Wednesday, December 31, 2008

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January February

Wednesday, January 9
documentary on the mechanics of media lynching, which feeds on certain religious police and judicial actors on some alleged various facts (in this case three paragons: Chouraqui and alleged war clinical Baudis and the delusional system barbaric sexual fantasies Outreau and pedophiles) , said that journalists do not always know the lessons of past excesses to the point, as in the Outreau case, display the same vehemence first against the monsters Outreau then when Badawi's lies and children have been drawn against this infamous Justice that led innocents in custody. Imagine for a moment the unleashing of the press if, at the time, the accused had been left at liberty ... Who influences whom?

Sunday, January 20, 10:35 p.m.
Even a brief stint at their own pace which end too soon. Dizzy for weeks and years working on a food centric.
Carlos died at sixty-four, Heim had to take a hit (he was in his seventy-fourth year). Me that once projected to m'ad'un magical moments of complicity, Hermione between Karl and I, we improvise in my room of the castle of O, a musical trio on the 45 laps of American Werewolf Bourgalou . Carlos gave the jovial, in those few minutes, all hope of the jubilation that we were preteens.
At this point, I remember the precise configuration of this castle converted into a castle relay and luxury. I should tell all the atmosphere kept me in as many breaths as constituent ...
Returning fire Dolto son of his disappearance this past catapult even further, making it more prevalent nostalgia that it replaces.
My mom will celebrate on February 5, his sixty years! Visit us at the end of the month above to send him all our love. Should we not try to attend more of our emotional anchors, families and friends, rather than letting the hourglass without manifesting itself as much as we like?
Seen a touching documentary about Albert Jacquard (in the series Footprints , finely crafted). Learned that the physical cross that has plagued many years before his fame was due to a serious car accident in which he escaped at the cost of postoperative disfigurement. His intelligence and extreme lucidity sensitive fanned his suffering from the eyes of others. Furthermore, also learned that his first pass of the ideological weapon have been with the club clock (competitor Heim NDF) and Louis Pauwels of Figaro magazine that had been criticized for not able to distinguish "the diamond of shit" ... There
that I'm aware of my changing ideological discourse a Pauwels has today over the slightest attraction for me. Beware of chapels, clans, schools of systematic thought, and instead rely on its own, deep and sincere convictions. Jacquard, leftist or extreme left? This does not diminish my admiration for the commitment of the character. Intellectual maturity is to not feel any ownership in principle, but to find similarities beyond the obvious ideological differences. A life lesson ...

Monday, January 21, 11:20 p.m.
Tonight, in the newspaper world on LCI, the incisive questioning Vincent Hervouet Colombian president visits Paris. His determination to eradicate Farc splits a desire not to offend the French authorities in their quest (desperate) to free Betancourt weakened. In contrast, not a word about Chavez and his impact with the group. As an obscenity to forget as quickly ...

Thursday, January 24, 10:37 p.m.
From August 18, 2007, I wrote about wallowing fellows overwhelm the economy today. A focus on the unsustainable excesses of "financial capitalism", to quote the director's almost redundant Marianne , anti-capitalist snort, delighted to legitimize their arguments calving system flawed. By dishonest shortcut, we condemn the tool because it was misused. Curious ideological reflex. At this rate, prohibit agriculture since slobs poison our soil, stamping industrial production to infection of human exploitation few signs, the tertiary stinking vomit by crooks of all kinds ... sterilize the human race, at the same time, to force the bastards despair she welcomes into its ranks.
legitimate angle of attack must therefore classify the defects without pay in the inept clean slate to replace it ... what? Friday, January 25

HELP ... in the ass!
Not that the frenetic president who knows how deftly feeding the media.
The irresistible image of the commercial advertising of Societe Generale, it's nice thumb on every occasion, made the gesture pimp, even lifesaving. At the time, discovering the new symbol of financial institution, my mind immediately drifted misplaced: not need a big gap so that the boost is transmuted into finger misplaced. Childish
approximation, I admit. However, the communication operation the third French bank today is still not that far. She announced seven billion loss (corresponding to more than two years of turnover of a company like TF1), but two thirds would be beyond the control of the thumb nice bank. The culprit of this financial abyss: an infamous trader comes in Media in the pasture with four heads (TV, radio, print and Internet), which licks its coil booth fuzzy version of its ordinary course quickly brushed, and even the message of his answering machine off. Flutterings of Media, which finally has its sexy about economic bank instead of the indigestible subprime scandal that hiccups since August 2007.
result of the operation Poupouce : the first titles to focus on the man who lost five billion, leaving far behind the other two flew ridiculous disastrous choice in buying bad debt, and with this the blessing of the bank management. Thence to imagine communicating vessels convenient to load the mule-trader : thumb rest dreamily in the mouth ...
However, many financial experts bellowed to remind that such gigantic losses accumulated over one year by a single broker is obscure and totally impossible for them without immediately below the multiple control procedures in place. Given this skepticism, a man turgid, the governor of Banque de France, his word version Poupouce
... Meanwhile, the financial Chernobyl is ongoing, even painfully remind us, sooner or later Banking and thumbs do not serve as well-placed supporters. Indeed, the real scandal, but global in nature that one, and probably for hundreds of billions of euros, it's opportunism led to the absurd. Agencies credit and banks eager to peddle home loans to people who obviously can not afford to repay, and eager to sell these bad debts announced high-yield traders seeking lucrative investments. Securitization has systematically infected the global financial network, until France, contrary to earlier allegations of political leaders reassuring.
The purge is really necessary, but without any credit given to the ideological anti-capitalist willing to take the whole system (for which ? we do not know ...).

23:50. Small handset between my writing the last two days and that of August 18, 2007 for publication in my main blog, as the elegant HELP ... in the ass! Bars made with my internet and file, through comments on a few sites of the press.
Photo of Jerome Kerviel and his identity are everywhere except in my blog: refusal to participate in this media lynching topped with a hint of admiration. My wrath rather seek the bank and its leaders stashed (in contrast, were senior trader, more credible as fuses, fired on the spot).
In the Right Inventory: May 68 , watched tonight, touching moment of the interview conducted by Drucker niece who can not go without his tu Michel uncle. Cohn-Bendit has preserved its reactivity, not hesitating to bestow a "junk" fire Marchais who had criticized in a column published in L'Humanité footprint and anti-Semitism as a watermark.

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Saturday, February 2, 23h30
nose and tiredness took me to bed early (23h), a tad before my BB with the alarm clock to 5:20 prevail.
The week ahead will beat the record attendance at QED: Forty-two hours accumulated between FFP and administrative presence. Interest of good laze tomorrow to prepare for this combination.
In the dodo, a small tower with news weekly Le Monde weekend. One way not to limit myself to the surface treatment of audiovisual media in which I'm going to feed me the debate on facts creating controversy. Considering
homage paid to Hondelatte of Outreau in a special edition of the accused Bring : seven or eight present seemed still far from recovered. The only breathing the joy of living and for whom Outreau finally opened professional doors she could never have approached, Karine Duchochois is now taking a section on France Info on Justice ... . It seems to have his press card. A nice end to this "ambitious" (according to his own term) all out there. She swore, among demolished to Outreau by its lightness transfiguration and physical and clothing.
Bulk in the news: the city that could carry a punishment vote as President Sarkozy. Married this morning in the beautiful Bruni, and in complete discretion, the political activist must now focus on the commitment austere but effective.
Lebanon suffers from constant attacks from states like Syria. Economic recovery still seems distant, thank you for the deleterious influences.
And still pinned by the annual report of HRN ( Human Rights Watch ) the Castro regime, without any ambiguity. No freedom of expression, no privacy, a reduced capacity of movement, etc.. And to think that my article The castrating of Cuba's rebellion had caused some fans of Maximo Leader ... cosily settled in France. Pitiful!

Monday, February 4, 22h
Week overwhelming perspective heady and cold have an advantage in managing my evening: take me to bed soon and let me try by writing this Journal in its seventeenth year .
Tonight at Straight Talk ITV, the flamboyant Villepin rid of cramped suit and tie for a sweater-vest to turtleneck perfect consistent with its new stance censor free of the power exercised by its irreducible and triumphant political opponent.
There he mingled all, weighing, judging, declaiming his vision of France's renewed diplomatic excellence, independence of foreign policy claimed the denial determination without counting in Europe and worldwide. It unfolds its arguments, the tinting of a carrier lyricism ...
True the physical incarnation of the account in France: Villepin has far more allure, even away from power, Sarkozy to the frenetic proportions disadvantageous. Why deny it? The desire to gain power there was even more exacerbated in him than his physical presence could disappoint.
Definitely, the former Prime Minister dispense with political engagement via the ballot box. Grand clerk of the state, it assumes that choice, contempt for electoral democracy for some, and is confined to illuminate his experience those who want to hear. A right
Jospin, the influence of networks and less: it is the plume of free speech ...
Today, Congress Parliament amended the Constitution to make possible ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon.

De Cambronne in Lisbon
Two years after resounding "shit! "Europe to the Hexagon, the canonists snort again with a last stand giving lessons of democracy. Wandering in the regions of bad faith and amalgam.
The incorrigible 'No' fire Constitutional Treaty, the extreme right to extreme left, the separatists again internationalist allies fact, yelled in chorus to "denial of democracy !
Two years after push by the French people French-inspired project, strictly no viable consensus for twenty-seven have been completed by the nay-sayers who are now in their abject parliamentary means chosen to ratify the Lisbon Treaty, to venture to some parallels idle, if not outrageous. Thus, some comment from anonymous voices on the site Agoravox an article sovereignty, indulge in threats, be wallowing in hatred: "For my part I will note the names of all the traitors who vote this text, all the journalists who will explain that there was no alternative for the day of liberation and the trial of the treatment to follow ... "Bawls the bugger Non666 , the people doubtless, but not identified.
What timing of elections and the transparency of intentions combined do they not allow the executive branch in place to choose the ratification by the people's elected representatives? The presidential elections and laws, took place two years after the No referendum. The campaign of the candidate of the UMP was clear its resolve to use the Parliament to adopt the new treaty negotiated by the twenty-seven. A reference will suffice: April 14, 2007, the Focus the World is devoted to European and proposals on the subject of the main candidates in presidential elections. For claiming Sarkozy at the Elysee Palace, it is stated that "this treaty does not justify the use at this stage a second referendum, but could be ratified by parliament. "So
the name of what principle muddy, but clearly populist, the nay-sayers can not they tolerate a legitimate national representation (recall section 6 of the Declaration of Human Rights that validates representative democracy), elected after the referendum, could not ratify the Lisbon Treaty? This sacralization
demagogic popular track, obviously incapable of error, impervious to the influences dishonest, makes me think of another sacred fortunately passed since 2000, the People's Jury of assize. Because it had been rendered by a sample of people in the name of the same people, we could not imagine an appeal can be taken on the merits, even where the accused risked the most. It took the enormity of the error and poor court drama (not isolated, but acknowledged that one) the jury in the case Dils popular for the reason that finally opens the call to the judgments of the foundations.
Will it really bring down the bulk of the European force to mudslides because of successive decisions referendum (and the people of Ireland, this time only accessed directly, decided to reject the treaty ?) to understand that the popular way is not necessarily a panacea, especially when which forms the majority to reject the case can not be found on any constructive majority: what relationship between the Not a Besancenot and the not Le Pen, the rejection of sovereignty between de Villiers and the anti-globalization trend Bove? Nothing, apart from the destructive act: a "shit! "Sterile Europe. In fact, the nay-sayers were proven, including through subsequent elections, they had no credibility in the proposed unit of another text for the European institutions in line with the number of members.
Another argument is intolerable for the followers of a new No French: the treaty would be a carbon copy, but more readable (first internal contradiction) of the Constitutional Treaty. And then? If the "tools" to use the word Giscardian, as suggested by the text of 2005 seems most appropriate to create a consensus of twenty-seven, should we deny it, again? Does anyone think that the French did not want an EU president elected by the European Council for two and a half years, they abhorred the proposed extension of the powers of Parliament, they vomit expansion of qualified majority voting to more areas to avoid the systematic blocking? Let's get serious ... As
liberal policies that are touted on the sly in the indigestible Treaty of Lisbon, the whistleblower scandal (one is in a market economy, incredible!) Forget to note that the content of policies that may exist in the EU, it is decided in two elections: that the executive of each member country which amends the European Council, which impels the broad policy guidelines, and the Council of the European Union responsible for implementing them; that European Parliament codécide in more and more areas of policy content. It does not appear to me very obvious that in the twenty-seven was outlined a shift of power to the extreme left or right-wing of the sovereignty movement. But without doubt I have seen evil ...
So opportunism of canonists who remembers our haunted memories, that of a big mess that has led to nothing except a multitude of haggling, sincere wishes of intent but without taking into account the political reality of other countries. By dint of quibbling about the details, the canonists forget the fundamental purpose of the EU ...
And, of course, it is the members (including socialists) who voted for the constitutional amendment that appear as traitors. Social nationalism rooted in our country dangerously ...

Wednesday, February 6, 23h
I m'ingénie to find the title to punch my face against the canonists. For now, nothing really convincing. Maybe diving more drowsy will board a tad more exalt the imagination. Try ...

Sunday, February 17, 9:50 p.m. Early
under the blanket to suck the tranquility of the house, pen and slippery the Valparaiso inspired Sting. The balance of life is affirmed in the modest financial course, but largely offset by the mild existential. The fates of everyone away from me what was my whole life even ten years ago (well, a bit more). Such neglect on my part can only be explained by the extreme evil being that I had developed without me confess. Hypocritical relationship with several of northerners , ideology hints chewed to half-heartedly, almost mechanically, pretexting undermined any attempt to be consistent with my intellectual reality much less monolithic. So my beliefs European uncompromising defense of my adventure EU point of getting angry with Hermione. Me, sovereignty under the influence, I discovered the scope of the struggle of defenders of Europe, and the Constitutional Treaty has been the ultimate beautiful, despite the slew of waste that did not disappear as shameful. Big Sarko
freaks: after defending as a candidate, the abandonment of the salutary repentance French towards its historic ball, he's as possessed by contrition, suggesting that each student is covered CM2 terrible shadow a little man deported by the Nazis despicable, often guided by the henchmen of Pétain.
Without, of course, affect the emotional value of such identificatory and embrace through the ages, one might go to see some effects cons-productive. The sordid competition submissions will emerge, forcing the school to instruct his flock of other shadows Children victims of the executioners of the century techno-barbarian . Why
back on its commitment to end the constant flogging by the waves of blackness French? New
escape to a more trivial news: Socio-economic gloom, draining public finances, delayed effects of reforms of the early collapse sondagier. Big Sarko tries distraction by Pascal sensational announcement, polemics cultivated, nonsense private
... There he is, obviously, is struggling to find presidential stature: his speech welcoming the French ratification of the Lisbon Treaty (which he persists in call "simplified treaty" to assume the exclusive paternity) is a glaring testimony. The gesture stirred a dynamic forced tone misplaced have transformed what should be a solemn demonstration of intervention in VRP campaign. Without fundamental change in its operation and management of the external pressure, I suspect the worst for the future, unless the term is shortened.

Friday, February 22, 11am
Slash ephemeral rushes towards the mountains and plains of our nation into discreet campaign municipalo-cantonal . The media spin excited yet on the tribulations of the grotesque conspicuous Neuilly-sur-Seine. The cramped, the starched, affected the neck until bloated figurine unpolished, bitter David Martinon tried the golden parachute, I knighted by Sarkozy. This first shell was burdened with artificially poor performance and the charisma of the best days a sink, a bidet other, frustration and humiliation cumulatively, have blasted the earth jolting shipping neuillaise .
The subtlety of the message of his opponents has essentially been a worthy diversion patronymic recreational courses. The "Martinon No! No! No! "Finalized the zany ballet electoral panorama. Landed
spokesman for the Elysee which even the resignation request was not approved. The vacancy has unleashed the jolts and reversals muddy: the candidate becomes the official who dissented from the UMP, Martinon running mate who joins the junior division, and Sarkozy will rub to the polls to honor the beautiful path opened by the President Dad. Saturday, February 23

Quiet Saint-Crépin, copies the lamentable content (95%) corrected, recharge the pages of this Journal, in its seventeenth year. A very serene faced teens after years of childhood. Do not worry that existence of a it perpetuates in his yard, not to meet expectations of third and invasive.
Hence, attention in the world to sharpen their critical eye, but not necessarily monolithic. Sunday, February 24

The asshole of Agriculture
What a paradox: the same ones who have striven for forty years, to desecrate the presidential office is courroucent today to have a head State the differences refreshments. Nobody, however, can not declare itself fundamentally surprised to be on its way: it is in terms of what he showed, for years as Minister of the Interior, where he enjoyed an unparalleled tracking media for such a position. Even Pasqua, 1986 exudes suave naphthalene when compared to the activist Sarko-Beauvau .
The first to rejoice that involution of the head of the executive: the journalists who multiply big plans, debates, returns in triple layers on noisy tribulations of the Elysee- Sarko-show.
Americans had their Bush policy for the unspeakable vulgarity condescending French who came to power that they knew without a shadow Cirque Permanent State.
In addition, the first of the French rococo franchouillard bad taste is almost an obsession consubstantial with the office since the death of Pompidou, and this with the implicit blessing of the people voter.
Dip a little in to the behavioral side-dashing Giscard d'Estaing, sullying its particle and its stilted phrasing on the platform of Yvette, with an accordion slung to convince that he has something in him populous , relativize the gainsbarrien "breaks up! "President of the blood. Gauging bréneuses pans the measured Mité Fanfan, that the media institutions (public and private) as the mainstream press have hidden for over a decade as The Crapouillot (fire magazine labeled extreme right) engaged in a public place as soon the beginning of the seven, builds on the seriousness of an existential vulgarity face some of the excess crude little rustic Sarkozy. Sniff linguistic incongruities and familiarities redundant lanky Chirac only underscores the trend of his outrageous political Brutus.
Internet snorts or Pollock face exchange between the average citizen who by a periphrasis unambiguously addresses shit ("You get dirty!") President of the Republic, which tu and insult, returning to his unfathomable insignificance .
Was he despised by the silence, like a Balladur (worthy heir Pompidou, the last of our former presidents so) that the French, after wearing the pinnacle as Prime Minister, No have not sought as tenant hushed the Elysee? Should they ignore it for the cameras and ask the service order to intimidate him backstage with a few arguments with muscular executive branch secrecy? Was it, otherwise, serve a complaint for immediate filing of insulting the head of state? Many reasonable ways that translate into traditional or the more instinctive personality schismatic Sarkozy.
So yes, the dignity of the office is trampled under the criteria Old France, yes, he has made his mark reactive verbal retaliation. But ultimately, awaited those who elected him (for his opponents, indignation is maintained we can not logically trivial)? To have a president without gap language, though the armholes ripolin weighted in any situation, even when scrogneugneu insult? Is it supposed to
policy strategy? Still speak of him to drag in the mud, what a tactician! His problem: as soon as he puts the thought in the complex, the detainee, for example, during his recent speech on European Union, it is inaudible, no relay, no fuss media enthusiast or criticizing. His temperamental inclination to push him so sporadic coups that place him on stage under the lights of Big Media. Should he
move from policy to President blaster flagellate draping themselves in the majesty of the function for letting the juice of rotten shots? The hatred whipped up will make it more vulnerable to the madness of a citizen in a hurry ... Here is the major risk. We come back then felt, hypocritical, without the Wave as it likes as long as we did not like endless daily.
Still dissatisfied, always picking on those who have the responsibility of governing this country, the people of France remains traditional tendency to burn his idols, even when they resemble him to the end words. Monday, February 25

haste last night to grab my last flight pamphleteer under Duck I wanted to be the first to launch on the web, with date certain, that the site allows AgoraVox, even if refusal. The asshole of Agriculture had sprouted in no spirit of Internet, in my deepest satisfaction. Some copy-paste the beginning of that end ink bubbling in news articles and commentary worth linking to my blog for further authenticate the date and the serenity of the need has accomplished literary nestled in me.
this morning Rueil since a small round-up on the news via Google, then a detour on LDP informs me that a first comment under my last egg.
Amazement at its opening: a signer anonymous said to me, "tu" in support, have found on my blog and have been moved by reading me, even if the ideas promoted are not shared.

Thursday, February 28, 0:30
back with my BB, the joyful film of D. Boon, Bienvenue chez les ch'tits . About the North, following contact with bb (Alice) is mixed.

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March / April

Saturday, March 1
Last Thursday, in the morning, a violent gas explosion in the heart of Lyon: a firefighter died and forty wounded. The location, less than two hundred meters from the place of Europe where I lived a few years and close to the Monoprix where I was doing my shopping.
curious feeling to see on the news and photos on the Internet that part of the Cours Lafayette strewn with rubble, with huge flames coming out of the ground ... The investigation
will determine liability.

Friday, March 7, 23h30
Period professional overload leaves little room for further diarist.
Note, nevertheless, monitoring contrasted with Alice. Fascinating and disconcerted break that made me suspect of being not in control of my pen and my inclinations pamphleteers.

Sunday, March 9, 0:34
pleasant evening with the paternal family in our nest Lyonnais dishes made by my BB and festive viewing of Asterix: Mission Cleopatra . Chabat leg remains a surefire efficiency for the laugh
First round of municipal elections: to assert my civic duty, I will discuss this election with a prism exclusively local. The current team Collomb suits me, and more so against the artificial implantation of the former Minister Perben. Sunday, March 16

Angles life
While People North my Journal not delight me more now for almost a decade, this is a decade that the smile comes when I think of Sticks Boon. The freshness of this film, even if it draws some misunderstanding the mechanics of language in effective Dinner con, delights, reassured about the existence of a popular warm, good-natured, bourvilien . This festival
the soul makes me do my duty to c
itizen limited for this Sunday to the most rustic of elections, cantonal: like a spring of the electorate. Our good love Lyon Gérard Collomb, and our district has made him.
Close to the polling station, situated in a nice little elementary school closed, the soothing stone, I participated in the recount and flowers, the first hundred ballots, the performance of our incumbent mayor. I felt so deeply, as in this delightful melt result, my self-imposed exile land Picard had left its place to a calm anchorage Lyon along with my BB. Our elected Collomb offer me so beautiful strolls along the River Rhone river Saone future on a vélo'v comfortable. I wish him all the more constructive terms.
taste that way of life, but remain without indulgence for what is looming in the frenzy of madmen in the virtual economy, a kind of syndrome Kerviel. The subject would it minus the mainstream media, which preferred the more diverse the seller is a trader with large blocks
stock, due to panic monster that would follow the first sign of a collapse of our financial system? New accumulated in the inside pages of newspapers daunting for the general public, and analysis of some specialists that portend the Chernobyl Economic not spare us, where Director of the Bank of France chanting of "All's very good! . The three largest state reserves of the West inject some two hundred billion dollars into the financial system, without reassuring sustainable actants gregarious of the virtual economy, enough to anticipate the worst.
I never involved myself in this little game sunk into grass on the other hand, I am constrained by the social contract, let the little money earned at the disposal of chilly opportunist who get excited about rumors to build, indeed, the world economy. Mismanagement of subprime infected all networks Financial: the evil leaders will be obscured and the United States will absorb the losses, in the best case. Meanwhile, the SWFs of autocracies (some claimed communists!) Bask scholarships growing ...

Finally, return to the world of proximity to loved ones still this world or missing. Focus its direction on the dual complicity of beautiful souls chosen not to sink into barbaric reprisals. Thus, my beloved grandmother, who died in late 2006, and I miss forever and ever. Her memory and fill with kissing a beautiful corner of life. Saturday, March 22

Feeling carried by the mounting frustration, so far as to claim mad. Pierre-Bridged Viansson foresaw, in the columns of World , two months before the climax to a week before insurrectionary movement Cohn-Bendit and others, the name of a deadlock France breathless. Sunday, March 23

A foreign policy ...
pitiful Profile our foreign policy word! Not even contemplating acts: nothing amazes me. When
was up against the United States, blasters for a Western-messianism
democratic, France, by the verb and stature villepinien Chirac held his rank. Admittedly, I did not share this stubbornness to let the bloody Hussein play well in the international community, but it was necessary to recognize the dignity of a position maintained despite economic retaliation. What we have done formerly with the leading world power, the overactive President Sarkozy can not breathe in front of diplomatic obscenities Gaddafi scams nickname of a democratic Putin, and today, the ferocity of the repressive Chinese potentates.
Should we leave Germany and Britain condemned the bloody excesses without inspires us? Is this the way to the stage of the French Presidency of the European Union? Round leg, clenched smiles, swallowed tongue, beggar purse ... Dull, very dull color of our foreign policy: no exciting vision possible, unless it immediately shriveled to its bare minimum. Included, to forget in the moment, the Union / the Mediterranean phagocytosed by the dusty Barcelona Process.
The loudmouthed Kouchner perfectly mastered the rules of realpolitik as to exceed his cousin Socialist Segolene Royal: where she raved Efficiency of Justice of China (one such model Indeed, for the execution of death sentences, with billing of the ball used in the family of the condemned), he drops, marking the paroxysm of diplomacy cash drawer, the "tremendous progress" for human rights administration Hu Jintao. Its correction, as shameful euphemism - "this is not progress when you shoot in the streets" instead of a clearer when assassinates opponents Tibetan - is puzzling over the line followed by the unworthy French doctor . We remember, however, before he tastes the morocco, with his wit ready to move mountains and, now, do heals more than hard cash interest.
The UMP candidate had him, pledged to turn the page of a Quai d'Orsay too complacent as soon as looming a few lucrative contracts. Result: it turns Bockel which opens a little too nauseous on French policy in Africa, giving some reason to indignitaires beneficiaries of our largess. Especially not to abandon a successful piece of the Dark Continent to these dear
Chinese Communists ... The host of the Elysée has flinched in its heels and try a new media strategy: take the fundamentals of the fifth to reach a certain height presidency. Should it, provided, rise until it became inaudible on such a subject? Distance from the head of state borders on specialization in chrysanthemums at the point of neglecting his primary duty: to hear the voice of France to face gross violations of human rights, identifies those that Kouchner booming in this same area of the world.
The OECD expects a U.S. recession that would collapse this year the growth of the United States (1.4%) as the even granted to France (1.8%), somewhat protected by the euro area. This incredible economic news is not worth it few contracts not sacrificed by our French leaders to reach, finally! diplomacy at breast height?
"Freedom is the right to silence" was a wall of Censier in 1968: not sure this is a precept of respect for our foreign policy so strange ...

Thursday, March 27

Like almost every night this week, diving in a few short pages Death is my business Robert Merle, published in 1952. Long before The Kindly , this novel attempts to trace the complex pattern of Nazi torturers by intrinsic approach that makes us watch the mental functioning of criminals ordered. Edifying.
And now evokes a French journalists Carlamania emerging in Britain, and may well cross the Channel after the admirable performance of the first lady during the state visit ended tonight.
Me, in 1995 I wrote about this woman is smart, sensitive, refined and with the extreme sense of the situation. My tribute to Burning Bruni has not exceeded the pages of this Journal , but was intended to be published in a draft paper free press, which never saw the day (an initiative of Mary R.). Thirteen years later, she became the first lady of France and confirms all the good that I thought of her. Saturday, March 29

The show court will know one of his most atrocious performances for two months full of horror. The promotion was made a few weeks by reminding the media, sporadically, the opening date and disseminating documentary on the couple monstrous.
Finally, the first hearing and the abject Fourniret holding, without disappointing his sinister role, quibbling about advertising trial and not suffering the presence of costly court-appointed lawyers: three to digest such a record.
Her companion for the macabre and for worse, tried the apparent contrition physical transfigured to forget her dark brown. Monday, March 31

Tonight at Franc-Parler ITV, economist Cohen confirms the alarmism that I developed these pages in the sixteenth power. The possibility of an implosion of the U.S. financial system would require the intervention of the state and federal bank for the equivalent of annual GDP French, two trillion dollars.
A financial folly, mad judiciary: the sordid Fourniret allowed to run its abominations following the moving testimony of those with whom he has been neutralized. His appalling cynicism can only flourish, prosper in the procedure that preserves the rights of defendants, and also fortunately for the latter. One wish: that he has the toughest prison conditions possible.

Saturday, April 5

Live! Ingrid Betancourt
More than six years of confinement in hell khaki FARC. C riminelle, Ingrid Betancourt Pulecio? According to the criminalization of the French term of the sentence: ... yes or inveterate recidivist.
admirable woman who is dying from too much dignity, an exuberant humanity, fidelity to his convictions.
Until February 23, 2002, a good living in the irresistible rise: between the offices of British government and the prestige of UNESCO Paris, childhood feeds the sense of nobility and favors other policy .
sharpen his mastery ideas within the bubbling IEP, where it will hear the ringing tone of chivalry, and then a professor
year, de Villepin. Learning from multiple doctrines, courses or encountered fugitives, talents blossomed to affirm its willingness to change his country that tends towards what is thought good for him. That's the impetus for British woman's light. Political commitment by the vote of the polls: gauging the arcana of the executive and test its legitimacy by winning the legislature. Insolent success, no doubt, but that would have contributed so much to internal struggle in this country if the pseudo revolutionaries, real criminals that had broken off.
Ten years for his party Oxigeno Verde, orphaned for more than half of its existence. Path to the Presidency of Colombia violently shifted to the banks barbarians.
Its resistance was first made on this road to Florencia, San Vicente del Caguan, ruthless trap. He refuses the air, she insists to join his goal by land, littered with guerrillas if they might be. Do not tarnish his presidential campaign by renunciation in open country. The light resistance is entirely in this act: rather than hindered free standing curved.
But today, the agony, and death would be the
only possible release? Horrible epilogue to a being who can both inspire his country ... can not solve it. Lines passionate hope for a renaissance. Too many failed attempts, approaches to the blind, frantic efforts not to believe even more than ever in his resurrection in his family.
Let those who hold it like thousands of other hostages not to forget have good awareness of the terrible weight of universal condemnation if
it would have expired under their yoke. In Death is my business , Robert Merle, the future master of the Auschwitz camp, then a simple factory worker, asserts his assumption of life: "I am given a task, and my duty is to do well, and thoroughly. "It is time for them now to go beyond their mission to stop these barbarians be careful to distinguish their duty to humanity. A
Ingrid Betancourt, without restraint!

Wednesday, April 9, 11:17 p.m.
Curious as world opinion, in publicized his part, gave up resentment against the American messianic focus their hatred for the Chinese government. The management of Tibetan revolt has horrified the same people who were unaware of the ruthless communist autocracy maintained economic expansionism.
Assign the Olympics to China is to first give the Chinese people at the heart of the international community. For the rest of the commitments undertaken by the power that could seriously believe it.

Monday, April 14, 10:39 p.m.
calm in my life, vortices in the news. Nothing transcendent in the weeks that pass pro. Activity becomes more and more as a support obligation and not any fun to do. Basically, I am shaving. The atmosphere is not so wondrous QED: some tensions revealed, resignation accepted, the annoyance of both sides ... Nothing cataclysmic, but heartbreaking flaws action.
News spins: the obstinacy of the criminal obscene Fourniret the masterful release of hostages on the Ponant, the palette snorts.

Tuesday, April 15, 10:26 p.m.
Tonight meeting in the stairwell, with some owners and those who are responsible for changing the column EDF. A significant financial burden for my modest salary which required savings for several months, not yet completed when the first payment must be made this month. The controversy
intra-governmental, with disproportionate media coverage, multiply: true drift of the team or to enable voluntary smoking out painful reforms to run almost furtively.
PPDA is cowardly to evening news, commenting on the outrageous twisting of ass
French Olympic Committee, which calls into question the port, by athletes, a badge with the words "For a Better World", a term which may appear yet in the Olympic Charter. What a pitiful curvature of spine for those authorities to orders. The reporter then reminded that the formula of the badge "does not yet broke a three-legged duck! Formatting annoyance.

Friday, April 18, 10:43 p.m.
generalized weakness to address this week off after a busy period in hours of FFP (face to face teaching) to earn a debate on the riots - show tonight (or ever! ) yesterday - on organ trafficking in C in air and the last two strands of The War, the moral dark side to so many horrors. Where should I rejoice that Regenerating parenthesis in the intense professional activity, I let myself soak in the only mood that can accompany these terrible abuses: Human sad gloom. Not want to continue. Saturday, April 19

7.30. And to cap off the evening yesterday pages Death is my business , immersion in the cortex too well not yet ordered the commander of Auschwitz.
morning to participate in the physical relocation of a BB colleague. It passes the time ...

Sunday, April 20

The softened months "but! "
The challenge, vintage 2008, will try, unsuccessfully, to rise to the height of his senior quarantine. Not that flaw reasonably find any ideological affiliation between these two student hackles, but the comparison instinctive warranted if the magnitude of grumbling spring emerges.
To those who wanted to bring down the social system of Thirty Glorious,
meet today's opponents of any attack on staff in charge of public education. No political lyrical flights in the defense of the status quo: just a concern for the status quo, failing to obtain a more de- uninsured expenses generate better performance.
"Restore deleted posts and [of] those processed in overtime, no more than 25 students per class; maintenance of SEN and school mapping; restoration of streams, options and deleted classes [e] s; hiring of personnel necessary [s], regularization undocumented students, non-implementation of the report Pochard. "This is the call for national coordination schoolgirl. To contribute to their movement, useful in the light of acquired impaired, I would have said, in brackets, three beautiful mistakes in their claims. Just for laughs ... right
A State obliged to take the opportunity of a mass exodus to
retirement of the generation that would change the world, to try to tame the uncontrollable fiscal abyss. The grumbling of the European Commission frowning and sense of political responsibility require. How to inject financial austerity without touching overstaffing of Education? The initiative is homeopathic - 11 200 posts not renewed by 1,153,705 people (2005 figure), or 0.97% of payroll - yet: the "do not touch! "Schoolboy emerges and wants to use before the spring season for swell and enjoy a nice (and noisy) in May.
Dates taken with the scroll ball for official policy against the state, but for even more public service of State. It remains to find the pretext catalyst: the poor little derogatory phrase Minister Darcos delivery intractable Fillon
Matignon or delicious climax to watch, the gap of language Sarkozy Elysee . Jubilation of immobilitionnaires , for sure! The unions will then attempt the connection: Unlike indigestible stones of their parents, the wise targets of the generation 08 can agree with the jerks union for a 'tit social gain. Necessary counterweight that will not come out of the state codes of law.
this sound and moving mobilization will be added the fierce nihilists, revolutionaries short of bloody night, the rioters to urban barbarism: the fringe saprophyte that arises at every wandering student to take
force his due, as the primary model of consumption without barriers, and destroy all goes to relieve his adrenaline. Remember the purpose of anti-CPE processions and their droppings behavior. A
boredom Youth sixty-eighters, embarked on a frantic reconstruction
broodstock while gray, obsessed with burying the trauma of World War II, meets a desire disseminates eighters the twenty-first: to perpetuate the structural advantages established by their parents and grandparents, especially not to mortgage their chance to catch the bits of fat provided by a France still quite rancid
... What a great difference, finally, and not even painful! On the one hand, the ardent desire to undermine the institutions and economy unbridled, even suggesting a wall of the venerable Sorbonne: "The benefits, is death. " The other, the desire to preserve, secure,
strengthen and expand a model shaky, but reassuring. In sum, in forty years, we are past the deposit of an abortive revolution in the art of a fractured social devolution.
Lying between these two aspirations, it seems easier to "a balance that middle-aged, like me, not yet born during the reign of Sand and more barricades of desks in contact since a few decades.
A little warning to the generation schoolgirl 2008 for his designs are a political track, I get it from the imaginative
requirements that the baby-boom was enrolled in his green years, during May 1 rowdy: "Removing the right to vote with retirement" (Arcades Street Cornelius, Odeon). Otherwise, no chance that today's young, a minority in the French population, could convince the leaders of the executive to go against the juggernaut sixty-eighter at the dawn of the keel.
"There will now only two categories of men: calves and revolutionaries. In case of marriage, it will make réveaulutionnaires "joke found on the wall of the supervised education. Tuesday, April 22

Tonight, a docudrama by Serge Moati on the past "vichysso-resistant" François Mitterrand. The director admits his surprise and disappointment when the book by Pierre Pean pointed the shadow zone. What is surprising in Moati with so many others seemed to fall from the clouds, the total lack of curiosity.
Magazine The Crapouillot certainly scored at the far right, had devoted several issues this theme, and the first since 1972! I hold those of 1984, 1988 and 1990. How does a spirit like Moati browser has it been discovered before these revelations. I, a mere teenager in 1984, I knew so much that many of Mitterrand ... It makes one wonder about the practice of the ostrich to preserve the purity of felt that we admire. Each
refuses, at a given moment, what he perceives as sources infréquentables ...

Wednesday, April 23, 0:23
Deception on the docu-drama Moati, too complacent, almost excusing all opportunistic choice of Mitterrand. De Gaulle is portrayed as a gruff lantern. Some versions of the disputed routes are endorsed: the so-called three escapes, the existence of a network Morland, design early false papers, the Salle Wagram bang ... corny, therefore, the result of this film which shows Mitterrand the head of a free newspaper and soon engaged his ministerial career delayed. Nothing about his participation in Your beauty magazine founded by Cagoulard Schueller ... The mité Fanfan is doing so well ... the story has its favorites, even in sulfur.

Friday, April 25, 1:28 checkmate.
Just lying, I can not shirk this appeal from the pen of feeling hot.
After a dinner with parents B lively controversial subjects, delayed viewing of the benefit of President Sarkozy.
Nothing to be done, we must acknowledge its effectiveness in communication. The format of the show, which combines the scenery of the Elysee for blowing the solemn bling with a determined tone, with no apparent waffling, just hit.
Probably the obstinacy, the ferocity journalistic Were absent, but the vengeful aggression, to like a Domenach (commentator delivery on France 2), was unsuccessful and moved to its author. The unpopularity
not cease, but the perception of a man who intends to assume its political choices, whatever they think has improved. So maybe a rebalancing by traditional divides.
Side journalist, noted David Pujadas a catchy, a little this PPDA, aging and UV unevenly distributed, a Catherine Auge somewhat transparent despite his sublime silver hair, an Yves Calvi relevant and knowing tone Calvi translate the format of a Presidential Interview Vincent Hervouet and nuanced incisive, sometimes less suitable format, which eventually served the argument of the head of state.
Warm: a good performance with limited impact.

9:10. The response of Segolene Royal, received in the seven to ten of Nicolas Demorand did it, not conspicuously Pavlovian mechanics of his criticism at all is the issue. Also this awful feeling to hear him belch instead of reasoned argument. Saturday, April 26

From the summer along the Rhone until my BB. Intensive reading to prepare myself for this little return, three days of activity, then another pause of four. BB's parents, who arrived Thursday night, spend the day with some old Toucieux family for a wedding anniversary. My
Softened months "but! " published on AgoraVox caused only very cretinous remarks. Less interest to me to confront hate that hide - for a meager return on blog.