In Nancy an active "activist" burp "Jew! You have nothing to do here. "
Video of a responsible UEJF Nancy who naively as the two presidents, and Raphael Arie Elmaleh Brahon have attempted to establish dialogue with Marxists ultra fanatical anti-Jewish left, "You're Jewish, you go you have nothing to do here; Phrase anti-Semitic "pronounced by a Muslim protester Marxist" boycott "of Israel.
Semitic demonstrators gathered at the call of the NPA, the 'New Party anti-Jewish "
The NPA makes a fool! If it were not already pretty ridiculous like that. And this "militant" anti-Semitic Marxist who says "You're Jewish you have nothing to do here!". But what nerve! It has something to do here, it? Soon it will be "You're Christian, atheist ... you have nothing to do here!"
IT is clear that the NPA has dropped the old stock in trade of traditional left / far left, ie the worker, the worker, the proletarian French no longer exists. The fall of communism that led to the fall of the electoral weight, activists and "average" of parties and splinter groups claiming the "revolution" (communists, Trotskyists, Lambert, mrapistes, etc ...), He has had to find a new business assets. This can be defined in a few words: it is the immigrant (preferably underground), Palestine (the Arab Muslim occupants zentils Eretz Israel against the very, very wicked Israeli)! + Immigrants from Muslim countries "because" so-called Arab "Palestinian" = SPL Olivier Besancenot (Man of letter) is a hotbed of anti-Semitism and the primary vector. You can protest by Mail:
second article on the censored
NPA? New Party Anti-Semite?
You'll notice the question marks of the title question is not assertion!
And before the music ...! On 17.05.2010 at 9:16 10 I "post" test a first article "The NPA (New Party anti-Jewish) real vector of anti-Semitism." The blog title is "Who is going to die salute you " fully persuaded that he will not last long on the but happy with the results of this generally positive with more than 3500 readings More than forty reactions, a post in response to "Lawrence of Grenoble" of high moral and just a good half reactions very precisely "moderate" A wonderful "posteuse" d a impeccable moral value tells us "The reactions that support the text are staggering. Well done Berthe-papi-robert, you're out of things. Thank you finally. " What I replied " an apple, chard, but insightful, Heaven I'm done! In what state will I still wander, or will I go distill my little obnoxious and anti perfidy I admit, my amalgams Zionists more than doubtful Libertarians and my doubts. But finally, thank you very much for the compliment, though your "things" deserve to be developed. Whoever is going to die salute you. PS: Hurry ... ... Please, for the development of "things", the ban is watching me. A quick post in response be? The balance of it is positive overall, more than 3500 readings, more than forty reactions and only a good half of just "moderate" is already something! What more? "
Good, I saw myself banned from ... how sad ... ... what anguish ... but no I was worried for nothing because on May 18 at 24:01 I receive this email charming "moderation" of
Hello Robert Horseradish ;
After reading and careful analysis of your article of 17.05.10 9:16 by our team moderation, it had to be withdrawn from publication because of its non-compliance vis-à-vis the Charter of Use (Bla bla bla ...)
The pattern of withdrawal is: About
potentially libelous
(...)-Let because the assertions made in your article to people, businesses, organizations, associations have not been documented formally
by justice or media
(eg : conviction by a court, newspaper local or national
It's always good to know that for, "media" in this country have the same weight as justice! -Either because this statement is not readily verifiable with research tools at our disposal, with major media
, of news websites and encyclopedias. Also if the media is large (Great as what? Like God?) There is evidence of the reliability of the info! Ps: to recall the text of your article was: The NPA (New Party anti-Jewish) real vector of anti-Semitism.
Well, this time though no blame could have made my point: I shall, therefore, online video can be a Union official Jewish Students of France Nancy naively as the two presidents, Arie Elmaleh Brahon and Raphael, have attempted to establish a hypothetical dialogue with demonstrators alleged New Anti-Capitalist Party, which would (perhaps change its name to Revolutionary Communist League (finally may be subject to alteration and ) may be demonstrating in support of the "Palestinian people" unless it is supported by the oppressed Uighur people (perhaps) by the alleged Chinese, including some very bad language may be wrongly asserts, that these people there will be Communists? mean this video one alleged protester (unidentified) uttering the sentence may be anti-Semitic, and finally it is not mean evil and subject to investigation Great media and local press following "You're Jewish, you go you have nothing to do here, " HERE this stood the famous video angry!
Posters your feedback! Maybe you like me you heard the horror Semitic "Jew! You have nothing to do here. " The moderation of does not hear the same ears!
After that if I am not banned ... is that has become an area of freedom of expression really interesting!
Third Article censored!
THE RELIEF OF-Jewish boycotters
LDH, NPA, Jew, Jewish, Besancenot, antisemitism, antisemitic, New Anti-Capitalist Party, Communists, left, BDS, MRAP National
Third time is the time to ... ... .. Up to twenty! On 18.05.10 at 17:40 A group pseudonym of Truth says Robert Horseradish, wrote and posted on the an article under admittedly somewhat provocative: "The NPA? New Party Anti-Semite?" Three hours later at 20:49 this item disappears from the ground withdrawal: About Potentially libelous because "assertions" made in the article to people or organizations have not been formally certified by the courts or the media (eg conviction by a court, newspaper
local or national) or
because this "affirmation" is not readily verifiable, with the research tools we have, with great media, news websites
and encyclopedias.
But this article did not contain no "affirmation" and what content to ask questions! (The proof of what I say is available to the curious who will give me a valid email.)
Okay, having said that, as we say Boileau: "Hurry slowly, and without losing courage, Twenty times on the job or return your book: Rewrite it stops and polishing. Sometimes add, delete and often.
HERE this stood the famous video angry! Source of video: Big media ! You just see this video filmed by a small media: TV Khoustspa but posted by a Grand!: See VIDEO on YOU TUBE
A BIG MEDIA! And verifiable information website!
comment below You Tube: Big Media!
The Wednesday, May 12, 2010, an event for the "Boycott of Israel" is organized
by various associations and ultra left factions met at the call of the New Anti-Capitalist Party, which participates in the filthy campaign Boycott Divestment Sanction (BDS) in front of a Carrefour supermarket in Nancy.
The Union of Jewish Students of France, led by the two presidents, and Raphael Arie Elmaleh Brahon were tempted to engage in dialogue.
Obviously, their Jewishness caused problem to some.
Opposite: Semitic demonstrators with flag of Palestine to the store "Crossroads City" Nancy Wednesday, May 12, 2010 comment below Source: Speeches Keeper of the republic.
Madam Minister Alliot-Marie, Minister of State, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, said February 18, 2010:
"I accept not as individuals, responsible associations, politicians or ordinary citizens, calling for a boycott of products because they are kosher or they come from Israel. I wish the prosecution to display greater severity in this regard. So I sent a circular to prosecutors' offices, asking them to identify and report all acts of incitement to discrimination. I hear that all perpetrators are prosecuted once they have been identified and especially when appeals have been made over the Internet.
activist and active member of the League of Human Rights, which part in the campaign Boycott Divestment Sanction (BDS) in the Bordeaux region in the sustained action by the MRAP National : CLICK HERE and had placed stickers on products from Israel's West Bank possessions in the department store Carrefour Mérignac who had complained against him for "light damage" . The prosecution rightly redesignate the complaint "inciting racial, national and religious." On this basis, the court in Bordeaux condemned, February 13, a criminal fine of 1,000 euros, plus 1 euro in damages for the civil parties (the Association of Lawyers Without Borders Mr. Goldnadel, elected to the direction of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France and the France Israel Chamber of Commerce) and 500 euros in court costs. Carrefour, meanwhile, is unfortunately dismissed!
Ci cons: Nancy, Wednesday, May 12, 2010. NPA demonstrators in the streets of Nancy as part of the campaign boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS)
Source below excerpt of speech by the Prime Minister of the Republic and various GRAND Media
With this new affair odious anti-Semitism Nancy primary , is the republic that declining, it is democracy withers. anti-Semitic violence is deeply shocking, unbearable. These are the leftists who hate deeply personal freedom, secularism, pluralism. Among them are "young" thugs, criminals and violent. Some of them are also, traditionally, intellectuals or intellocrates, "journalists" evil hirelings and "official" thinkers and useful idiots. Their weapons are misinformation, the perversion of history, the reign of the rumor, moral relativism. They found, with the Internet, a space of freedom par excellence, new means of action against freedom. The Palestinian
(another name associations Marxist socialist also called progressive forces)
who support human rights are most familiar with their respective situations and are best able to decide on ways and rhythms appropriate for building the BDS movement in their environment. Sometimes, tactically target only products made in settlements may be the best way to advance a campaign " It progresses, it progresses, unfortunately Semitism too! Personal comment:
New Party Anti Jewish Besancenot has in its repertoire a range of slogans, but one that would suit him best, this could be: no limit populism Semitism and cowardice! We had already seen when Alain Krivine and Daniel Bensaid had supported the anti-Semite Sine, or during demonstrations against the alleged "massacres" Gaza, or when the noise around the library of anti-Semitic Euro CAPJPO palestine. But most capitalist crisis deepens, the more agitated petty bourgeoisie, and the "left" ad'occasions to show all his opportunism and his rabid anti-Semitism. The list is not ready to stop, and the explosion of anti-Semitism is not ready to be denounced and combated. And just the latest example of "mediated" date of last Wednesday, in a demonstration for the boycott of Israel Nancy. A rally took place May 12 in the late afternoon in front of a Carrefour store in the call
including the NPA, Nancy. Send them an email of protest
At the rally, someone UEJF Nancy along with Khoutspa TV, Turn a very short video but good came out of.
And what happens there in this video? A woman calls the militant UEJF saying very clearly: "
's your name? Arieh? Well listen, you're Jewish? Then you leave, you have nothing to do here! "
Obviously we did not follow the video, But the silence and cowardice of all the "left" about anti-Semitism also assumed speaks very long. And besides it was only yesterday that the local committee of the NPA has seen fit to respond: after five days, it was perhaps time!
The release of the NPA Nancy is readable by there, and is entitled "Condemnation ! . Condemnation of what, exactly? It is unclear, and indeed the NPA is not sure either ...
personally and I take full responsibility, I accuse the New Anti-Capitalist Party Revolutionary Communist League formerly Olivier Besancenot, a Trotskyist uttering an ideology of crime against humanity and I weigh my words, first party notoriously anti-Semitic as well as the National Socialist Party German Workers Party said "Nazi" Mr Adolf Hitler, who now deserves the name of anti-Jewish NEW PARTY!
I give my name, email address, the address of my personal blog for all identifiable individuals with a valid email me their request, and unloading of all responsibilities as the leadership of, his writing and 'moderation' on the words in this article!
Fourth Article Censored!
Twenty times on the job or return your book! Or the adventures of Robert Land of the Soviets in horseradish.
Fourth First .............. Clap!
Fourth time is the time to ... ... .. Up to twenty! For as Boileau said: "Make haste slowly, and without losing courage, twenty times on the loom hand your book: Rewrite it stops and polishing. Sometimes add, delete and often. On 19.05.10 at 13h13 A group pseudonym Truth says Robert Horseradish, written and put online for the third time on any item in perhaps somewhat provocative:
. Three hours later at 15.20 this item disappears from the ground withdrawal: About Potentially libelous because "assertions" made in the article to people or organizations have not been documented so formal justice and the media (eg conviction by a court, newspaper local or national) or
because this "affirmation" is not readily verifiable with research tools we have, with great
media, news websites and encyclopedias.
This time I will give only two sources:
SOURCE The You are a Jew you have nothing to do here! 2) Source Video VIDEO YOU TUBE On Wednesday, May 12, 2010, a event for the "Boycott of Israel" is organized by various associations and ultra left factions met in the call (
The call to "show without ambiguity the NPA HERE ) The
Wednesday, May 12 at 5:30 p.m. instead
Maginot - Nancy - NPA involved in the campaign Boycott Divestment Sanction (BDS) in front of a Carrefour supermarket in Nancy. The Union of Students Jews of France, led by the two presidents, Arie Raphael Elmaleh and Brahon have attempted to establish dialogue.
Obviously, their Jewishness caused some problem.
B Gallery Red / JMB
Alain Michel Labet Bornay of French patriot under dog, Zionist activist and libertarian the pseudonym of Robert Horseradish on .
"(...) return to the world of proximity to loved ones still alive or dead. Focusing his senses on the complicity of dual noble souls chosen not to sink into barbarians retaliation. Thus, my beloved grandmother, who died in late 2006, and I miss forever and ever. fill with his memory and embrace a beautiful corner of life. "
Like the pig, everything is good on the POST.FR, to censor that is displeasing to his Muslim Marxist Nidor writing the orders of the Islamic Marxist MRAP!
After the infamous criminal sentencing policies Click HERE
against posters who are not in the "line" of political correctness (Click HERE
) still new on the POST.FR the censors Company NETINO blind blogs of adverse political pork eaters!
The spam , is in principle an unsolicited electronic communication, including in common sense, but for writing and censors Muslim Marxist ultra left post, this is to inform the poster "banned" concerned that it is an undesirable policy! The combination of "Spam" and "undesirable" from a Monty Python comedy sketch, entitled Spam , in which the word refers to a canned pork ham considered low quality as a tiresome and disheartening crap!
(*) from the world the only French daily to have been convicted of anti-Semitism. The is an emanation of the torch ass ultra left Unclean said the condemned in 2002 for "defamation" racist against Israel and the Jewish people. And now dear readers, before your very eyes and feast your candid section cursed at which ignited the small ass censors Muslim Marxist POST.FR but preamble read this list of words worthy of extreme right and populist foul: should be a law against the burqa, barbarism, canvas tarpaulin , shroud social fundamentalism, religious offensive, obscurantism, alter Islamists, a symbol of bigotry, Muslims, mass violence, offensive religious reactionary.
So small band of Zionists and canaillous libertarians, that there are belching or Lepenesques From villiéristes? Rantings of a Francis fachistoïdes ethnic identity of the extreme right? As HERE. These words that stigmatize an entire population they enroll in Nidor xenophobic nationalist movement and identity laïcardes? Click HERE Or here! Nay my zami, this denunciation of Islam, is now the major theme of a blog. HERE Amazing is not it?
Burqa: The instrumentalization of UNBEARABLE FIGHT AGAINST RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION Source MRAP66 Kerforn Comment by Gerard - September 23, 2009 @: Despite all the barbarity that represents this canvas tarpaulin , despite the "eradication" implies that women's social, the question might be asked "where will it stop, why not s attack required to punks, Gothic or other tomorrow ? "
But despite this risk, the issue is so important for the Commonwealth should legislate.
Especially since in addition to the denial of women, the absence of a law prohibiting the Social shroud, exposing all those and all those who refuse this barbarity, enforcement of laws against discrimination.
Currently, officials of an association, a trade, and more generally of any structure receiving the public, who refuse to receive the uniform symbol of fundamentalism in the most absolute their premises, can be victims of a complaint.
can therefore reach an aberration that would lead to punish the activists who struggle against the obscurantism the benefit of those who defend this violence against women .
Things can not stay in the state. The fight against racism, laws can not be diverted from their task by those who exploit them to undermine the fundamental freedoms and gender equality.
When I see today from areas " alter Islamists' hostility to a law systematically targeting activists who led the courageous struggles of the past to impose the right to abortion (see attacks against Gisele Halimi carried out by these religious sectors) then I think it is time to put a stop to this reactionary offensive ..
is much easier than the burqa is not a religious garment, but a symbol of fanaticism
and as such it is condemned by a majority of Muslims who live their faith in peace and respect for human rights.
So yes, we need a law against the burqa, both because it represents a
mass violence against women in some countries, but also to protect the religious offensive retrograde all those who refuse this barbarism.
Signed: Gerard Kerforn, anti-racist activist in the MRAP Landes
Kerforn Comment by Gerard - September 23, 2009 @ (Screenshot made) "
And now let the real voice and good forces left Socialist honest, democratic and progressive: When MRAP made the game Hate the F!
consensus increasingly wide within the French political elite and now called anti-racist associations around a law banning the burqa has profound implications and disturbing. Presented in defiance of public opinion and the constitution, the preparations for the institutionalization of discrimination against certain forms of state of Muslim religious expression mark a shift towards anti-democratic forms of government openly.
participation and blessing made by forces regarded as "left" as the MRAP Federation des Landes or Mrap66 a right-wing campaign against the immigrant population has been essential to its success. In a speech, President Nicolas Sarkozy had said that the burqa was "not welcome" in France and had proposed create a parliamentary mission, headed by Andre Gerin French Communist Party
(CPF), to study the possibility of the ban.
The content of these neo-fascist initiatives became increasingly clear. Comments posted on one of the government websites to promote debate on this "national identity "Shocked public opinion Marxist socialist. One of them said that being a filthy fascist French "First of all respect for the history of France, our kings, not to hunt Charles Martel (1) of our books history, not to be ashamed of the Crusades, not to deny the era of colonization. What a fascist horror! The "debate" was widely understood as a move in the direction of National Front supporters vile neo-fascist whose votes had helped Sarkozy during the 2007 election.
(1) horror of horrors: Charles Martel (c. 690-741), ruler of the Frankish tribes is occupying a part of what has become modern France, after the fall of the Roman Empire. In French history books, it is traditionally referred to arresting the Muslim Arab invasion of Spain arrived at a decisive battle near Poitiers in 732. Alain Michel Labet of Bornay, libertarian activist, nationalist French and Zionist.
POST.FR criminal sentencing policies infamous! The
POST.FR The sentencing criminal policies against infamous posters that are not in the "line" of political correctness! ON AGENDA OF THE LEFT MRAPISTOFURIEUX ULTRA MRAP NATIONAL HUMORISTICIDE WHO DO NOT ACCEPT THE DEMOCRATIC DEBATE AND NOT SUPPORTED OR COMEDY OR THE CONTRARY, ANY GOOD AS MARXIST totalitarian movements, AN HONEST Posteur ZIONIST GROUP TRUTH; TRUTH GROUP: CLICK HERE SEE THIS BANNED (* 1) for daring POST.FR THE ANSWER BY REFERENCE IN ARTICLE BELOW TO IT; sacroiliac joint Marxist propaganda MRAP NATIONAL Click Here! On 02/05/10 at 15:57 comedian says innocent poster to these hours will receive an email to: Hey; NETINO: Small islamos Marxist censors! Click HERE For Sharia on Hello Flower rifle After reading and careful analysis of your article of 01.05.10 1:37 p.m. by our moderation team, it has had to be withdrawn from publication because of its non-compliance vis-à-vis the use of charter (...) The reason for withdrawing your article is: About
potentially racist (The text in question was Mr Gerard Bramoullé, professor of economics at the University of Aix Marseille III (source Clickhere ) who will be happy to know that these economics courses are "potentially" racist when they are posted on the!) Racist, xenophobic, and generally being likely to incite racial hatred or reject a person because of his origins, are prohibited by the charter of the site. It is also not allowed to stigmatize, to attack or make insinuations about a person or a community because of their ethnic, cultural or religious. (...) The charter can be found at: To ask us a question thank you to click on the link below:
very "democratically" censored on (offshoot of the World already sentenced for incitement to racial hatred, anti-Semitic).
Tribute to illegal immigrants
TAGS: RESF, NATIONAL MRAP, MRAP, PCF, CGT, immigration, illegal From Liberpédia.Un article Bramoullé Gerard, professor of economics at the University of Aix Marseille III) (source
INTRODUCTION: NATIONAL MRAP is right in that first May Day labor day strike without pay since 1890, which few people know that it's filthy Vichy government of Petain fascist bastard who made 1 May 1941, the Belin law, a legal holiday pay! YES paid! What these fascists dirty cons! Today MRAP NATIONAL puts honest striking workers "undocumented" in honor shamefully exploited by salopiauds patterns fascist building (1), cleaning (2) food (3) of the "SECURITY! "(4) and the Zionist's clothing (5), manhandled by the police reaction Sarkozy government, hunted by the capitalists and reactionaries Besson Hortefeux, they are supported by good Marxist left-wing trade union CGT, the excellent Marxist political parties like the PCF! The Socialist Party and other NPA, anti-racist associations of ultra left as MRAP NATIONAL RESF and support committees and other useful idiots intellocrates. FUTURE MRAP makes it harder! He paid tribute to illegal immigrants illegal real "chance" for the French economy well understood. The illegal immigrant weighs less than regular immigrants accounts for Social Security, and it does not supply the arguments of those who base their xenophobia on the levy on foreign qu'opèrent the facilities and services "Club" France, simply because he lacks the necessary papers to access most favors the welfare state. Faced with problems company that issues of immigration and despite their ideological differences, the men of the state - those that are in place, as those who wish to be - are at least unanimous on one point: we must fight against illegal immigration. This struggle is the stated priority of any immigration policies being proposed to us, whatever party they come from. A unanimous vote is too glaring to be honest ... In fact, an easy scapegoat for a difficult problem, the illegal immigrant has advantages that no regular immigrants.
First, for his moonlighting, illegal immigration lowers the monetary and nonmonetary costs of labor. It enhances the competitiveness of the productive and hinders the process of relocation of businesses that are on site they are encouraged to look outside. It facilitates adjustments in employment to cyclical fluctuations and increases the flexibility of the production process. Clandestine, foreign or domestic, only anticipating the relief statutory payroll taxes that tend to generalize. Leading the network of "informal economy", he participated in the is both a significant control of economic fluctuations, and a lifeline for many institutions in dire straits.
Finally, those who fear that one day the voting rights accorded to aliens lawfully residing in the country can rest assured with the illegal immigrant who, by definition and because of its irregularity, can participate in these celebrations election .
The policy, which is mostly a means to uphold subjectivity of his faith in the adorning of the rule of law, is a path whose access has been closed. This is not the illegal immigrant who can use the public monopoly of coercive power to impose rules for living contrary to our habits.
But precisely, the illegal immigrant does he violates these rules of society? Not necessarily because it is true that he does not respect the rules set by the state, it is wrong to believe that these state rules covering all the rules of society.
Legislation is not the law, such as legality is not the legitimacy, and as no law establishing the principles of politeness. Since the illegal immigrant follows the rules of natural life in society, such as respect for the word, and even if off-the-law, he deserves expulsion less than those who the reverse. Finally, in a world where the guardian of the state is increasingly stifling the unknown underground shows us the path of independence and awakens our sense of individual freedom anesthetized. As such, it was well worth the tribute that has the form of paradox.
/ Excerpt: "In the Sentierparisien, Chinese and Turks are by far the majority in the workshops, but porting between workshops and stores, wholesalers will assurépar Pakistanis and Sri Lankans "
Well, this is well and good, but the matter does not end there, for the MRAP NATIONAL requires the ears and tail of our poster and like good little soldiers islamos Marxists, critics of society NETINO orders of Marxist mrapistofurieux bring even the head of our entire Zionist poster honest and patriotic French on a plateau at our mrapistes!
Our unfortunate "Poster" Zionist and patriotic French received the following mail: Sender: "Moderation Post
To ask us a question thank you to click on the link below: Question HERE Regards,
The team of "moderation" (sic) of the Post
(* 1)
Penalty infamous crime policy consisting of the defense for the condemned to reside on the national territory during a specified period. It is true that the first line of the corruption of morals, the banishment of truth. (Montaigne