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MRAP made the game Hate the F! The


Like the pig, everything is good on the POST.FR, to censor that is displeasing to his Muslim Marxist Nidor writing the orders of the Islamic Marxist MRAP!

After the infamous criminal sentencing policies Click HERE

against posters who are not in the "line" of political correctness (Click HERE

) still new on the POST.FR the censors Company NETINO blind blogs of adverse political pork eaters!

We received this:
to: Mrapavenir Hello, We inform you bla bla bla ... suspend your account for non-compliance with the Charter Post. Reason banishment The spam , is in principle an unsolicited electronic communication, including in common sense, but for writing and censors Muslim Marxist ultra left post, this is to inform the poster "banned" concerned that it is an undesirable policy! The combination of "Spam" and "undesirable" from a Monty Python comedy sketch, entitled Spam , in which the word refers to a canned pork ham considered low quality as a tiresome and disheartening crap!
(*) from the world the only French daily to have been convicted of anti-Semitism. The is an emanation of the torch ass ultra left Unclean said the condemned in 2002 for "defamation" racist against Israel and the Jewish people. And now dear readers, before your very eyes and feast your candid section cursed at which ignited the small ass censors Muslim Marxist POST.FR but preamble read this list of words worthy of extreme right and populist foul: should be a law against the burqa, barbarism, canvas tarpaulin , shroud social fundamentalism, religious offensive, obscurantism, alter Islamists, a symbol of bigotry, Muslims, mass violence, offensive religious reactionary. So small band of Zionists and canaillous libertarians, that there are belching or Lepenesques From villiéristes? Rantings of a Francis fachistoïdes ethnic identity of the extreme right? As HERE. These words that stigmatize an entire population they enroll in Nidor xenophobic nationalist movement and identity laïcardes? Click HERE Or here! Nay my zami, this denunciation of Islam, is now the major theme of a blog. HERE Amazing is not it? Burqa: The instrumentalization of UNBEARABLE FIGHT AGAINST RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION Source MRAP66 Kerforn Comment by Gerard - September 23, 2009 @: " ; Despite all the barbarity that represents this canvas tarpaulin , despite the "eradication" implies that women's social, the question might be asked "where will it stop, why not s attack required to punks, Gothic or other tomorrow ? "
But despite this risk, the issue is so important for the Commonwealth should legislate.
Especially since in addition to the denial of women, the absence of a law prohibiting the Social shroud, exposing all those and all those who refuse this barbarity, enforcement of laws against discrimination.
Currently, officials of an association, a trade, and more generally of any structure receiving the public, who refuse to receive the uniform symbol of fundamentalism in the most absolute their premises, can be victims of a complaint.
can therefore reach an aberration that would lead to punish the activists who struggle against the obscurantism the benefit of those who defend this violence against women .
Things can not stay in the state. The fight against racism, laws can not be diverted from their task by those who exploit them to undermine the fundamental freedoms and gender equality. When I see today from areas " alter Islamists' hostility to a law systematically targeting activists who led the courageous struggles of the past to impose the right to abortion (see attacks against Gisele Halimi carried out by these religious sectors) then I think it is time to put a stop to this reactionary offensive ..
is much easier than the burqa is not a religious garment, but a symbol of fanaticism
and as such it is condemned by a majority of Muslims who live their faith in peace and respect for human rights.
So yes, we need a law against the burqa, both because it represents a
mass violence against women in some countries, but also to protect the religious offensive retrograde all those who refuse this barbarism.
Signed: Gerard Kerforn, anti-racist activist in the MRAP Landes
Kerforn Comment by Gerard - September 23, 2009 @ (Screenshot made) "
And now let the real voice and good forces left Socialist honest, democratic and progressive: When MRAP made the game Hate the F!
consensus increasingly wide within the French political elite and now called anti-racist associations around a law banning the burqa has profound implications and disturbing. Presented in defiance of public opinion and the constitution, the preparations for the institutionalization of discrimination against certain forms of state of Muslim religious expression mark a shift towards anti-democratic forms of government openly.
participation and blessing made by forces regarded as "left" as the MRAP Federation des Landes or Mrap66 a right-wing campaign against the immigrant population has been essential to its success. In a speech, President Nicolas Sarkozy had said that the burqa was "not welcome" in France and had proposed create a parliamentary mission, headed by Andre Gerin French Communist Party
(CPF), to study the possibility of the ban. The content of these neo-fascist initiatives became increasingly clear. Comments posted on one of the government websites to promote debate on this "national identity "Shocked public opinion Marxist socialist. One of them said that being a filthy fascist French "First of all respect for the history of France, our kings, not to hunt Charles Martel (1) of our books history, not to be ashamed of the Crusades, not to deny the era of colonization. What a fascist horror! The "debate" was widely understood as a move in the direction of National Front supporters vile neo-fascist whose votes had helped Sarkozy during the 2007 election.
(1) horror of horrors: Charles Martel (c. 690-741), ruler of the Frankish tribes is occupying a part of what has become modern France, after the fall of the Roman Empire. In French history books, it is traditionally referred to arresting the Muslim Arab invasion of Spain arrived at a decisive battle near Poitiers in 732. Alain Michel Labet of Bornay, libertarian activist, nationalist French and Zionist.


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