Sunday, June 13, 2010

Adjusting The Temperature Of A Wood Stove

Canal + and the production company TAC sentenced PRESS

censored an article on offshoot of the World, French media nauseous and bankrupt that uses the global network of Internet to deceive , falsify and misrepresent the facts to serve a "cause" or Islamic Marxist Marxist communist ideology spreading wrong. Canal + and the production company newly TAC PRESS convicted of libel against Philippe Karsenty for reporting that the encrypted channel aired April 24, 2008 With the choir of the "peace flotilla" all sing in heart: we cheat the world!
The judges considered that the remarks in the report of Canal + 'are undoubtedly Philippe Karsenty and "blame him for using the Internet to manipulate information to serve the interests of extreme groups, particularly radical. " The judges say that "the matters charged Philip Karsenty falsify information in order to denigrate Charles Enderlin and harm his career, as part of a movement of extremist and radical views, and spread a rumor and not based on any tangible evidence is undoubtedly detrimental to the honor and reputation of Philippe Karsenty.
They add: "The documents in the debates demonstrate a lack of objectivity exclusive alleged good faith in determining that Stéphane Malterre [the author of the report] was in possession of all the factors which led, internationally, doubt about the reality of the death scene of Muhammad al Dura, who are not even mentioned in the report, with the stipulation that during the broadcast issue of April 24, 2008, all of these elements had been made public for having been argued before the 11th Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Paris, February 27, 2008. "
The Court continued:" Join the lack of objectivity into question by Philippe Karsenty, a leader of the crusade against Charles Enderlin, without providing any evidence about the evolution of its position initial declarations under the journalist and cameraman and director of France 2 .... " The judges concluded "In these circumstances, given the choice of subject matter to illustrate the content of the issue and handling of it, the legitimacy of purpose is not established and, in any case, the defendants [Canal + and TAC PRESS] does not warrant the reliability of the survey required the admission of a defense of good faith. Consequently, Philippe Karsenty is admissible and well founded in its action. " Bertrand Meheut, the Canal + SA and society PRESS TAC are ordered jointly and severally. Karsenty said: "By this ruling, the French justice system has once again overcome the shortcomings of many French media. Canal + broadcast a 52 minute documentary produced by the company TAC RELEASE April 24, 2008 by paralleling the revisionist attacks of 11 September and those opposed to France 2 and Charles Enderlin in the case al Doura, foremost among which was shown in great orchestrator handling.
I could have let the story of Canal + without reacting, in the name of freedom of expression. It's my natural tendency.

Nevertheless, I filed a complaint against Channel and TAC PRESS because their literature was neither benign nor innocent since he was released April 24, 2008 while the trial's verdict was against France 2 and Charles Enderlin was expected a month later, May 21, 2008.

This film, and programming to Canal +, may have influenced the course of justice if judges the Court of Appeal of Paris had been influenced.

so I could not pass up this documentary defamatory without reacting. " Wekstein lawyer Isabelle Philippe KARSENTY welcomes this excellent decision:" Our argument has been widely followed. The Tribunal accepts libel for five of the six runs continued. Judges consider in particular the charge of manipulating the information attributed to Philippe Karsenty to serve interests of obscure extremists and radicals infringes his honor and consideration. It is interesting to note that the Court would recall the existence of elements that influenced the international level, doubts about the reality of the scene of my death of Mohamed Al Dura ". Here are 3 links to watch the broadcast by Canal + has just been considered defamatory: Part 1 Part 2 (section on the al Dura Case begins in the 19th minute of the second section and extends in the following) Part 3 For the record, the story of Canal + defamatory claims that Philippe Karsenty:
- "is a forger of information";

- "Put pressure on journalists to censor themselves"

- "manipulating information to serve political interests shameful and reprehensible that have nothing to do with the truth";

- " uses the global network of Internet to deceive, falsify and misrepresent the facts to serve a "cause" and to undermine the reputation acquired by a journalist to harm him, spreading an ideology reprehensible ";

- "violently and massively insulted the journalist Charles Enderlin"

- " has political extremists whose name he can call into question the words of one journalist "

-" is leading a movement of opinion and fight for the sole purpose of harming Charles Enderlin and his career;

- "uses all sorts of ploys and other low and unfair methods to achieve its purposes";

- "spreading on the global network of Internet misinformation, false images and false Documents ";

-" denigrates a respectable and respected journalist without any evidence of its sayings;

- "is an active member and supporter of a political doctrine consequences immoderate"

- "forces journalists to make the accusation of their colleagues, at least retain their words"

- "threatens journalists to prevent them from disclosing certain information."



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