And if the neocons were right? Une telle suggestion — les néoconservateurs auraient eu raison — ne peut susciter en France qu'ironie et indignation
Jacques Rollet dans
Le Monde .
Même si les néoconservateurs U.S., as rightly said Justin Vaisse , showed arrogance and intellectual laziness at the second Iraq war (see his book: History of neoconservatism in the United States , Odile Jacob, 2008 ) the fact remains that they have made a genuine political philosophy that democracy is a property that must be propagated without ulterior motives and without reserve born of realpolitik.
can see the messianic vision of the work of scholars (for example, Sébastien Fath) and French journalists. Forget not that Bill Clinton declared in 1999: "The United States has the opportunity, and I would say the solemn responsibility to shape the twenty-first century e a more peaceful, more prosperous, more democratic." Americans with all their faults, are not only materialistic as the French think the cynicism and they are also idealistic as we're not enough.
[By contrast] the French political analysts of international relations specialists often characterized by high poverty levels in terms of theory, poverty due to the absence of a genuine political philosophy in France excluded from political science. The question is not academic or anecdotal. The many works of political philosophy over the last twenty years have not changed the skeptical view of the French political class on democracy.
... If democracy is the best or least bad regime, it is valid for all peoples and not only for Westerners. It is true that we must analyze the conditions of its establishment by the progress of cultures and economies, but we want this property.
After such a refusal to follow the thought single, one suspects that Jacques Rollet is down in flames by the World readers (one of whom, knowing where to find the real brains of international politics (sic) quotes a sketch ... Guignols and another showing an unfailing lucidity (re-sic), is interesting to compare the author (a political scientist at the University of Rouen) with (with anti-) hero Series Dallas (both with the initials JR )) ...