Friday, June 9
alert last night when BB's father called to report that his wife was admitted to intensive care: a persistent pain Chest decided his GP to the emergency. Finally, an hour later, new call to clarify that it is only angina rather than infarction. Not the first health alert because Annette had to stop the activity distribution of newspapers from kitty-crack of following diagnosis of a damaged knee. Additional income evaporated, but a necessity body. On 14 July, she will celebrate his seventy years.
Weekend cycling in four hundred French towns, but a gray envelope Lyon almost depressing for several days and never rise
not for motorbikes. Vandalism on Vélo'v and Vélib 'has been confirmed and even added a few strings to its lamentable abuses: terminals ordnance, kohlrabi bikes, broken fasteners. Each time I discover the remains of these passages, the worst feelings of my pincer disproportionate retaliation. France Inter, in his morning newspaper, call on some obscure paragons of urban vandalism. Pathetic! Among
read and heard the arguments of anti-American treachery delivering some even question the reality of democratic countries. What a lesson for some months and the exciting Democratic primary.
Finally, less reassuring news for Annette: My name is BB's work to inform me that she had to undergo a coronary reopening.
Sunday, June 8, 23h15
A rise under 6:25, which had not happened for over a week. The period is not to overload professional.
Day Sunday with studious Elo go after writing his memory to make this weekend. About the values of the company and the role of communication in this area. Not really an enchanting to me, but the affection transcends formal reservations.
She had some news from Shaina, not seen for ages, which experienced a difficult period with the poisoning death of his grandfather, his grandmother, prone to schizophrenia, would be suspected.
BB's mom, still in the hospital, seems to recover valiantly medical intervention. The monitoring will require a bit more serious pronouncement of a generalist. Monday, June 9
16h, from the banks of the Rhone and in regenerating a star. The afternoon was combined with the tedious reading of the memory of Elo. Passages littered with fouls and a topic of interest to me through doing this work a pure act emotionally. After Shue and Sander, Elo is the third recipient of my advice more or less inspired to finalize their study (thesis of Medicine, didactology DECF and memory). That relationship satisfaction.
Remember the weekend of VIP in the news: a death and a forced departure.
disappearance of the great Dino Risi, director of comedies, notably with the great Vittorio Gassman.
TF1 without Pepper
scheduled landing of the institution vicésimale Twenty of the Hours, tying Patrick Poivre d'Arvor. I claim it willingly, as seven to eight million viewers, the newscast is my favorite: a familiar soft voice, warm presence to advertise posts, calm Olympian calm and professionalism despite undeniable
inaccuracies Language which ultimately reassure its human imperfection. At sixty brushes, hair maintained its integrity better or worse, the Employee First TF1 abruptly thanked. Nonce Paolini
its mark in the bloody fate of the first string by transferring a few giants of information: after, admittedly, more very young Charles Villeneuve, the news director Robert Namias is asked to sniff out other audiovisual universe.
If PPDA, one of the motivations underlying the direction would be appreciated little note of the journalist in an interview with overactive head of state. Picture Sound felt a frantic embracing Sarkozy Elysee Poivre d'Arvor
ventured, with your good child who likes to draw parallels with a small boy excited by the discovery of the supreme place in the United Politis. Harassment grumpy Nicolas and the pressure to hasten the end of the spawning television career.
Rumor? Scandal? Fantasy? Maybe. Some past practices ( Paris Match , primarily) towards, yet maliciously.
Audiovisual thing as power, nothing new under the antennas and satellite dishes, but rather at the heart of fibers ... policies. At the official censorship of ORTF orders and the dictates imposed on public broadcasters substitute for the supposedly private free, the insidious pressure of a cutthroat hypocritical proclamation of non-interventionism.
not here to complain that the PPDA live out retirement in solid gold adorned with a few cushy collaborations. Rather fun, a tad worried, the congruent tolerance of executive power in respect of freedom of media history. Web offset, thankfully, this old-fashioned rigidity of TF1, which assumes no picnic homeopathic its star reporter.
they are far franking periods of cathodic bristling; era plasma is flat, bland, tasteless, range! Depths to the indomitable Right Response - Michel Polac irreplaceable! - In the catacombs vitriolated Bébête
Show , to oblivion the few niches that muscles Mavericks cortex. Chain Leader still has its gate where a screen leveling spend only a series of intrigues ripolinées mechanical operated in their niche, even scoured! which are only tolerated as the gentle antics of Cauet high in the guard rooms, all peppered with a few confrontations in sports high range of events ... sponsored.
So whatever the backstage of this ruling against Poivre d'Arvor, the texture of the string to devitalized Bouygues inexorably: not much to withdraw its small music agreed that should no longer be troubled by any waggle refractory. Saturday, June 14
United in malignancy
The blogosphere is abuzz of "Phew! The Irish people gave a good
lesson to all those technocrats in Brussels! . Since the thunder of spring 2005, nothing is viable out of French opposition and the Netherlands. The camp appeared heterogeneous agree on one thing: we must reject. What deception alleged to have not brought a new impetus to the EU. The French have not seen, the Irish will see nothing.
Netherlands Mélenchon masks, Buffet, Besancenot! The trio looks forward to occasional burial by Ireland, the Lisbon Treaty even if one of the main motivations of canonists of this country is to maintain at all costs an ultra liberal playing on what can bring the more. Reap the maximum EU aid (sixty billion aggregate, twenty thousand euros per voter) - ah! the bastards of technocrats who issue this manna! - While clinging to which tax dumping, a tax on corporate profits of only 20%, allows them to attract more multinational juicy, particularly American.
That the leftist anti-Lisbon certainly do not want to hear. Only the primary account revenge against the choice of ratification by parliamentary means driven by a president who was chosen and announced before his election.
Do not come back on the arguments anti-parliamentary form of ratification by the legislature an insult to
people. We have already stigmatized as a dangerous populism that fact end up as thick as thieves who s'étripent on internal issues.
Given this social nationalism, and as a masterful snub to the news, should the French multinational Total, private company whose profits would be a "good" (from Segolene Royal
pure raw) , establishes its head office in Dublin. This decision could be justified by its CEO as a consequence of this hard to win anything and everything, provided that the European immobility is spent. We could concretely assess the alleged solidarity of canonists French and Irish. As it would be fun. Come on, Mr de Margerie chick, just to throw them to their responsibilities, political pundits and voters base combined!
How to bless this new stalemate in the EU when European claims to? Therein lies the scam successive releases, without the enthusiasm and commitment of people to govern, we have left between the coal and steel. A single data
What proved the three years since the French "No": no project alternative may not leave this clique heterogeneous, no substitution therapy may be brought by elected officials from the chapel quirky and be accepted by twenty six other partners. Impossible!
If we take the history of releases, is a constant political principle: each time the refusal is permitted by an alliance of circumstance, unable to continue as soon as the victory. How can anyone believe that a national infertility can have any weight at European level, other than that block any process initiated by the divine weapon: unanimously.
June 2, 1992, in Denmark, the Popular Socialist Party allied with the extreme right will reject the Maastricht Treaty. On June 8, 2001, the Irish (again!) Rely on speeches from four political parties, totaling four members of the one hundred sixty-six of Parliament to reject the Nice Treaty as they seem to want to keep today. On September 14, 2003, with its exemplary fiscal Sweden pushes the entry in the euro area, snubbing Franco-German lax in this area, and leaving the Left Party and the Greens make the occasional cuddling. Let the disaster that has served as catalog ambitions and short term strategies, bringing many blows to the idea of a political union.
So should we abandon any change in the functioning of European institutions to launch this as claimed social Europe? The absurdity of the process of canonists obvious. How can harmonize upward social rules if we do not change the decision because of blockages in recent years? Any rejection of a reform of the institutions we lost several years in advance a social construction of the EU. We saw that with the French and Dutch, we have confirmed with the Irish rejection.
The confusion is serious, inspirational or cynically irresponsible for some political: to believe that to reject a proposed institutional reform will influence the policies implemented. It is abusing the voters: the background of European policy is decided jointly by the EU Council and Parliament under the aegis of the European Council. The Commission, she merely carries out what has been decided, including allocating funds. So it's not in the Treaty of Lisbon, Nice or Pétaouchnock that Europeans will find the political content, but in parliamentary elections, presidential and European.
The paradox of Irish discontent is that it undermines any effective enforcement of the policy agenda that emerges from the polls in June 2009 because even have prevented the improvement of operating rules. Great result!
In addition, the French presidency which was to launch several exciting projects (energy, immigration, climate, common defense) mobilize their energy to try yet another agreement on a common institutional framework. Than six months do not radiate French will not be displeasing to many of our partners , but the credibility and even the viability of the Union that arise. Do not doubt, indeed, that emerging countries will not wait for us to be ready to launch their economic conquest of the versatile continent.
dint of wanting a perfect treaty - Legal entelechy whose perception changes according to critics - we may no longer have much say which. Nationalism will then share his work, each presupposing people it will be better protected by its national power by the European authorities ineffective ... the very fact of these updates down time.
A proposal: look to see if the same people who called and managed to nip in the bud reach new European impetus to translate into action their constructive distrust of those in power. All these lessons Democratic donors who claim to represent a majority of more than 350 million voters drop off a victory in the European elections. One by one the leaders are replaced, via the ballot box, by the representatives of their program. Half a decade for this vent? Well take it, if the project is worth the effort ... as
And finally, if nothing happens: no significant change in the political forces, not intended for ideological wave, finally! propose something else, it will thus demonstrated that a large proportion of their supporters are inconsistent or nihilists. This ode to the bad luck of demolition contractors endure ... unless, at the end of the end, we put a peaceful end to this project and that each nation resumed its illusory claim to sovereignty paradise. Wednesday, June 18
the afternoon at the park head Now trying to improve my skin color after days of gray skies and drafts of fleet. Before this expansion scribble, various personal tasks including the purchase of a seat for Thursday, September 4 at the Halle Tony Garnier. La Vida Tour Coldplay halted sound Lyon. The latest album, purchased and downloaded from Monday up to expectations.
Coldplay alive agreements
Walk in the heart of the harmonic texture of the group. One step higher in intoxication musical creativity is still required without swearing on the style, leg Coldplay. Accompany the series felt literary pieces.
Life in Technicolor gaining momentum in a wrap sounds. The rainbow sky introductory music with a modulated call, the invitation to travel Cemeteries of London. 'Singing la la la la ... hey hey. " The spheres collide and elevated sense transcends all warnings. Apprehension of the world, but to attempt to drag the notes clean.
Resume rhythmic Lost with a nagging presence of "Tokatokatoc! "Without doubt an electric well handled ... The presence cathédralesque voice of Chris Martin balance our soul in this
panoramic introduction to the melody, or better at 360 ° musical presence. The nostalgic
42 , piano and vocal cords to launch the second part in percussion and instrumental scrapings as a paroxysmal burst, cymbals raging, unbridled guitar, keys pressed ... The final loop, to join the sad serenity of the beginning.
The trip deepens
Sunrise: Lovers in Japan . The sentimental full noses. My impermeability English opens my wanderings ... more abyssal This superposition, ad infinitum, sounds intermingled sinking into silence harmonious carrier, the phase transition to the soothing song of drawers.
It finally opened to the Yes, indicative of the worst areas of the master and transparent vote. Still a few notes subjugating matrix that binds the melody. No hope of the universe just to oblige these few parentheses intimate communication. The second component of Yes is carpeted with electric sounds and inspired a return to the acute air performer.
The violins take over for an enthusiastic color: Viva la Vida offers wonderful burst sounds like a promising spring, resolutely optimistic, project, whatever the obstacles. Continue, to believe a brave heart, despite the end mortis.
Violet Hill sounds like a sentence: recklessness can not resist the surrounding dirt, the desperate cumulated. And still this (te) for voice-piano conclude unvarnished, without decorum.
Strawberry Swing warm invitation to the round end of a joyous banquet. The exchanges were uncompromising, but betrayal and trust emerges for
build together, in a variety assumed. Come to this world, that our eyes, to ennoble it by an attentive presence, no cheap shot, without undermining selfishness. Coldplay in unison!
Death And All His Friends center on the essentials. This message, repeated in power by the instruments in rhythmic
and embossed decisive for us to reach the figure of Multi Geometry fiery Coldplay. So we left there just a few moments, the time to sample the spinal wondrous melody of the heart, until the next departure at the touch of a button which runs source: PLAY!
Friday, June 20, from the banks of the Rhone
Decidedly, Alice continues to come mess with me in supporting a clumsy treachery of AgoraVox . Accusing me of having no back on me because I quote a few biographical facts dated castles of O and Au it becomes grotesque pikes complementing a pseudo affective familiarity.
Nothing to argue with her on the bottom: after blocking his address on msn, I turns my friendly contacts on Facebook. Such mutual incomprehension called an end to this resurgence relational. Exit, then!
My last kick anti-canonists, in this nest of hysterical leftists who get excited against anything that contrasts with their hate-European sarkozo-capitalisto (version 1951 and later ...), had the desired effect. For them, representative democracy is illegitimate when the people decided by referendum, even if those members were elected by the same people after the decision, and knowing their program, including the EU institutions. This democratic fundamentalism
illusions about the virtue of his approach. Between them they can believe in constructive outcome to a different Europe. The truth is that the decisive weight of a depressing situation can not allow the emergence of a popular consensus, but to engage the Federal Rules of consultation, not the addition of twenty-seven majority. Obviously not on the agenda, especially as the diverse range of canonists are sovereignists and nationalists.
The ad hominem invective through many of these interventions, limiting the debate, myself with an unfortunate penchant for cons disproportionate attack. Saturday, June 21
Afternoon radiant suggesting a glut human for this short night of music. Thoroughfares, streets and alleys will have sound with more or less talent. Small
bike ride tonight with my BB, to taste a few atmospheres. She received her Sunday, leaving me four days to training in Paris.
On the thickness of a leafy chestnut, the suffocating heat slows my impulses and makes misty my intentions.
iconoclastic view of Claude Allegre in the Free Spirit Guillaume Durand, promoting his journal, 2007, Science and life in which he protested against some ideological consensus that monopolize the attention and efforts of the international community to the detriment of the more meaningful emergencies such as water and energy. At the forefront of excessive alarmism, global warming. He does not dispute the dawn of a climate change but rejects the viability of a century as projected temperatures that sea levels. Complexity factors involved and our relative ignorance of the discipline makes it more ideological than scientific data.
Everything's Not Lost Coldplay in Koss carries my full attention to the argumentative dreamlike lands. Resistance impossible, the melodic flow source flows too ...
Sunday, June 22
Nothing too exciting in this music festival. The interpretation of a piece of Eagle Eye Cherry by a quintet of old fifties in Lyon noted the level a tad. At Lake
Aiguebelette with my BB, but crowded with family atmosphere, without stopping to kakou the vicinity of their pathetic parade.
Monday, June 30 In the shade of maple trees by the lake of the head of Gold, a park nearly empty by the combination of the first summer holidays and the first day of the week.
Elo finished the proofs for his master 2. I went with her late yesterday afternoon to explore complex Vaise Chapter Two of Narnia . A mixture of mild satisfaction among Hobbits Potter book at the heart of the jungle. Entertainment without creative transcendence.
It must move at the start, in Tignes with his companion. My relationship has Lyonnais then reached its lowest level, a near nil. Not gloomy, however, because with my BB emotional love is more rooted than ever, as evidence of life, with all these little moments of happiness combined. Everyone seems to have found its balance in this duality smoothly, without radiance, in terms of our respective needs.
alert last night when BB's father called to report that his wife was admitted to intensive care: a persistent pain Chest decided his GP to the emergency. Finally, an hour later, new call to clarify that it is only angina rather than infarction. Not the first health alert because Annette had to stop the activity distribution of newspapers from kitty-crack of following diagnosis of a damaged knee. Additional income evaporated, but a necessity body. On 14 July, she will celebrate his seventy years.
Weekend cycling in four hundred French towns, but a gray envelope Lyon almost depressing for several days and never rise
read and heard the arguments of anti-American treachery delivering some even question the reality of democratic countries. What a lesson for some months and the exciting Democratic primary.
Finally, less reassuring news for Annette: My name is BB's work to inform me that she had to undergo a coronary reopening.
Sunday, June 8, 23h15
A rise under 6:25, which had not happened for over a week. The period is not to overload professional.
Day Sunday with studious Elo go after writing his memory to make this weekend. About the values of the company and the role of communication in this area. Not really an enchanting to me, but the affection transcends formal reservations.
She had some news from Shaina, not seen for ages, which experienced a difficult period with the poisoning death of his grandfather, his grandmother, prone to schizophrenia, would be suspected.
BB's mom, still in the hospital, seems to recover valiantly medical intervention. The monitoring will require a bit more serious pronouncement of a generalist. Monday, June 9
Remember the weekend of VIP in the news: a death and a forced departure.
disappearance of the great Dino Risi, director of comedies, notably with the great Vittorio Gassman.
TF1 without Pepper
its mark in the bloody fate of the first string by transferring a few giants of information: after, admittedly, more very young Charles Villeneuve, the news director Robert Namias is asked to sniff out other audiovisual universe.
Rumor? Scandal? Fantasy? Maybe. Some past practices ( Paris Match , primarily) towards, yet maliciously.
Audiovisual thing as power, nothing new under the antennas and satellite dishes, but rather at the heart of fibers ... policies. At the official censorship of ORTF orders and the dictates imposed on public broadcasters substitute for the supposedly private free, the insidious pressure of a cutthroat hypocritical proclamation of non-interventionism.
they are far franking periods of cathodic bristling; era plasma is flat, bland, tasteless, range! Depths to the indomitable Right Response - Michel Polac irreplaceable! - In the catacombs vitriolated Bébête
So whatever the backstage of this ruling against Poivre d'Arvor, the texture of the string to devitalized Bouygues inexorably: not much to withdraw its small music agreed that should no longer be troubled by any waggle refractory. Saturday, June 14
United in malignancy
The blogosphere is abuzz of "Phew! The Irish people gave a good
Netherlands Mélenchon masks, Buffet, Besancenot! The trio looks forward to occasional burial by Ireland, the Lisbon Treaty even if one of the main motivations of canonists of this country is to maintain at all costs an ultra liberal playing on what can bring the more. Reap the maximum EU aid (sixty billion aggregate, twenty thousand euros per voter) - ah! the bastards of technocrats who issue this manna! - While clinging to which tax dumping, a tax on corporate profits of only 20%, allows them to attract more multinational juicy, particularly American.
That the leftist anti-Lisbon certainly do not want to hear. Only the primary account revenge against the choice of ratification by parliamentary means driven by a president who was chosen and announced before his election.
Given this social nationalism, and as a masterful snub to the news, should the French multinational Total, private company whose profits would be a "good" (from Segolene Royal
How to bless this new stalemate in the EU when European claims to? Therein lies the scam successive releases, without the enthusiasm and commitment of people to govern, we have left between the coal and steel. A single data
What proved the three years since the French "No": no project alternative may not leave this clique heterogeneous, no substitution therapy may be brought by elected officials from the chapel quirky and be accepted by twenty six other partners. Impossible!
If we take the history of releases, is a constant political principle: each time the refusal is permitted by an alliance of circumstance, unable to continue as soon as the victory. How can anyone believe that a national infertility can have any weight at European level, other than that block any process initiated by the divine weapon: unanimously.
So should we abandon any change in the functioning of European institutions to launch this as claimed social Europe? The absurdity of the process of canonists obvious. How can harmonize upward social rules if we do not change the decision because of blockages in recent years? Any rejection of a reform of the institutions we lost several years in advance a social construction of the EU. We saw that with the French and Dutch, we have confirmed with the Irish rejection.
The confusion is serious, inspirational or cynically irresponsible for some political: to believe that to reject a proposed institutional reform will influence the policies implemented. It is abusing the voters: the background of European policy is decided jointly by the EU Council and Parliament under the aegis of the European Council. The Commission, she merely carries out what has been decided, including allocating funds. So it's not in the Treaty of Lisbon, Nice or Pétaouchnock that Europeans will find the political content, but in parliamentary elections, presidential and European.
The paradox of Irish discontent is that it undermines any effective enforcement of the policy agenda that emerges from the polls in June 2009 because even have prevented the improvement of operating rules. Great result!
In addition, the French presidency which was to launch several exciting projects (energy, immigration, climate, common defense) mobilize their energy to try yet another agreement on a common institutional framework. Than six months do not radiate French will not be displeasing to many of our partners , but the credibility and even the viability of the Union that arise. Do not doubt, indeed, that emerging countries will not wait for us to be ready to launch their economic conquest of the versatile continent.
A proposal: look to see if the same people who called and managed to nip in the bud reach new European impetus to translate into action their constructive distrust of those in power. All these lessons Democratic donors who claim to represent a majority of more than 350 million voters drop off a victory in the European elections. One by one the leaders are replaced, via the ballot box, by the representatives of their program. Half a decade for this vent? Well take it, if the project is worth the effort ... as
And finally, if nothing happens: no significant change in the political forces, not intended for ideological wave, finally! propose something else, it will thus demonstrated that a large proportion of their supporters are inconsistent or nihilists. This ode to the bad luck of demolition contractors endure ... unless, at the end of the end, we put a peaceful end to this project and that each nation resumed its illusory claim to sovereignty paradise. Wednesday, June 18
the afternoon at the park head Now trying to improve my skin color after days of gray skies and drafts of fleet. Before this expansion scribble, various personal tasks including the purchase of a seat for Thursday, September 4 at the Halle Tony Garnier. La Vida Tour Coldplay halted sound Lyon. The latest album, purchased and downloaded from Monday up to expectations.
Coldplay alive agreements
Walk in the heart of the harmonic texture of the group. One step higher in intoxication musical creativity is still required without swearing on the style, leg Coldplay. Accompany the series felt literary pieces.
Resume rhythmic Lost with a nagging presence of "Tokatokatoc! "Without doubt an electric well handled ... The presence cathédralesque voice of Chris Martin balance our soul in this
42 , piano and vocal cords to launch the second part in percussion and instrumental scrapings as a paroxysmal burst, cymbals raging, unbridled guitar, keys pressed ... The final loop, to join the sad serenity of the beginning.
Sunrise: Lovers in Japan . The sentimental full noses. My impermeability English opens my wanderings ... more abyssal This superposition, ad infinitum, sounds intermingled sinking into silence harmonious carrier, the phase transition to the soothing song of drawers.
The violins take over for an enthusiastic color: Viva la Vida offers wonderful burst sounds like a promising spring, resolutely optimistic, project, whatever the obstacles. Continue, to believe a brave heart, despite the end mortis.
Strawberry Swing warm invitation to the round end of a joyous banquet. The exchanges were uncompromising, but betrayal and trust emerges for
Death And All His Friends center on the essentials. This message, repeated in power by the instruments in rhythmic
Friday, June 20, from the banks of the Rhone
Decidedly, Alice continues to come mess with me in supporting a clumsy treachery of AgoraVox . Accusing me of having no back on me because I quote a few biographical facts dated castles of O and Au it becomes grotesque pikes complementing a pseudo affective familiarity.
Nothing to argue with her on the bottom: after blocking his address on msn, I turns my friendly contacts on Facebook. Such mutual incomprehension called an end to this resurgence relational. Exit, then!
My last kick anti-canonists, in this nest of hysterical leftists who get excited against anything that contrasts with their hate-European sarkozo-capitalisto (version 1951 and later ...), had the desired effect. For them, representative democracy is illegitimate when the people decided by referendum, even if those members were elected by the same people after the decision, and knowing their program, including the EU institutions. This democratic fundamentalism
illusions about the virtue of his approach. Between them they can believe in constructive outcome to a different Europe. The truth is that the decisive weight of a depressing situation can not allow the emergence of a popular consensus, but to engage the Federal Rules of consultation, not the addition of twenty-seven majority. Obviously not on the agenda, especially as the diverse range of canonists are sovereignists and nationalists.
The ad hominem invective through many of these interventions, limiting the debate, myself with an unfortunate penchant for cons disproportionate attack. Saturday, June 21
Afternoon radiant suggesting a glut human for this short night of music. Thoroughfares, streets and alleys will have sound with more or less talent. Small
bike ride tonight with my BB, to taste a few atmospheres. She received her Sunday, leaving me four days to training in Paris.
On the thickness of a leafy chestnut, the suffocating heat slows my impulses and makes misty my intentions.
Everything's Not Lost Coldplay in Koss carries my full attention to the argumentative dreamlike lands. Resistance impossible, the melodic flow source flows too ...
Sunday, June 22
Nothing too exciting in this music festival. The interpretation of a piece of Eagle Eye Cherry by a quintet of old fifties in Lyon noted the level a tad. At Lake
Aiguebelette with my BB, but crowded with family atmosphere, without stopping to kakou the vicinity of their pathetic parade.
Monday, June 30 In the shade of maple trees by the lake of the head of Gold, a park nearly empty by the combination of the first summer holidays and the first day of the week.
Elo finished the proofs for his master 2. I went with her late yesterday afternoon to explore complex Vaise Chapter Two of Narnia . A mixture of mild satisfaction among Hobbits Potter book at the heart of the jungle. Entertainment without creative transcendence.
It must move at the start, in Tignes with his companion. My relationship has Lyonnais then reached its lowest level, a near nil. Not gloomy, however, because with my BB emotional love is more rooted than ever, as evidence of life, with all these little moments of happiness combined. Everyone seems to have found its balance in this duality smoothly, without radiance, in terms of our respective needs.
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