blogs Internet

- I see, me explain your problem

Lǎo jìnǚ.
"Voilââââ, my canaries, one position for years with nicknames such as the six C Rose, My window Cacariboutte red or, finally, she is even more innocent, she never posted anything the bitch, that slanderous comments just yes, but it's for the good cause of the Palestinian people, or Allah Akbar my policeman! This is where you'll find the right policy left much to donf; my lovely agent smooth skin, the anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic news my fellow lawman, in collectivist literature, music, rather hard rap, hip hop and rats, the hearts of the Red Army, the arts, "sculptures" by Rodin in black, bacon, ideology, social islamomarxiste caviar left and so, too long ... You will not find "sport.". I campaigned for a "ball for each player . And then I
the blacks huh! It's like the niakoués of this district to puke ... but I'm not racist huh! There was even a time when I paid my dues to the MRAP Famous Movement Allegiance Respect and Pro-Day, as I paid to the League of Human Fingers, where I even fought to the point of participating in neighborhood meetings regularly; During the age of the fingers man ... eh not you follow me? But I stopped, Because my hemorrhoids and it's more like now financed by Moscow and that no more champagne and caviar of Crimea with a ladle used by beautiful Russian commissars nimble fingers and meetings such as the CPF or the NPA New Party anti-Semitic, it no longer interests me. No, my business on the net has become the hunt for fascists (For Fas, the Libertarians or the ultra right capitalist fascists) and the Zionists and Jews in the group Truth
I find pathetic cowards must say it's family, mum has been cut to liberation and dad died in concentration camp (he fell from the tower). I had a very short career teacher Boche course, my motto National Socialist:
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer! A Mincke Alain! Former big pipeuse humanist, I had to stop for reasons Medical severe. (More than 30 years of pipe fully) its use, especially neurons that begin to seriously miss as you can see, an admirable representative of the order sarkos. If you want my little chicken I can show you my language skills.

- Pardon? You mean your nicknames evoke animal dung in the far north and a symbol of socialism to counter anti-Semitic making 100 million people on the planet? And you want to bribe me with sexual touching of old slut?

"Er ... yes ... but ..."

- What kind of site you speak chǒu Suì nǚxìng? "Full, sites that talk about everything and nothing" - Yes, but Lǎo houz of liǎn?

"Well we intercede especially on who talks about religion and politics and defending the Palestinian people against the filthy Zionist entity among others ..."
- You mean you arrive at a site evoking religion and politics with a name of goat shit and alcohol which is a symbol of socialism while defending anti-Semitism? "....( silence) ... that's ..."
- And you do not pretend to offend some religious community and political sensitivity as the Israelites with that?

"Not at all, are only pseudonyms"
- That is your point of view, explain why you came
Lǎo Shanyang fen. "I was treated me Nanou75 Caca Riboutte lady pee at Laval University in Quebec, making pipes thoroughly and practicing intellectual terrorism and anti-Semitic defamation on the web French and I was usurped and the dirty PD sends me emails for me to read their prose disgusting to me "
- How are you, who was treated by Dame Pipi?

" Bah my ex Nanou75 Caca Riboutte "

And I, The Six C MyWindow former Rose he called me an anti-Semite, socialist and Marxist Communist, transsexual and sex worker in Quebec, a coalition member of the trans Quebec. But I am, I confess, for some time unsettled. Not politically Inset (at least I escaped any shame), I nevertheless always voted for the Socialist Party and more disciplined than a good campaigner. My brother what a little fag cunt, had chosen to buy a cap with a tassel con allah to go sell duck PS on the market. Me, I contented myself to punitive expeditions on the posters of "competition" should have seen the head of the Police Force Agents (hey, they are Z'Y uppercase for crying out loud ... sorry my lovely lovely agent ) when we were doing saplings to scrape the posters democratically-knife coating. "What are you doing?". "Citizens Brigade cleaning," we replied. In short, this is the day of second round of the presidential election with our mouths of idiots and old sores and good connasses bournemouth, we had the honors of custody for "Chouchou revamped. I laughed ... name of God, fucking monk and a rabbi.

- Is your name really says Nanou75 Six Roses?

"No, but I am honorably known in a number of contributors who will not hesitate to testify in my favor, I have also brought thousands of messages printed by a friend who does not hesitate to take over its finances to keep a paper trail for legal action, is 2 reams per month, as you say that I matter "
- Testifying on what? On the fact that a nickname referring to a socialist symbol of the bar counter, window offices has been defamed?
"Yes, that's"
- You have to disturb us why? Because your nickname has been about who you are displeased? Nan Nanou but what's yer problem?
Jiu gòngchǎn of zhǔyì Shijian kǒujiāo!
- Listen Madame have you been nominally designated as being on the Internet Pipi a lady, a small window of shit and a sex worker?

"Not at all, it was just protecting our identities to avoid these drawbacks, it's just nicks mos was the subject of slander"

- You want what?
"Let justice be returned to us, we slander our nicknames!"

"So you are not otherwise identifiable as your .. er ..; Nanou trick Window shit, Caca foo and the Six C Rose?
"It's just ready it was even taken the precaution of going through not to reveal our IP
- Listen ladies, express yourself clearly, what
"This is a paid service that will hide your IP, but more importantly, to have access to a powerful news served ...." - (deafening silence) Ladies you telling me that your ridiculous nicknames are the subject of defamation and at the same time, you pay for Anonymous? Right?
"But I have the right ...."
- Before you discuss your rights, how do you explain the fact that your views on a news site and religious policy with a pseudonym leading to a community?

"But I simply denounce the excesses of scoundrels never target the Zionist Jews, and my nickname was attached to pictures of Gay Pride. Also, my preferred agent, some jealous of my beautiful blue eyes say about Internet than the belligerence socialist, I join the bitterness Marxist Islamic imbecility and folly satisfied with a former seventy-eighters the poor ambition, these people are scoundrels and pedants, dammit! What! Shit ass! I fuck me in France! Sacred motherfuckers heads con macaques fucking gooks of UMP! Vive Segolene Royal et Alain Minc!

fascists do not care! Who knows if these "Posters with ridiculous nicknames are not backed by a network of skin-heads/néo-nazis ready to put our sweet France mixed with fire and blood?

And fight to the death of vile beast and dirty French Zionist and racist are doing nothing to speak ill of our friends, the immigrants (especially Chinks .... ... ... Pardon my Euuuuu Commissioner I meant the lovely country representative of the sun Marxist) and the Palestinians and we thus recall the darkest hours of our history.

These are North Africans who saved France from the Nazis and German (Native). Then there are the ones who rebuilt after the war. As Palestinians in Israel. And soon the Chinese good tomorrow!
Similarly, they contribute in France and Israel ever to national wealth creating enterprises and tirelessly involved in the development of demography.
And finally, everyone knows that they are the ones who will save the security funding social as that of our pensions. Even Mr. Boubaker said recently that they contribute to our culture since the Middle Ages. So
?! How can we ignore that? It's like the Palestinians, it is thanks to them that Israel lives. Internships
rehabilitation for racists and Zionists. What an idea to dig! multiculturalism and diversity will triumph and our beautiful country in 30 years, nobody will be white, gray, black or yellow ...
Everyone will love each other and are all French. Lilac and sweet soul ah my tail is there or bar!

- But madam, you feel smart to come disturb

Jǐngfāng ... Scuse me ... the police, because it says anything on a one Nanou75? Insist a bit and I'll stick a contempt ... My little window (Vasistas) !!!!!

"Sir, my responsibility is the damage that an attack on my ..."
- Madam, that's enough, that's ridiculous, what do you want? Wear a complaint because you claim to be perfectly known on the internet under a pseudonym as insulting and ridiculous Vasistas or goat turd on wheels? What do you actually, except we lose our time? You are ridiculous, or I'll stick out into custody by the time we lit up your business in a new light. Your name has been slandered? You have friends that push you to the canvass? Think Madame, but not too much, the courts have no opportunity to laugh, you might be this opportunity.

"Xiansheng Inspector, I'm not out to yourself in a futile and even less mocking, but we need you to understand that Grandpa Mougeot, Bernard Lorrain Generation and Raffarin have sown the seeds of slander on my. ... "
- On your what? "On my pseudonym HISTORIC Nanou75. - Listen, change nickname, avoid these sites and let us work on more important things.
"BUT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!" Brothel cunt, I use a pseudonym, okay, but I literally watched. Under the Penal Code requires that I quote these bastards to justice Bernard Lorrain, Papy Mougeot and other right-wing Zionist thugs in mind Lepenization and libertarianism. My lawyer's famous guacamole, my advice to come to the police to know, except the CNIL, which I can initiate action against these manures Zionists, feeling insecure in my own home because they seem to place me and they are violent and hate those dirty motherfuckers race, I'll break them in half, cut off their testicles with pliers nail, pierce their ass, so I see good cop of 13 th
I love, it's dangerous for me. I think it's my "old" and only enemy in this "Post" a generic name. Raffarin moldy dick head which is also what Grandpa Mougeot (What galls him to come in the ass), this vulgar Bernard Lorrain my lunch his mother what a whore can not even be the Lorraine for real my commissioner or even Big Bertha feet that not know if it would not be his foolishness, that would be great as Allah. (I can not be more explicit my big yellow chicken because of the charter, but
Fú shì Weider also) as he leads the group SOS Tout Petits "(no comments)" God, the King and Machin ( I forget) and I am pursuing and trying to sue me, me Nanou75, fat cow 69 years old and no teeth, his "last" is to register with me Nanou Seventy Five under pseudo Nanouf 9.3. .. The trick is "strong" to Caou, soul sweet lilac my agent, I went for a ride on the front nanouf93 which reproduced two articles in favor of North Korea, "Paradise on earth "... We need sanctions my brave and intelligent officer" They dare to say on their blogs that I have not managed to censor they do not like the Palestinians terrorists! I find this xenophobic attitude and hostile to all life unbearable. Do not tolerate the intolerant! wanker This pig is "tolerated" my big yellow chicken ass by the group "Truth" where a lot of highly educated people as socialists or communists as scholars, ( pleased that communist had a lovely trip) but, alas, think they are "tolerant" (that is how we ended up in room gas ...) support them politely. What bothers me and I'm actually perforates the ass this scum of the Zionist society that eats Titus begets Palestinians. And in addition, paternal, as a Pope Benedict (Sixteen valves), inveterate liar. I'm angry, very angry, I pee, help the police AAAAAAAARGH ... ... ...
- Robert!? ROBERT!? I have a client for you is a 'D' Ultra Left ", the kind you see? ...

- Robert (cop Puteaux): A zoophile?

- Robert is worse it is an old bum who says nénette kind known Nanou LVV or Vasistas and mouth because its ridiculous pseudonyms sparked hilarity, the police and on the net and even e-mails she receives from Allah on this pseudo con, good is that I understood but Wild not want us to let go.

Robert: "Rodgeuuuuur", it does it.
"Gentlemen, you are committing the worst miscarriage of justice since the Dreyfus affair ...."
- Ladies Nanou75 and you also remove your shoes and Vasistas useless to ask a doctor, he is already under way, tomorrow is another day. Our lack of space forces us to put you temporarily with criminals and idiots you'll be in good company. And vive la France!

Alain Bornay

fritters Note:

Petit point of law to the attention of idiots and the evil's including:

A pseudo pseudonym said in Nov wankers gauchus language is not a recognized element in identifying the person. Then it can not be defamation, that is to say decry try to disgrace or ruin her reputation by word or by his writings an alias. So will it bring you Nanou75 among Papuan thee feathered kids!

The author wishes to state that this text can not in any way be considered a document on life in the occupied territory of the thirteenth arrondissement Paris.Toute likeness of decor or situations, with Communist China would be only a matter of chance, purpose or not.
If any reader, accustomed stopovers in the Far East and spent the position of Italy, came to believe that the places described here does not conform to reality, the author, who has himself spent most of his life, would advise him to return to see and look better, things change quickly in these climates.

A spelling mistake, an error report? A point of clarification? Sub send us? Write to

Lu in Fig roasts to:

managed to get through to a successful playwright on canvas, signed with Alain de Bornay Cheers libertitude caustic and offbeat comedy that contrasts with the reluctance of the current theater French. Any resemblance to characters or events existing or existed would not be a fortuitous coincidence.