Friday, September 18, 2009

Southland Leisure Center

Gaza Palestine is like the loneliness does not exist.

In limine: This article was censored three times on the, the first time September 14, 2009, article posted on the blog to Big Bertha's Feet, completely censored after loan 800 "incentives", more than 40 articles of high moral Zionists, but iconoclastic, that some evil tongues said they were filthy and vulgar, for some read more than 4000 times. A second consecutive day when the blog disappeared Captain Adock and third time the same day on the blog of Betty World. If it were necessary to demonstrate the site is a Semitic!!

Palestine is a Myth! Say the name "Palestine" is an insult to the Jewish people!

palestine? You dare talk about Palestine? In French, the term "Palestine" has been used for centuries to describe a wave without borders, roughly geographically located between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River.

The name Palestine was used for the first time in the year 135 by the Roman emperor Hadrian, who, after the revolt of Bar Kohba, not content with having eliminated Jewish presence in Judea (a presence that lasted for over 1000 years!), not content with having destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, not content with having banned the country's access to the last Jews, persuaded himself that he had annihilate all traces of Jewish civilization in the country by renaming the benefit of a name derived from the Philistines. The Philistines are people to whom it belonged Goliath and the Hebrews were able to overcome centuries earlier. This baptism was a way for the Romans to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem "Alea Capitolina", but that did not meet the same success.

Palestine as an autonomous entity has never existed in history. Never! The border region was dominated successively nonexistent by the Romans, the Crusaders by Christians or she became known as the "holy land" and then by the Muslims (who have also never made Jerusalem a capital for which they occupied the country) by the Ottomans, and briefly by the British after the First World War. By 1917, with the Balfour Declaration, the British were in favor to give at least a portion of the territory to the Jewish people so that they establish a sovereign state.

I prefer to call this land of the beautiful name of Israel and I denounce the fraudulent use of the term "Palestine" in reference to the Philistines because it is a false history. The reference "Bible" mentions "Peleshet" than during the wars between Hebrews and Philistines, and spoke of the people who lives a few towns on the outskirts of Ashkelon and not all the land between the river and the sea which is known as "Canaan" and "Eretz Israel". But Arabs and other Muslims are not supporting leftist to a historical lie ready.

However it should be noted that large cities (for the time) appear the late fourth millennium. Jericho dates from this period. It's in Jericho, we discovered the most ancient oil jars dated to 6000 BCE, the country called the land of Canaan, vague territory that stretched from Egypt to the mountains of Lebanon. The inhabitants of Canaan were predominantly Semites settled in the country to 3000 and organized in small communities each with its own ruler, often a common religion and monolatry Eloïste or Yaviste. Canaan was partially occupied by the Hebrews to 1200 and took the name of Eretz Israel. The inhabitants of Canaan, spoke a Semitic language group of north-west. These are the dialects of Hebrew Israel and Judah, the Phoenician (including language of Carthage, the Punic, Moabite, Edomite and the Amorite and the Aramaic in the sixth century BC. J. - C. was the administrative language of the Persian Empire and that will last up to 650 AD. J.-C, which was the main written language of the Middle East. palestine But there was no question.

In addition there is no language known as Palestinian. Or even specifically Palestinian culture. There has never been a Palestine governed by Palestinians. These are Arabs, and are indistinguishable from Jordanians (Jordan is also a recent invention, created from scratch in 1922 by the British). Put yourself firmly in mind that the Arab world controls 99.9% of the land of the Middle East. O Israel represents only 1% of the regional area! But it's already too much for the Arabs. They want everything. And it is precisely here lies the crux of their dispute to Israel. agree say to me, but what about the holy places of Islam? There simply are none in Jerusalem. Shocked? You can be. I am sure you will never hear this brutal truth from any media worldwide. It is politically incorrect. I know you will say: "Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem represent the third holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina. Well, know it is false ! In fact, the Quran makes no mention of Jerusalem. Mecca is mentioned hundreds of times. Medina is mentioned countless times. But Jerusalem, never (conversely, Jerusalem is mentioned 669 times in the Torah!). So how is it Jerusalem became the third holiest site in Islam? Islamists, fundamentalists today, refer to a vague passage in the Koran, the seventeenth Sura, entitled "The Night Journey". There is indicated a journey that Muhammad was transported in a dream and night "of the sacred temple to temple the farthest we blessed the enclosure. (It is a sort of fable, tale from the Arabian Nights or Alice in camel) In the seventh century, some Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse as Mecca and Jerusalem. That's what the connection is so close between Islam and Jerusalem - connection made interpretations on a virtual night journey. Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back to the days of the patriarch Abraham. Approximately 5000 BC.
The latest wave of violence that have raged in Israel was as originally told, the tour leader's Likud Ariel Sharon on the Temple Mount, where are the foundations of the Temple built by Solomon. It is the holiest site of Judaism. Sharon and his entourage were welcomed with blows from stones and insults. Can you imagine the feelings of the Jews to be threatened, stoned and physically kept out of the holiest site of Judaism?

So you say, what is the solution to bring peace in the Middle East?

Frankly, I do not think a man can now claim to have a lasting solution. But if there is one, it must begin by restoring the Truth. The pursuit lies will only bring more chaos. Continue to look down a legitimate right older than 5000 years for the Jews, moreover strengthened by historical and archaeological evidence brilliant, by confronting them with false claims, can only give a bad reputation in this diplomacy of liars. Alain Michel


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Does Anyone Own An Orla Kiely Handbag

The egg hunt continues!

Article censored by the communist socialist Islamodantur

History tampered with, falsified, adulterated by the French cultural Marxist Left to hide the fact that the twentieth century is that of the Socialist horror that continues today. There was also the English flu, earthquakes, but the hope of this foul stinking socialist left always spout, drowned in the blood of hundreds of millions of innocent people and continues to fuel hatred another. We tried to put it right Fascism and Nazism as the socialist ideology was largely the same as Marxism-Leninism, but to the right place Stalin, Enver Hoxha, Mao and Pol Pot, this is impossible, then forget them ... and their millions of victims too. I do not forget!

It seems that this egg hunt pleasure to do well in a large number of men and women c'péhy fingers of the man in the center of Union Libertarian who always profess that socialist ideology criminal (remember ever that communism is the culmination of socialism). So let's go!

Today: The Communist collaborator of Nazi Germany Ambroise Croizat.

Ambroise Croizat was a devil of a false token Communist complicity in crimes against humanity, but "French". Born in 1901 the Savoy was Secretary General of the Federation CGT communist "workers" (sic) of the metal.

The six million Ukrainians genocide thank Mr. Croizat well, the Socialist Party, all the formations of the left and the CPF for their silence then and now!
Ambroise Croizat is Communist deputy of the Seine from 1936 to 1940.

January 20, 1940: He was stripped of his seat thanks to the adoption by the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the Socialist law revoking the Communist deputies collaborators with the occupier Nazi.

"The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies adopted
" The President of the Republic promulgates the law which reads as follows:

"Art.1-Any member of an elected assembly which was part of the French Section the Communist International, to which the order of 26 September 1939 on the dissolution of communist organizations, is deprived of right of its mandate, the date of publication of this law, if not, either by a resignation or by a statement published in the October 26, 1939, categorically repudiated Communist Party membership and participating in all activities prohibited by the aforementioned decree.

"Art.2-For members of legislatures, the disqualification imposed by this Act is recorded at the request of the Government by the Senate or the House of Deputies.
" For members of other assemblies, it is recognized at the request of the prefect, by order of the prefecture.

"Art.3-Any elected official who is condemned by the decree of September 26, 1939, for events subsequent to the resignation or the public statement under Article I, is deprived of right of its mandate in conditions by this Act, the date on which the conviction becomes final.
"This law, considered and adopted by the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, will be enforced as State law. " Done at Paris, January 20, 1940. By the President of the Republic, Albert Lebrun
. (Republican Left!)

February 5, 1940: Held the trial of Communists elected - Referred to Military Court
"French Republic, Seen the proceedings instituted against the below-named names - accused of violating the decree of September 26, 1939, on the dissolution of communist organizations. "Whereas, as a result of the same information, a prima facie case against: The One is BAREL, Croizat 14th. The criminal Jacques Duclos. 18 th MOQUET (Guy's father) is 30 th traitor and criminal against humanity THOREZ is 41 th etc.. etc.. "having to Paris, or on French territory, between September 27 and October 5, 1939, in all cases since time is not mandatory, participating in the establishment and operation of the Group said" Group French Worker and Peasant "(reconstruction of the communist party banned by the socialist government of Daladier) including the drafting and dissemination of a letter dated 1 October 1939, addressed to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, and advocating (be called) peace under the auspices of the Soviet Union, participated in an activity directly or indirectly intended to spread the slogans from or within the Third Communist International and in fact by controlled entities the Third International. "Whereas the facts set forth above constitute the offense punishable under Articles 1, 3 and 4 of the decree of September 26, 1939, in implementation of the Act of March 19, 1939.
us send forty-four defendants above named to the 3rd Permanent Military Tribunal of Paris to be tried according to law.
"Done in Chambers at the Palais de Justice in Paris.
" On February 5, 1940. " Judge military training: DE MOISSAC Council President, Minister of National Defense and War and Business Foreign Edouard Daladier. The Vice-Chairman Chautemps. The Attorney General, Justice Minister Georges Bonnet. The Minister of Interior Albert Sarrault. After serving a prison sentence for belonging to the terrorist group called "Group Worker and Peasant French," some biographies (revisionist communists) falsely told the "forbidden under the Vichy government," (The Encyclopedia Marxist Wikimerdia said: "After serving a prison sentence for belonging to the PC, not under the Vichy government, he was transferred to Algeria.") then we have seen, this group collaborationist with the occupying German has been by the Socialist government of Daladier, and yet another striking evidence of the awkwardness of the left who idolizes simulacra of false idols is to falsify history and exploit for purely ideological, if not, propagandists (and here we approach the famous perniciously faked photographs that circulated a few decades ago in the Soviet Russia, except that no one would admit that this heresy is still continuing in our time radiating a pair of blinders tight fitting part of the paraphernalia of the perfect or the perfect little socialist moron abrutile citizen. Croizat was finally relegated in Algeria with his friend Comrade Moquet (Guy's father). Freed, he became a member of the Consultative Assembly in Algiers in which he represents the CGT. At the Liberation, he was elected member of the two Constituent Assemblies and National Assembly from 1946 to 1951.

Croizat was Minister of Labour that motherfucker De Gaulle (De Gaulle allowing the arrival of communist collaborators in government) of 21 November 1945 to January 26, 1946 then Minister of Labour and Social Security of 26 January December 16, 1946 (Gouin Bidault governments) and from 22 January to 4 May 1947 (end of Communist participation in government). Nicknamed
propaganda bolcho the "Minister of workers' the name of the mob remains attached to major legislation relating to the Communists Claim Social Security SS, (Establishment of the latter, administrative funds and elections to boards of funds and schemes of all Communist officials Nidor ), its negative influence is also exerted on Marxist plans for works councils, the status of staff representatives, collective bargaining, prevention and repair of injuries, the family benefit scheme (which the originated in the National Socialist government of Vichy, as Mother's Day).
In twenty-eight months he accomplished a work so large and Communist despicable theft of an entire nation for the benefit of dirty bolchos.
Encyclopaedia, much preferable to Wikipedia as very bad language called Wikimerdia or found items that it wanted to encyclopedic, created and edited by volunteer contributors anonymous politically correct, the stew, the soup kitchen ideas. Liberpédia tells us that: "The socialist redistribution policy and the SS is one, is made by the powerful at the expense of low But there is obviously much more yet certain, is that you can not find a better definition of political power to be able to get away with violence to others, or the weakness of being helpless against aggression.
As the natural property is always first, it follows of necessity that any redistribution socialist policy that denies it and says, supposedly, the "reform" is made by the powerful and exercised at the expense of the weak. "But back to our
coconut served on the Central Committee of Communist Party Nidor French. Here
; make a small digression. There is a thing that the escape of some of my readers or readers, so this Communist Party said that this internationalist dishonors the name of the French in appending his name Nidor is simple, to enjoy certain benefits, as the SS must be a citizen: thus, despite their efforts to try to believe otherwise, accusing their opponents of "populism" or "extreme right", socialism can only be national. National socialism? National socialism? QED. To finish with
Croizat, this traitor Nazi collaborator dies following a serious operation a few months after the death of his son in an accident. The filthy Communist Party makes grandiose funeral with taxpayer money. He is buried in the cemetery of Père-Lachaise. An article by Alain Michel Labet of Bornay ...
Posted on Berthe's blog with big feet on
All rights reserved, including the mainland China, the Islamic Republic of Iran and North Korea.