Friday, March 28, 2008

Do North Face Fleece Shrink

Press Review

Evidence presented to the fury of fans "who-killed-who?"

In court October 1

Minutes Jean-Baptiste Rivoire The court retains "methods of thugs" 3 October 2009

John Baptiste Rivoire was caught by witnesses who have become as much evidence against him. This evidence points to the "cabal media and undermining" undertaken by Rivoire Contant cons. The object of the dispute is for the record on the survey prepared in parallel, the two journalists on the death of Tibhirine monks in 1996. Rivoire worked for Canal +.

What is the role of Jean-Baptiste Rivoire in the death of Didier Contant?

The trial of French journalist Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, accused of assault and premeditated against the reporter Didier Contant who investigated the death of the monks of Tibhirine opens this morning at the Paris Criminal Court

Return of Jean-Baptiste Rivoire before the Criminal Court for " deliberate violence premeditated "

Jean-Baptiste Rivoire court Correctional

of Paris The Parisian investigating judge Patrick Ramael, which is investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of the reporter and former editor of the Gamma agency, Didier Contant, ordered on February 5 the return of Jean-Baptiste Rivoire , journalist on Canal +, court Correctional of Paris for "voluntary violence premeditated".

Jean-Baptiste Rivoire indicted in the case Contant - Prochoix

JB Rivoire, a journalist with Canal +, indicted in the case of death of Didier Contant
Grand unpacking? - El Watan

Rina Sherman delivers a vivid testimony about the death of his companion, Didier Contant.
Rina Sherman Algiers.
Rina Sherman delivers a vivid testimony about the death of his companion, Didier Contant. To pay tribute to the man she loves, she tells them with verve love story and the tragedy they have experienced. His story reads like a novel as a thriller, in which suspense, investigation and combat merge in critical thinking: Do not be silent so that either meets one of the fundamental rights of man, that of freedom of expression. 03/23/2008.
Copyright: Zebari Nacerdine / GAMMA / Eyedea Presse Fund: GAMMA
Reference: GAS2016554_006

The failure of "Who kills whom? "- The evening of Algeria

21.03.2008 - Jean-Baptiste Rivoire indicted in the case Contant - International mail blogs

Case Didier Contant: The defender of "Who kills whom? "Indicted in France - Presse Dz

Rina Sherman. Author of the survey of monks Tibhirine
"Contant was driven to suicide" - El Watan

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is Hiv Pep Effective?

Rivoire set Contant examination in the case: The death of investigative journalist on death of the monks of Tibhirine

Press release - Paris, March 19, 2008 By Rina Sherman

Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, Canal + journalist was indicted March 17, 2008 for committing premeditated intentional violence on the person of his colleague Didier Contant, a journalist who died in February 2004 while the latter was preparing to publish an investigation into the death of the monks of Tibhirine.

At the end of January 2004, Didier Contant, former editor of the Gamma agency, returned to Algeria of an investigation into the abduction and murder of monks Tibhirine in 1996. In Paris, he learned that Jean-Baptiste Rivoire Canal + authentic received an email from Amnesty International in London, accused of working for Algerian and French secret services and harassing the wife of Abdelkader Tigha, with the discrediting of Parisian newsrooms, including that of the newspaper Le Figaro Magazine, which was to publish its investigation.

Defector Algerian army, Tigha involved the Algerian army in the killing of monks, thesis defended by the team of Canal +, as the members of the lobby "Who kills whom? . The former sergeant was a key witness for emissions "Monday investigation" and "90 Minutes" of Canal +, as well as for the complaint filed in December 2003 by Mr Baldwin (FIDH) for families of victims monks. Previous investigations have been Didier Contant respectively published in the Pilgrim magazine in February 2003 and in Le Figaro Magazine in December 2003. During his last investigative reporter e had found new witnesses indicating that the monks were murdered by the GIA and he had gathered evidence casting doubt on the person of Abdelkader Tigha.

Despite the seriousness of the charges, no fellow Parisian newsrooms did not ask the reporter to Canal Plus to provide supporting evidence. Reached deep into his reputation and his honor, Didier Contant does not support the slander and died in mysterious circumstances. The investigation concluded it was suicide. One reporter asks the question of responsibility for his colleague from Canal + in his death: Jean-François Kahn in the weekly Marianne. First sentenced for defamation, Kahn won the appeal trial, which established a link between the actions of journalists from Canal + and the death of Didier Contant.

Convinced of the innocence of Didier Contant and the adverse effect that the charges of the team of Canal + had on this veteran journalist, Rina Sherman -cons led an investigation into the death of his companion. The findings of the investigation allowed him to file a complaint with a civil party in deliberate violence against Rivoire Canal + and publish a book, The eighth death Tibhirine (Tatamis Editions, Paris and Editions Lazhari Labter & Evening Algeria, Algiers) in 2007. Rina Sherman will release soon a film of my Paris exiles, who reflects on freedom of expression is a fundamental right of human beings.

Contact: @ huitieme.mort.tibhirine or view the file "The other investigation Tibhirine" of Golias Magazine, no. 115