Friday, September 24, 2010

Angel Wings With Baby Feet Tattoo, a collective of anti-Semitic?

On September 4, 2010 had created a "blog" called on Collective
All together against the new anti-Semitism (CTECNA ) EMail:

On # Profile said

The new antisemitism is the concept of a new form of anti-Semitism that developed in the early twenty-first

th century, simultaneously from the left and Islam, and tending to occur as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel.

On September 16 we received here of writing Hello All against anti-Semitism, After reading and careful analysis of your item 15.09.10 5:44 p.m. by the our moderation team, it had to be withdrawn from publication because of its non-compliance vis-à-vis the use of charter

The reason for withdrawal your article is:


For Article: The Communist Party continues to boast a French anti-Semitic homophobic crime against humanity. (This was the "icon" of the PCF, Ernest Che Guevara)

Bof, we did not care quite as it was back online here: Click comrades!

On September 23, 2010

9:24 (The time is important).

We get here of writing
Hello All cons Semitism
After reading and careful analysis of your article 07.09.10 11:13
(Either item stayed online for over 16 days and read over 4500 times, receiving rave reviews)
by our moderation team, it had to be withdrawn from publication because of its non-compliance vis-à-vis the use of charter
( readings at 11 September 3045. Four reviews A censored.)

All opinions are accepted within the rules defined in the Charter and subject to editorial expressing them in a courteous, reasoned, and without aggressiveness. The reason for withdrawing your article is: Other reasons unspecified

(Denounce Anti-Semitism " is a pattern of censorship of your articles on!)

Ps: to recall the text of your article was: Five "alleged" anti-Semitic Left pursued in Mulhouse . Well, it's not serious, the article is back online: Click here with these comments and even a comment "censored" that no longer existed on the .

But much more serious, a few minutes later, the moderation team writes:

September 23, 2010 at 9:26

Hello All against the antis? Semitism, (they definitely have a problem with the spelling

We inform you that we are forced to suspend your account for non-compliance with the Charter of the Post.

The charter can be found at: Reason for ban: already-banned (Sic) But that said the famous "Charter" about this infamous sentence said: Banishment or return of a banished'm saying? Nothing, she says nothing! Nada! Zobi! The moderation of behaves like in Muslim countries where they would apply the Sharia Semitic!

For cons, the use of for propaganda, proselytism, for political purposes, this kind of behavior is proscribed'm saying on

is why they leave the blog online CPF Béziers:

Section of the Communist Party of Béziers, 2 rue Voltaire Beziers 34500 (Hérault) Our section is for FCP back to the fundamentals of Marxism, so totally anti-capitalist for uncompromising social democracy ...

It is true that from these "people" there, Bolchos Marxist associates of 150 million victims of the implementation of socialism, from these "people" there sir, we do not have a policy: it shits the shit Socialist antisemitic criminal today, like China, North Korea, Vietnam or Cuba!

This is also the blog of the MRAP as racist and antisemitic National Boycott of Israel in the first full page of its national website:

http://www. / Me / MRAP /
write to Mr. Obama is not politics? What then?

And cherry which is fortunately not yet the time, red on the cake: The group of ultra left socialist garbage, filthy anti-Semitic, racist anti white smelly that the assets and activists say:
the 154 members of hateful anti-Semitic pointers are not political, it's politiquitude then?
And there are a lot like that! New that it mocks the, the new media anti-Semitic?

It's not over the cocos Semitic, we continue the fight. . .!

FYI, all the Posts published on the blog of the collective, these items will be delivered online with beautiful pictures, with comments from posters and all the press (Not to mention Facebook, Tweeter etc.. maintained your Stalinist methods and Islamists!

Signed Illegible

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Gracian Style Haircut

Santoni-master Geny on Monks Tibhirine

Master Geny-Santoni on Monks Tibhirine

Play Me Geny-Santoni, Rina Sherman counsel in the lawsuit that opposes it to Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, who was convicted of deliberate violence against the person Didier Contant.

"The eighth death Tibhirine" Rina Sherman Published by: Editions Tatamis page / ... page.php/id/111235/l/Se% 20procurer
in French, and
Editions Lazhari Labter
http://lazharilabtereditions.over-blog.c om /
in French and Arabic

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Braless At 16

September 27, 2010 appeal hearing chamber 2-8 of the Court of Appeal of Paris Jean-Baptiste Rivoire

Jean-Baptiste Rivoire , a journalist with Canal +, will be re-heard on appeal in the trial in which he was convicted of deliberate violence against the person in Didier Contant, a reporter who was killed in 2004 when its third investigation into the death of Monks Tibhirine.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Knife In Belly Button

I will chat in here!

Click HERE
and JMI Group: Click Here
joined her royal husband in heaven or hell Yaveh his equally noble lover Lucifer himself, but chuuuut I've said nothing cuckold the risk of this angry and this disaster will be even moult and wicked wanderings in perspective, we will say so in good fake ass she joined God in person and she sits on his right to judge the living and the dead. Netino my kill! It was she exclaimed before pushing his last breath, actually small holes smelly green monkey ass red called "moderators" are banned from She had created her blog on June 22 Last Post on or also told the Post Room, chamber pot or stir the putrid finest turds socialists and communists of the ultra left of France, except of course the Zionist Group Truth. Whatever? After more than 17 articles censored, this time the blog is jumping, long live the "freedom" of expression of French left, it's like in North Korea!

On September 2 at 12:46 she received it:

Sale Turkish delight your guy,

Other reasons unspecified. In fact your article feels the pig! And if sharia ft if at all. Coum if its there, shut your mouth ti ak bar slut or you spice di counasse! Our mahomerdateurs islamomarxistes are held to a strict obligation to respect for Mao and corranerries Muslim.

In this cat! The neutrality of Allah Islamic Lise is also regularly checked by an ayatollah of anti-Zionist party to Dieudonne and the mullahs and political commissars of the editorial di Post.ifir

At your look man and dirty guy bijour Belbec Nadine, Nadine and Aumoque Ouald

Mahomerdatus (PSL).
few minutes later it's the blog that farts squeaker squeaker in these socks! Well, enough rice for today and tomorrow as well said Mao Tse Tung.

Anyway Post.ifir on, I will ... .. Meanwhile celebrate this great victory of the group TRUTH again unjustly censured for an unspecified reason!

Great Mercy pay his tour.

In tribute to: