censored an article on POST.fr offshoot of the World, French media nauseous and bankrupt that uses the global network of Internet to deceive , falsify and misrepresent the facts to serve a "cause" or Islamic Marxist Marxist communist ideology spreading wrong.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Adjusting The Temperature Of A Wood Stove
Canal + and the production company TAC sentenced PRESS
censored an article on POST.fr offshoot of the World, French media nauseous and bankrupt that uses the global network of Internet to deceive , falsify and misrepresent the facts to serve a "cause" or Islamic Marxist Marxist communist ideology spreading wrong. Canal + and the production company newly TAC PRESS convicted of libel against Philippe Karsenty for reporting that the encrypted channel aired April 24, 2008 With the choir of the "peace flotilla" all sing in heart: we cheat the world!
censored an article on POST.fr offshoot of the World, French media nauseous and bankrupt that uses the global network of Internet to deceive , falsify and misrepresent the facts to serve a "cause" or Islamic Marxist Marxist communist ideology spreading wrong.
They add: "The documents in the debates demonstrate a lack of objectivity exclusive alleged good faith in determining that Stéphane Malterre [the author of the report] was in possession of all the factors which led, internationally, doubt about the reality of the death scene of Muhammad al Dura, who are not even mentioned in the report, with the stipulation that during the broadcast issue of April 24, 2008, all of these elements had been made public for having been argued before the 11th Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Paris, February 27, 2008. "
The Court continued:" Join the lack of objectivity into question by Philippe Karsenty, a leader of the crusade against Charles Enderlin, without providing any evidence about the evolution of its position initial declarations under the journalist and cameraman and director of France 2 .... " The judges concluded "In these circumstances, given the choice of subject matter to illustrate the content of the issue and handling of it, the legitimacy of purpose is not established and, in any case, the defendants [Canal + and TAC PRESS] does not warrant the reliability of the survey required the admission of a defense of good faith. Consequently, Philippe Karsenty is admissible and well founded in its action. " Bertrand Meheut, the Canal + SA and society PRESS TAC are ordered jointly and severally. For the record, France 2 broadcast September 30, 2000 a report by Charles Enderlin seeming to show the death of a Palestinian child, Mohammed al Dura in the arms of his father.
I could have let the story of Canal + without reacting, in the name of freedom of expression. It's my natural tendency. Nevertheless, I filed a complaint against Channel and TAC PRESS because their literature was neither benign nor innocent since he was released April 24, 2008 while the trial's verdict was against France 2 and Charles Enderlin was expected a month later, May 21, 2008.
This film, and programming to Canal +, may have influenced the course of justice if judges the Court of Appeal of Paris had been influenced.
so I could not pass up this documentary defamatory without reacting. " For the record, the story of Canal + defamatory claims that Philippe Karsenty:
- "is a forger of information";
- "Put pressure on journalists to censor themselves"
- "manipulating information to serve political interests shameful and reprehensible that have nothing to do with the truth";
- " uses the global network of Internet to deceive, falsify and misrepresent the facts to serve a "cause" and to undermine the reputation acquired by a journalist to harm him, spreading an ideology reprehensible ";
- "violently and massively insulted the journalist Charles Enderlin"
- " has political extremists whose name he can call into question the words of one journalist "
-" is leading a movement of opinion and fight for the sole purpose of harming Charles Enderlin and his career;
- "uses all sorts of ploys and other low and unfair methods to achieve its purposes";
- "spreading on the global network of Internet misinformation, false images and false Documents ";
-" denigrates a respectable and respected journalist without any evidence of its sayings;
- "is an active member and supporter of a political doctrine consequences immoderate"
- "forces journalists to make the accusation of their colleagues, at least retain their words"
- "threatens journalists to prevent them from disclosing certain information."
Monday, June 7, 2010
Living Rooms With Yellow Walls
is the final struggle on Post.fr
Case Study (and big "poop" red)
more experience, which demonstrates that the post.fr is supported, manipulated and edited by a gang of criminals and other malicious islamomarxistes shabby tarlouze ultra left IQ mussels marked absence of humor and above all this are serious.
The pseudo
(* a)
Alias BIG FRED THE ASHRAM POST.FR or on the logomachy
BIG FRED ASHRAM Alias is the epitome of abrutile (ex Idiot useful) Islamic Marxist disguised under the mask of the anarchist. It is not the only one on the post.fr or a bunch of communists brainwashed morons hate speech distill their French unpatriotic, if not their rabid anti-Semitism under the guise of anti-Zionism! This posture "Fascist" by dint of rigid, merges with the simplistic Manichean mentality libertarian most idiotic, bigoted and obtuse!
assets and activists, coconuts, socialos, anarchists and other red scum.
Group "support" to terrorism on Post.fr
Complain? Again! All these people are, of course, convinced communist Marxist anti-Semitic;
Stephane Courtois
Click HERE! Comment: Grandfred
on 09/05 to 7:38 p.m.:
nationalism is a weapon created by the haves to better let us die in their scarcely colonial, financial gain or for raw materials ! THE WORKERS n'on no homeland but a social class to defend!! to plush !!!!!
For cons: you said that the identity block in disguise "outbreak response secular" my grandpa Mougeot? (Comment: Nothing, I said nothing, nothing to say, secular and republican identity? And then, I have had teachers patriots, hussars of the Republic, who taught me the "Marseillaise" and the love of the fatherland! )
Ha! I am not a Marxist, just like my fellow ashram! you do not connate major combat "Bakunin vs Marx"?? voyont! As beaucous of poster, I said that moderation is a misnomer! in other cites, the moderation is travavail: it modaire some About PUNISHES by law: rassisme, sexism, antiçémitisme, homophobia, difamation, uneducated etc. .. Here, moderation is only the sensure pure and simple! an example: The "moderation" of the Post stubbornly deleted, san any explanation, one of my commenters antifa. This pourtent the same moderation that laisset past number of comments calomnieus indene (including me, those of a certain young lady and her henchman) racist, xenophobic, antisemitic, pedophile and lies. Here the object of the offense that was simply responding to an uneducated mother fucker free parasite fascism, queer, the Zionist extreme right, which comes under a new idendity, dice his count is deleted and must be at least to the 20th:
(Comment: Over 20? Nay sir! Over 40 and still counting!
(* c) )
"@ Fascist and the Reluctant (Alias Berte, aka Alain Michel Bornay, alias etc ...): I do not
lesson of humanity to receive an Nazionale like you! You
(* d) wants you speak of stories? So do not forget that anti-Semitism in France, was born in the nineteenth century, the French Nazionale gift you're calling
. (* E)
You also forget that this same Nazionale which you claim you forever and always instead if to secularism, linking Catholicism and French membership in La Nazione. You forget again Thy Republic of social segregation is born of the massacre, the genocide of almost 100 000 Communards. You defend this republic was founded by murdering democracy. Before
take care of straw in oeuille your neighbor, you run property of the beam in the tienst. Death to tyrants and the Republican-segregationist-murderer! démaucratie Cheers, long live Anarchy! " It should be noted in passing that the insult
(* g)
to which my answer post has not been deleted it, so that the charter contreviend Post! So I ask myself some questions. Is it a crime of opinion? Am the victim of a zealous and informer modérateurts can concienssieux? Is there censorship peaulitique on this site? This quote est'il still concerned about freedom of expression? The ball is in the camp of moderation Post!
I advocate jusqelà méprisan silence, knowing that it is still the best formula. I advocates today denounced the constant "Angel", this "French fascist 'fifties, the stupidity, wickedness and extremism across the ages and is practiced at any time of life.
Chersamis of "active and militant," the entire Zionist Antifachos, I invite you to play the "Anastasie" (what up, for once!), Denouncing the "Zionist" and verbouillard not smart at drafting '. it disturbs.
Grandfred alias Ashram (Comment: The posters and posteuses Chou Rave Nanou75, Behemotte, Angela C. The pink c (* f)
Mary2, etc.. etc.. (* A) applauding the two mimine this corruption, are all gauchiottes Semitic.
Notes simpletons or fritters:
(* a) A pseudonym said "pseudo" language in Nov wankers gauchus is not a recognized element in the identification person. Then it can not be defamation, that is to say, decry, dishonor or seek to ruin her reputation by word or by his writings an alias. Then C c Rose, Fred and other Grand Sprout, I fuck you serious!
(* b) Will they not turn up morons films, to believe in a revival of "Fascism" and the revival of New National Socialism in France! See Here the fantasies of Angela on Post.fr
(* f) C. Rose c, a large posteuse never vulgar, a beautiful and intellectual honesty always the joke and kind
attached to Freedom of expression as those "friends" ashram Machin and Grand. Echoing the great desire of the criminal sentence of ultra left Saint Just: "No liberty for the enemies of freedom" What a lesson in socialist democracy! I was often overwhelmed by the political clairvoyancitude this charming lady, especially on the Palestinian problem, she knows so intelligently deliver the message of peace, Love and tolerance of Hamas. She is the good friend who with his great friend
thinking-Marxist, an insult? As a simple statement above! Know "Sir" alias Grandfred Ashram, that if I wanted to insult you, I'll have you simply treated Clutch (See dictionary) in any case, a big thank you to the blanket censorship and Elimination of the blog "Secular and Republican Post.fr of evidence once again of your nuisance Marxist and complacency Post.fr with communist and anti-Semitic ideas! Alain Michel Labet of Bornay. Baron de Laval, Lord of Bornay, St. Maure, Courbet and other lands.
Case Study (and big "poop" red)
more experience, which demonstrates that the post.fr is supported, manipulated and edited by a gang of criminals and other malicious islamomarxistes shabby tarlouze ultra left IQ mussels marked absence of humor and above all this are serious.
The pseudo
(* a)
Alias BIG FRED THE ASHRAM POST.FR or on the logomachy
(1) logomachy: Assembly of incoherent words hollow aligned in a speech to fill the void. (2)
Sycophant: Whistleblower Communist slanderer socialist provocateur red anarchist spy, rogue anti-Semitic, basically the perfect useful idiot asshole!
(3) Dyslexic: Following problems encountered in learning to read due to intellectual impairment and educational backwardness, the aforesaid by the confusion of some letters, syllables and reverse substitutions of words presents some of the writing and reading, seriously impairing his understanding as well as feature and disorders of spelling.
BIG FRED ASHRAM Alias is the epitome of abrutile (ex Idiot useful) Islamic Marxist disguised under the mask of the anarchist. It is not the only one on the post.fr or a bunch of communists brainwashed morons hate speech distill their French unpatriotic, if not their rabid anti-Semitism under the guise of anti-Zionism! This posture "Fascist" by dint of rigid, merges with the simplistic Manichean mentality libertarian most idiotic, bigoted and obtuse!
To give you an idea of the staggering intellectual vacuum of the individual and his buddies (sorry, mates) and friends (horse?) It says this Anarchist and proclaims that: "Antifa" (Neologism easy for those who are lazy or difficult to write French Antifascism ) Claimed by movements essentially "political" from the far left Marxist
, anti-globalization and anti
is now an "anti-fascism
" very radical, often violent, not anymore groups opposing national socialists (Nazis) and fundamentalists who exist only in their wild imagination of the mentally ill,
" very radical, often violent, not anymore groups opposing national socialists (Nazis) and fundamentalists who exist only in their wild imagination of the mentally ill,
(* b) Learn more about the subversion of ultra-left anarchist terrorist.
The logo of the anti-Semitic morons, a red flag with the blood of 100 million innocent victims, covered with black anarchist flag tells more a thousand words!
Go see from these groups islamos Marxist anti-Semitic hate speech, unpatriotic, Islamist .... Nidor filth and stupidity "left" in its purest :
Group "support" to terrorism on Post.fr
The procedure (several times if you wish): visit www.internet- signalement.gouv.fr and click "reporting. "In the list, then choose" incitement to commit offenses "Date of observation: xx/xx/2009, located" on a website "to return the URL: www.internet- signalement.gouv . en comment: you let go, but be constructive! Remain anonymous then validate. Run course (mail, forums ...)!
in The Black Book of Communism if not mistaken:
"Anti-fascism became, for communism, a definitive label and it was easy, in the name of anti-fascism, to silence the recalcitrant. [...] Were so hastily retracted embarrassing episodes in terms of democratic values, such as Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939, anti-Semitism of French Communists from 1939 to 1941, the conspiracy of white coats in the USSR or the elimination of the Jewish intellectual elite of the Soviet Union Stalin, a crime against humanity of the Ukrainian Holodomor, or the Katyn massacre. " For Pierre-Andre Taguieff, philosopher and political scientist, indignation against the fascist dictatorships of some would be motivated more by political than by a genuine interest in the plight of people (famous people!) Under the yoke of dictators. He writes that "since the 1970s," fascist "the most resolute will never rally against dictators in the world and exercise do not seem outraged at the many tyrannical regimes that deprive millions of their liberty men. For Taguieff antifascism falls in Manichaeism with its figures sacred as the red dictator, Fidel Castro or the criminals against humanity, Che Guevara, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, etc.. etc.. and obsessions as the United States or "far right" fantasy. "
Personally addition to being a patriotic French, Zionist, I am also a minimalist libertarian anarcho capitalist and invite genuine anarchists who think like Garnier
That, is to be an anarchist, the rest is hogwash of gauchu wanker!
Garnier wrote: " Why I robbed, why I killed. Every being born into the world has the right to life, it is indisputable because it is a law of nature. Also, I wonder why on earth, there are people who intend to have all the rights. They used the pretext that they have money but if you ask them where they took the money that they answer? I say this: "I do not recognize anyone the right to impose its will on any pretext whatsoever."
more on: http://www.infokiosques.net/imprimersans2.php3?id_article=358 You will read what this young man before the time Libertarian thought of the communist era: "all these gentlemen were none other than profiteers and careerists who cried throughout revolt, he had to destroy the capitalist and otherwise, but why. I understood that they wanted to destroy the present social state, while just to settle, they, instead, replace the Republic by the union, that is to say eliminating a state to replace it with another in which there are laws and all the same breed social situation in amount not to change the name to get to that. "
Grandfred called The Post had committed a completed hatred towards me (now censored) following the response of a poster "Secular and Republican" in the aforementioned comment on this Post: on 09/05 to 7:38 p.m.:
nationalism is a weapon created by the haves to better let us die in their scarcely colonial, financial gain or for raw materials ! THE WORKERS n'on no homeland but a social class to defend!! to plush !!!!!
Response: Republican and secular
31/05 at 07:12 . Worker? Class struggle? This is not a language that anarchist, Proudhon would not like the anti-Semite. Finally Ashram (your wish) and even Granmachin dyslexia and thinking-Marxist .... is the final struggle tovaritch .....! Vive la French secular republic! Following which, our "friend" the Communist abrutile Grandfred psychotic anti-Semite, will crack a post defamatory and abusive which earned him also to be censored! "Hey Bertha! You want people you talk to your aigard judgm of the November 22, 2005 for racist propots envairs Arabs, Muslim and Gitennes?,
(Comment: That's right and talk also stop the Court of Appeal of Pau May 11, 2006 which reversed that decision, retaining only the insult against militants MRAP and incitement to racial hatred, as Le Monde and French Minister Mr Hortefeux, know then expensive, "Mr." this conviction is an honor and a real patriotic decoration!) Yes, Proudhon had propots Semitic THAN ME, I condemn it firmly and without souls etas ! His proposals have some excuse by so many people refpect to a social class and not an original! I say firmly that I no book of this kind with me: it fe long as the lice are particularly beautiful
(Comment: Yes and saw your writing and general knowledge, it must not be other books "Pif le Chien 'or' Almanac Vermot" in your "library").
(* c)
lesson of humanity to receive an Nazionale like you! You
(* d)
take care of straw in oeuille your neighbor, you run property of the beam in the tienst. Death to tyrants and the Republican-segregationist-murderer! démaucratie Cheers, long live Anarchy! "
(* g)
to which my answer post has not been deleted it, so that the charter contreviend Post! So I ask myself some questions. Is it a crime of opinion? Am the victim of a zealous and informer modérateurts can concienssieux? Is there censorship peaulitique on this site? This quote est'il still concerned about freedom of expression? The ball is in the camp of moderation Post!
I advocate jusqelà méprisan silence, knowing that it is still the best formula. I advocates today denounced the constant "Angel", this "French fascist 'fifties, the stupidity, wickedness and extremism across the ages and is practiced at any time of life.
Grandfred alias Ashram
Mary2, etc.. etc.. (* A)
(* b) Will they not turn up morons films, to believe in a revival of "Fascism" and the revival of New National Socialism in France! See Here the fantasies of Angela on Post.fr
(*c) Plus de 20 ? :Michel Alain labet de Bornay, Papy Mougeot, La Betty Monde, Monique Tamaire, Anna Rechet,
Sally Stoyr,Ali Méhlifo, Tartarien de Taracedecon, Alonso Bistro, Monique de Quilatienne, Thérèse Quirit, Tante Itou, Nadine Haut-Moque, Gérard Manvussa, Le Concombre Masqué, Victor Urgho, Gi. Net, Günther Wollenziebittenein et Ibrahim Habenziescheonratoune, N’Guyen Fassdecong .Momo Ahmedahlorr, Jésus Mainavalpa, Nadine Belbec, Helmut Schlaffenziegut et Anne Aunimousse, My balls Mickey (yes, there really is a my tail Donald), to Big Bertha feet Antiracist, Adhoc Captain, Friend Zantrope Le Roy idiots, Bobo latet, Chou Grave, The Road Damascus, Lucia, Lord inar and so on of the best. A good forty blogs gone by the wayside of censorship.
Sally Stoyr,Ali Méhlifo, Tartarien de Taracedecon, Alonso Bistro, Monique de Quilatienne, Thérèse Quirit, Tante Itou, Nadine Haut-Moque, Gérard Manvussa, Le Concombre Masqué, Victor Urgho, Gi. Net, Günther Wollenziebittenein et Ibrahim Habenziescheonratoune, N’Guyen Fassdecong .Momo Ahmedahlorr, Jésus Mainavalpa, Nadine Belbec, Helmut Schlaffenziegut et Anne Aunimousse, My balls Mickey (yes, there really is a my tail Donald), to Big Bertha feet Antiracist, Adhoc Captain, Friend Zantrope Le Roy idiots, Bobo latet, Chou Grave, The Road Damascus, Lucia, Lord inar and so on of the best. A good forty blogs gone by the wayside of censorship.
The best since 1999: Professor Mougeot Grandpa: That's the great joy that will surprise you with ease. Great seer - Donations inherited from father to son - Specialist of the following tasks: Humor, love, work, family, country, sexual fascination, success o elections, contests, health, brings back your wife or husband, sales, financial difficulties, remove a spell, makes you fat or lose weight at will, Solves all evil or what bothers you in your life, if your wife or your husband is gone, he (she) will not return if you want. He sees your destiny and knows how to influence what is beneficial.
(* d) Note the tu, familiar, vulgar, rude, although it seems to me not having kept pigs with this gentleman!
(* e) Sorry, but the French anti-Semitism has its source from the seventh century! conversion to Christianity of the Visigoths and Franks had made difficult the situation of the Jews: a succession of councils diminished their rights until Dagobert I st forcing them to convert or to leave France in 633 ;! The bag or coffin already!
Hubert Vedrine and Laurent Fabius had the good sense to say that condoms represent now, instead of the rose, the symbol of the main party of gauchitude France. His supporters consider that the condom more accurately reflects the current image of the Socialist Party. Indeed, the condom tolerate inflation, empty purses, slows production, destroys the next generation, and, most importantly, protect the acorns. In addition, it gives you a sense of security while you get fucked! All program! Socialist fifties, she loves chocolate mousse, and is a fan of the band of criminals Marxist Todd Vedrine, Miclo, Fabius and Julien Dray, she "campaigned" in moribund Socialist Party, playing the drum. Adherent LDH, Alzheimer's begins! The end is near and inevitable .
(* g)
Insults " Finally Ashram (your wish) and even Granmachin dyslexia and thinking-Marxist"
Dyslexia; an insult? But not without a finding more!
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