Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How Do You Make A Sinker Mold

21. The beginnings of the battle (Part two)

Horrible and unspeakably wonderful feeling for those who watched this show to feel that their souls by the thousands of icy eyes welling up from nowhere and whose eyes and pierced. Despite this horrific spectacle and atmosphere that arose, such as use should be, my son, and other hand, Formoirés outfalls and land handed free gifts and exchanged messages that they were told to repeat.

So, my child, bright as the dawn, grand, like a ray of sunshine, the company Dagda reappeared when everyone thought they would do more. Nuada went in person and on behalf of all talk with his brother Balor. As he had been approached to be a great leader of his birth, he behaved. Worthy, without hatred, his eyes shining pride that characterized the greatest, Nuada came amid troops of the army of darkness, unafraid. He did not grant the accolade Balor fraternal and immediately asked him to make Grail and leave the land of the Elders. If he does not run, he would face the wrath of Dagda.

You see my child, just be sensible would have understood what was offered chance to make amends and acknowledge his mistakes ... To leave with the bitter taste of shame in the mouth but with nobility, raised in the eyes of everyone. Balor himself, does not react differently than if it had been fun. And his decision would be in line for him had decided that the shadow now dominated ... the battle was thus choose the Dark Lord.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

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20. The beginnings of the battle (Part one)

Just Dagda and his entourage had they left Thule, the Dark Lord gathers the most formidable war council that has brought Nemedian. Returning to the land of free people Tuatha De Danann, Dagda sent all his followers in their homes to notify their people. It had to be notified of all the threatening shadow of the confrontation that would inevitably occur. All had been ordered to prepare harnesses and weapons.

Then my young friend, Brug Na Boyne Findias, Murias, Gori and other cities Falia fabulous whose name escapes us still were subject to unusual stirring events preceding the dark. Tuatha De Danann and humans usually so full of joy equipped themselves for battle. If the price of peace was war, it would be so and everyone would give his blood for the middle ground and in the name of Dagda.

But, my child, away from the horrors of war fever that far wiser intoxicated, ran a strange advice. After a serious dialogue between Dagda, Lugh, Goibniu, Nemed, Diancecht, Oghma Lars first supreme ruler of the Goblins and mages the most erudite and enlightened planning, these illustrious lords, went to the realm of Gruagachs. Apart Dagda and his entourage, none of those who remained in the territories free to organize their defense had been wrapped in secrecy because of the departure, not even Dana.

The coasts of middle earth, usually so peaceful, were facilitated by the swarming incessant dark centipedes formed by Balor's evil cohorts. Harnessed, howling, foaming drool a rage born of long instilled by the Dark Lord were all excited at the idea of annihilating the opponents they hated so much. Yes my son, the brothers went back to draw blood from their own, the shadow had come to sow disorder that would now be impossible to erase memories.

Helmets to bronze headdresses, breastplates of bronze swords, axes and pikes were bristling steel aggressively their glow hate this pathetic and monstrous giant with tentacles and disorderly movements. Turquoise sea and usually so serene was now thrown into a multitude of vessels and skiffs that three times ten people together would have been difficult to count. Their sails half drowned in a magical mist woven by necromancers Formoirés Fir Bolg and left eye, however, clear marking their unique texture of its dark luster bad.

Monday, June 18, 2007

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19. Consequences of the deceit of Balor (Part two)

When Formoirés, Tuathans and humans took place at the table, Dagda stood. He held his magic harp and offered as a gift to host the banquet of his songs. He played the first chords of the joy and all the guests all laughed. Following the joy, sadness agreements split the heart of everyone wept until the soil is soaked with tears. In conclusion, Dagda played the melancholy of sleep and all fell asleep. Taking advantage of drowsiness general, the Tuatha original Grail emptied of its contents and filled it with all the food he could find in Thule. After a moment, the revelers awoke without having kept the memory of falling asleep.

Balor that gnawing impatience turned to his father. "I think your songs even though they lasted long delighted the meeting. You must be very hungry Father, the honor is yours to begin This feast by taking you from the leader, she will rightfully. "Dagda expecting at that time seized Grail head on and began to swallow the contents without taking time to breathe. Before the astonished eyes of all, he emptied the magic cauldron until the last drop, then turned to Balor. "Here, as you can see, I have answered your hospitality and I am fed with what you had intended. It appears that your banquet promises are not equal to my appetite! Now that nothing remains, how do you intend to satisfy the rest of your guests? It is an affront that I can not decently I prefer to accept and start hoping that you repair this humiliation by listening to the voice of wisdom and ceasing to lead you into an animal. We leave and I hope that you pay this insult by withdrawing your minions of my land, and that you bring the Grail to the place he should have never quit, Brug Na Boyne! If this was not the case, know that now, the whole Tuathan would rise alongside men to fight you. "

Thursday, June 14, 2007

How To Put A Hinged Nose In

18. Consequences the cunning of Balor (Part one)

Whatever the nature of a new, no matter who is the bearer and who sends him the best welcome is always reserved. And my young friend, was the case for sending emissaries Balor. A banquet was even given in their honor. For the god Dagda is good and that in no case shall derogate from the laws of hospitality he has introduced. The firstborn heard that Formoirés had to say and even allowed to laugh at him. Although he does not shew, suffering filled his heart.

However, my child, and this is where you should see the greatness of this God, the humiliation was nothing compared to what needs to see again on earth peace median. Desiring that the horror continues and things back to normal, Dagda sent emissaries in Thule. He charged them to answer the Dark Lord that he would move to witness his union with Morrigan.

At this news, Balor was seized with an uncontrollable rage. His blindness and let's face as his shady mentor convinced him that the Tuatha De original had decided to ridicule, preferring to sacrifice his daughter rather than risk a fight as he had expected. The new shade inspired Balor submitting a plan that would require Dagda to react to what everyone believes that its decision was intended only to betray the hospitality the Dark Lord. Thus, for all the firstborn would not be better than his son deformed because he could not do otherwise than to violate one of the most important key statutes.

As expected, Dagda appeared at Thule, carrying as it should be present and accompanied Nemed and major Tuatha De lords whose number had indeed thought that peace would be sealed by the union of the last of the Morrigan children their race. Thule had been decorated in the manner of Brug Na Boyne, a thousand banners gleaming in the image of the eye Sole had been arranged wherever we can fit the look. The screams and groans of Carnyx Fir Bolg drums resounded with such intensity that the very walls of the city shook. Balor greeted Dagda and his entourage in the arm of Morrigan who was dressed in black because that was the color of weapons Formoirés.

listen well, my son, how Balor's cynicism knows no bounds. Having secretly plotting his plan, he made sure that Morrigan hear him give his recommendations to the servants to pour poison into a powerful Grail, which would be prepared dishes that we offer to guests. Embracing his father, Morrigan could not help whispering in his ear what she knew. In this it acts as the Dark Lord had hoped. Dagda aware of the deceitful maneuver her son knew that if he did not eat the food offered to him, he would find himself in the position of offending. Tormented by the dilemma, the firstborn is considering the most clever not to fall into the trap.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

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17. The choice of Morrigan (Part two)

Alas, the misshapen brother whose sick mind was ravaged by the deputy was animated as bellicose and vengeful against the Tuatha De Danann ... Perhaps even more toward humans who dared challenge his omnipotence. Inspired by his mentor who fed his madness by distilling and skilfully probably suspected, the Lord and King of Formoirés examined the request of his sister. O my son, deceit would still work and one-eyed Balor elaborated the frame of what would be his revenge.

After much thought, accepted the proposal of Balor Morrigan ... However, my child, you imagine that the answer would still be the opportunity for a new deception. Also, the Formoiré put a single condition that would be decisive in the implementation of the agreement. Departure Balor of the faithful would be effective only when Morrigan would have given a child to his brother. This birth would seek to seal their marriage and would be in everyone's eyes, the living symbol of this pact.

Morrigan Balor knew that was coming from the trap. The lost soul, not distinguishing any other way to stop the madness it was originally the Tuatha De to the red hair was resigned to comply with this arrangement. The Lord in one eye for whom this victory was much more than revenge on Morrigan, but more importantly, my young friend, the opportunity to hurt Dagda, burst into a laugh that shook the earth median as thunder.

Eager to taste the result of his trick, he hastened to send emissaries to Formoirés Brug Na Boyne, and in all the cities the Tuatha De Danann. Vanity to announce that the Morrigan joined on his land to the husband to take the land here is the sovereign Formoiré a layer of clouds so dark as night to reside permanently. Yes my child, changes began to affect many claims Nemedian signs of fatal ...