Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Background Song On Love And Basketball

The Treasure of the French language is insulting to Islam and Muslims. You said

plump My brothers and sisters, the Holy Sweet Allard be upon you and anoint your belly in this month of boudinblan.
From small assholes Muslim society Netino "moderators" of, the Net Media Islamic Marxist anti-Semitic, the dictionary of the French Language National Resource Center textual and lexical (Treasury of the French language) obviously small Moroccan Muslim culture in the pig ignorant IQ Fly con allah shit do not control, do not know the word Ramdam: Defining Ramdam: Click HERE:
My little " post "titled" It's Ramadan. "This was simply informative, humorous and wanted to show how for centuries in France is considered certain events allegedly" religious ".
Islam is a religion like others, is a system political, legal and social initiated in the seventh century by an alleged "prophet" illiterate pedophile and that would give him the right to declare this "religion."

Styling aspirations of the most vile, flattering the most primitive impulses, encouraging intellectual sloth, intolerance, hypocrisy, violence, lies, preaching a disease virilization, justifying the worst ignominy antifeminist and anti-Semitic , Islam is neither a wise nor a civilization or a lifestyle, it's a scourge. "
should be strongly refute the argument Recurring used by Moslems who say that Islam is a "religion" as others and therefore Muslims should have the same rights as followers of other religions. The tragedy is that France is already happening because of our membership in a republican state. Indeed, the laws of the French Republic, and the rights and duties arising from it are the same for everyone regardless of his community and his religion of origin.

Indeed, after reading and careful analysis of my article of 17.08.10 6:31 p.m. by their team of "moderation" of pigs of the desert, it had to be removed from the publication because of its non-compliance vis-à-vis the use of charter
The reason for withdrawal of my article was:

The content (text, video, images) openly offensive, hateful or degrading to any religion or its followers would not be allowed by the charter of the site.

cons, it would be allowed to criticize religion, provided that the comments are polite and measured. I do not think the explanation of a lexical dictionary French language are insulting me you actually judge.

is Ramadan.

Dear readers,
You are not unaware that this place right now in the world, the Muslim Ramadan (called "fast" while the followers of Mohammed cram all night) and until September 10.
What some do not know perhaps is that the original word in Arabic French formed the word Ramdam, which means noisy demonstration moved, a loud noise or a noise. Synonyms: Barouf, ruckus, rumpus, gossip, fuss and also cum souk or the brothel.
Figuratively can also mean making the scandal and fuss, grumble. It even seems that at one time the word described a set of facts creating a situation disturbing and very unpleasant.

In slang it is not better, because going to fuss, fuss do is make love. Example: "The negroes disgust me, they want to fuss at once" (In Esnault, Notes compl. Hairy, 1957 p. 448).
The word in French is that the most characteristic of Ramadan, in the eyes of many non-Muslims, the intense, noisy and disruptive nocturnal activity following the days of "fasting" during this month. GC Now that one is more about, I'll tell you personally like Brigitte Bardot: "Ramadan, I sit on it" the month of Ramadan,
- Muslims fast during the day and night to gorge

- toast and animals. Like Ms. Bardot
I rise to keep going in circles .... criticizing the slaughter of animals as "halal" to fill the Muslims during the month of Ramadan.

The slaughter of animals for meat "hahal" takes place without prior stunning of animals. This barbaric practice is prohibited by law in Switzerland. But to satisfy Muslims, the Swiss authorities can bring the meat "halal" from abroad, including the Brigitte Bardot France.Madame fight to ban this barbaric practice.
behalf of animal welfare, Ms. B. E Bardot told Europe 1. "I do not care, I Ramadan, I sit on it. What I find ridiculous is no God, no religion requires sacrifice and torture at the time of the killing of animals for our survival. I find it outrageous, "she was rebellious.

Ms. Bardot went on saying that halal meat was "invaded France" for the greatest misfortune of animals: "You, your friend next door, people who are listening, eat without knowledge. Because 80% of French slaughterhouses are no longer practicing stunning before bleeding because it is faster and can sell for Muslims everywhere, "she claimed in ensuring availability of evidence. "Muslims, now they go into any restaurant, they do not need to choose a restaurant halal they know that the meat that will give them will be halal meat, "she said.
The bonus: Small yard Arabic cuisine.


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